My Journey to Transformational Mastery with Katherine Bird

My Journey to Transformational Mastery with Katherine Bird

Creating Opportunites to get in the Vibration you Desire in the World
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


I love hearing about people’s stories of transformation.

I sat down with Katherine Bird as she described an intense spiritual awakening. She believes the intensity was by design to lead her towards exploring and studying several modalities on her journey towards transformation mastery.

Katherine uses physical embodiment practices and consciousness work to practice listening to Source to create and raise the consciousness on the planet.

Katherine has created the Five Elements Journey Meditation and, in her work, offers prescriptive physical practices that support deep inquiry into who we are and what we do. She is a Shamanic channel guide and transformational consciousness coach and practices energetic and emotional alchemy.

Katherine helps people in healing and relieves themselves of internal suffering. You can experience her Five Elements Journey Meditation Here

Katherine uses physical embodiment practices and consciousness work to practice listening to Source to create and raise the consciousness on the planet.

Transformational Leadership – Why I Created A Certification Program

Transformational Leadership – Why I Created A Certification Program

Creating Opportunites to get in the Vibration you Desire in the World
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


While I have several certifications in the field of life coaching, I don’t care about them very much. I don’t list them on my website or use any suffixes on my name. The experience of earning them was valuable, but the actual certification doesn’t matter to me so much.

So when Source started sending me messages to create a certification program, it made me scratch my head. I resisted for a long time.

It all started while hosting Retreat and Grow Rich Live, a live retreat where I helped people flesh out their retreat details and explore their magic. While a handful of people were ready to hold potent spaces for transformation for their clients, many more needed more time and training, while others weren’t truly committed.

It became clear with whom I wanted to work. I wanted to work with people committed to transformation and needed more time and training.

I wanted to work with people committed to transformation and needed more time and training.

There are layers of healing that a person must peel away, skills they must master, and energy dynamics they must understand fully before holding space for transformation for others.

They had been called, like I was, to do the work but needed support and time to prepare. At that point, I knew that a retreat format would not work; we couldn’t do this in a weekend. I needed more time and educate and integrate them into being transformational leaders.

So when I saw that most of the people at that retreat needed to hone their skills further as transformational leaders, and after moving past the voice of “who are you to start a certification program?” and “the world doesn’t need another certification program,” I accepted the message coming from Source to launch my Certified Sourced Program pilot.

There are layers of healing that a person must peel away, skills they must master, and energy dynamics they must understand fully before holding space for transformation for others.



I’m writing about this for two reasons.

  1. I love storytelling. I love the evolution of the Certified Sourced Leaders Program and wanted to share it with you. 
  2. Maybe you are getting intuitive hits that you are supposed to be an author or start a podcast, YouTube channel, or whatever it may be, but for some reason, you are resisting. That will continue until you align yourself with what Source is guiding you to do.

If you have a calling or there’s a message coming through about your business model or identity, you know you are here to step into it, but you keep not doing it; Sourced coaches are here to help you! 

Check out the link below to learn more about our private coaching program, Your Sourced Expression.

Your Sourced Expression is our 1-1 private coaching container where we focus on energy and strategy and offer support to honor the spirit of what you are here to do.

Maybe you are getting intuitive hits that you are supposed to be an author or start a podcast, YouTube channel, or whatever it may be, but for some reason, you are resisting.

Creating Opportunities to get in the Vibration You Desire in the World

Creating Opportunities to get in the Vibration You Desire in the World

Creating Opportunites to get in the Vibration you Desire in the World
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


At Sourced, we teach six Sourced Magics types, and we help people see which Magic is alive for them, how it works, and how it can work through them as an expression in the world.

Your Magic is a vibration. When you are in your highest expression of Source, you are a particular vibration in soul alignment with who you came here to be in the world. People notice that when you are in that vibration, everything works more effectively and efficiently, and you can work lighter when you are a match for the right people. You do not have to save, fix, or be all things for all people in a way that is not aligned with your soul.

Your Magic is a vibration. When you are in your highest expression of Source, you are a particular vibration in soul alignment with who you came here to be in the world.

When you exist in a high vibration and can hold it, you can invite people into that higher vibration to be a match with you and help them release anything that is not that. That’s how you get to work lighter! They also get what you have – the experience of a higher vibration!

Two questions for you:

  • How do we know we can hold that higher vibration for others?
  • What do you do when you have had a glimpse of that higher vibration but aren’t quite embodying it yet?

For a higher vibration to become your truth, you must put yourself in environments where you can be in that higher vibration over and over until it is who you are at a cellular level.

In other words, we need to find environments we can remain in until our ego-driven brain knows we won’t die staying there.

We must keep ourselves in that environment long enough to embody the higher vibration, carry it into our home environment, make lasting changes, and invite others to join.

For a higher vibration to become your truth, you must put yourself in environments where you can be in that higher vibration over and over until it is who you are at a cellular level.


Most people can see the possibility of this higher vibration in their familiar environment, but it’s hard to break free of the lower vibration where they have been living in for so long. There’s nothing wrong with that!

Similarly, there is nothing wrong with wanting to put yourself in the experience of living more aligned with your soul and in that higher vibration.

That’s what we create at Sourced! We certify Sourced Leaders who are transformational coaches in different specializations, such as health and wellness, finance, travel, and education, to name a few.

Our Sourced Leaders can support you and hold you in that higher vibration when you are ready to experience what is possible when you embrace your soul-aligned truth. They can hold that space while you train your muscles to hold it for yourself.

What are you doing to get into that kind of environment?

I invite you to consider the worth of being in an environment crafted for you to be in your fullest expression.

Please explore our offerings to see if anything resonates with you.

Our Sourced Leaders can support you and hold you in that higher vibration when you are ready to experience what is possible when you embrace your soul-aligned truth.