How I Transformed the Way I Relate to Food

How I Transformed the Way I Relate to Food

How I Transformed the Way I Relate to Food
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


In this week’s YouTube video and Transformational Storytime, I take you back to when I transformed the way I relate to food. It happened in an instant, and it happened on retreat. 

The journey to loving my body has been long, with many twists and turns. I have grown to trust the wisdom of my body and use it as a healing tool when I work with clients through my Sensation Magic. But it wasn’t always like this. 

I used to hate my body. For as long as I can remember, until recently, food was the first thing I thought of in the morning and the last thing I thought about at night. Would it be a “good” or “bad” day food-wise? The size of my stomach determined if I were a “good ” girl or a “bad” girl. 

So what changed all that? It happened in an instant, and it happened on retreat.

In this retreat, I decided to tackle my relationship with food, and through our work, in the container, I could pinpoint the incident in my childhood, which solidified incorrect beliefs I would hold for years.

Watch this week’s Shift the Field TV, How I Transformed the Way I Related to Food, to hear the shocking story that happened when I was five and discover how I healed and permanently transformed the energy around food that was running the show.

At Sourced, we work with individuals and groups to reveal the energy patterns often hidden from our own view so we can permanently shift them to live and work in alignment with our true authentic selves. Where to start? First, take the Sourced Magic Quiz

Your Presence is More Important than Your Presentation

Your Presence is More Important than Your Presentation

Your Presence is More Important than Your Presentation
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


In this week’s YouTube video, it’s Transformational Storytime again, and I take you back to a time that I made my presentation more important than my presence. 

When I started my coaching business, I had a motto for myself. “Who you are BEING is more important than what you are DOING.” I knew it and believed it, so imagine my surprise when I signed up for a speaker training and found my beingness in complete conflict with my doingness. 

It was one of those times that something hidden from my view was revealed and permanently shifted my field.

Hear the whole story, “Your Presence is More Important than Your Presentation”, on my YouTube channel, Shift the Field TV. If you like this video, please subscribe, share, and help us reach more people with the message of living and leading your business in alignment with Sourced energy. 

How to Use Curiosity and Source to Explore the Unknown

How to Use Curiosity and Source to Explore the Unknown

How to Use Curiosity and Source to Explore the Unknown
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


In this week’s YouTube video, I dive deep with curiosity to explore the benefits of solo travel with Certified Sourced Leader Robin Finney! 

We discussed her unconventional life as a nomad, traveling solo to 22 countries across six continents, practicing radical trust and curiosity, and using Source to guide the way. Robin’s goal is to inspire others to travel and step into the unknown so they may find themselves on a deeper level and take inspired action to embrace their magic fully. 

Within the discussion, we visited potential roadblocks people considering solo travel may encounter, like worry about safety, the language barrier, and how to tackle each. Robin highly values solo travel as a vehicle for discovering your most authentic self and bringing that being back with you to everyday life. 

Darla also recounted a recent Desire Session, the first step in working with Robin. While Darla knew the destination, Scandinavia, she felt ambivalent about her upcoming trip, and Robin worked with her to discover the why or why not. With Robin’s help, Darla shifted her thinking and now considers Scandinavia a potentially magical place. 

Spoiler alert: Darla has purchased a one-way ticket to Norway with an open-ended return. 

To learn how to work with Robin and explore how solo traveling could benefit you, visit

Use Your Magic to Lighten Your Workload

Use Your Magic to Lighten Your Workload

Use Your Magic to Lighten Your Workload
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Today, I want to share a tool to lighten your workload – your Sourced Magic. Your Sourced Magic is your inner knowing and the way God, spirit, the Universe, or the collective energy works with and through you in service of transformation to raise the planet’s consciousness.

How can your Sourced Magic help you lighten your workload?

Your inner knowing or Sourced Magic will guide you most effectively and efficiently to learn the lessons you are here to learn and to deliver the transformational work you are here to deliver.

When you can hear how your inner knowing wants you to move in the world, you make the most potent and aligned decisions without overthinking them.

You just know. 

When you just know, your decision-making process becomes easier. 

Consider this scenario; you are in the process of filling a program and planning your marketing strategy. You are considering promoting on social media, hosting a workshop online, and attending someone else’s event, all as potential marketing opportunities. By using your Sourced Magic, your inner knowing will guide you toward which strategy is best for you. 

When you intuitively know which approach will work for you in advance, you will save a lot of time! There’s no need to do all three, but rather only the one most aligned for you! 

When you design your business around your Sourced Magic, you will work less because your work is most effective when in your Magic. 

Here is an example:

I worked with a client recently who is multi-magical. She is a combination of Sensation and Compassion Magic. When using these two magics together, their work is most potent. She discovered through our work together that many of the things she did for her clients were outside those magics. She was helping them “do things,” and it took away from what they came there for – deep, potent energetic healing. Take the quiz to find out what your Sourced Magic is!

Her need to help “do things” came from the outside of her as an idea of “I have to do this to prove that I am a good person and valuable. I have to make them feel like I am working hard because that is what they are paying for.” 

They learned that when we work outside of our Magic, we have to work harder. 

Recognition Magicians, as another example, can put the pieces together. They can see patterns and trends and identify a thread or pattern that may hold their clients back somehow. 

I recently worked with a web designer who could do this with incredible speed. It was great! She effortlessly identified my brand because she was using her Magic and, therefore, very efficient. 

Her confidence in her value as a designer was not so easefully attained in the past. In the traditional world that most website designers are trained in, when you do a design for a client, there are all these steps. There is a process. You used to have to give the client options, justify your decision, debate with the client, discuss possible revisions, etc. You can imagine how much more time this took! Instead, using their Magic, they knew exactly which branding was right for the client from the beginning. 

As they aligned with and owned their Magic, they began to educate the client upfront about how they work with no debate, and the client could choose to work with them or not. Gone were the days of six different versions of one logo! After the awareness of their Magic, they began to attract only aligned clients that fit with her Magic’s work. 

Now you can see how this will lighten your workload.

So what is your Sourced Magic? 

There are six different magics. 

  • Recognition
  • Sensation
  • Compassion
  • Vibration
  • Expression
  • Expansion

Your sourced Magic is the key to your lasting and lucrative business. When you know how you work most potently, you can let go of all of the advice that doesn’t support your Magic, and you can step into alignment with only the strategies and the ideas that work for you.

We have a quiz to help you discern which Magic is most aligned for you. Take it here. 

I would love to know what you are taking from this video. Let me know in the comments below. 

If you like this video, please subscribe, share, and help us reach more people with the message of living and leading your business in alignment with Sourced energy.  

Honor Your Soft Skills for Business Success

Honor Your Soft Skills for Business Success

Honor Your Soft Skills for Business Success
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


I run a business helping magical people access their soft skills and use them to lead their companies and change lives. 

Becoming a transformational coach wasn’t a predictable path for me. As an engineer, I was used to using numbers and logic to help me make my decisions.

It took a transformation (or several) for me to begin to trust my inner knowing and intuition as a viable and valid path forward.

As a kid, I was always more interested in soft skills. I was a peer helper at school. We mentored younger students to feel confident and self-expressed. In elementary school! It came naturally to me as a part of my expression. 

However, I went to school for engineering because I was good at math and science, and my math teacher said to me once, “If you can, you should become an engineer because you will make a lot of money.” 

I wanted to make a lot of money. 

I grew up in a small town, I didn’t have many opportunities or see many people with many resources. I needed to get out of there to find resources to do what I wanted. So I heard to “use math and science and make a lot of money.” So I went on to become an engineer at Proctor and Gamble. 

At one of my reviews (a positive review; I even received a promotion to Senior Engineer), my supervisor said, “Your soft skills are great, Darla, but they will only get you so far here.” 

There was a part of me that thought, that’s bullshit. My soft skills were what got me promoted! I was doing consumer research and was out in the field interviewing customers about what they liked/disliked about our products. I could feel the energy behind what they were saying about the product (Compassion Magic). I could connect the threads between what I would observe in the field to create the insights that were driving our innovation (Recognition Magic). 

Those were soft skills, and they were not valued. 

He said, “to continue to get promoted, you need to work in a lab as a chemical engineer.” (my degree). So to be the leader of the people, you have to tone down your soft skills and amp up your ability to work in a lab. It could have made more sense, but that was the company line. 

“Your soft skills will only get you so far here,” he said. There was a part of me that thought, “Bullshit,” but another part of me believed him. 

Even when I left corporate and started working in the coaching field, a part of me thought that coaching was less valuable than the technical stuff I had been doing. I was sure I would have to cut back on my spending and live in poverty to do what I loved. 

Does anyone feel that way? 

It has been 13+ years of business for me marketing my soft skills and helping others develop and market their soft skills. 

If you look around the world right now, with the level of technology we live in, soft skills will only become more and more valuable

 As we get to a place where media is so fragmented, and there is no one central source that everyone trusts to tell us what we should or shouldn’t do, our ability to hear our inner knowing and our intuition and to discern what is right and true for us is only going to become more and more important. 

If you have ever thought that your soft skills are not enough, know that it has taken me a few transformations to get to where I know that there is nothing more valuable. 

Please take the Sourced Magic Quiz to find out how your magic works.


Invest in Your Transformational Business by Investing in Yourself

Invest in Your Transformational Business by Investing in Yourself

Invest in Your Transformational Business by Investing in Yourself
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


In this week’s YouTube video, I take you back to early in my business when I had a mindset shift around my revenue and expenses that was a game changer. 

I was still determining exactly what I was doing as an entrepreneur and was drawn to the first transformational coaching program I would enroll in. 

I learned how to have a sales call, enroll people in my program, and, most importantly, I realized that there was so much I still didn’t know and so much hidden from my view about how I was showing up in my business.  

So I enrolled in another one and another one.

What I learned was that there was no program out there that was going to “fix me,” and there was no one program that would be “the answer.”

Instead, I shifted my thinking to – “what would it be like if I was the type of person who was always investing in myself and my growth?”

At that point, a switch inside me flipped, and I started to include a line item in my budget to invest in myself.

When I did that, everything changed. When I added that line item, my revenue went up and stayed.

Ask yourself – what do I desire to invest in? Build that into your money goals. 

Do you need support in living and working more aligned with your soul as the highest expression of yourself? Work with a Sourced Coach 1-1, in a group setting, or on retreat!