How to Break Your Upper Limit and Grow Your Business
How to Break Your Upper Limit and Grow Your Business
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
In this week’s Shift the Field TV episode, I share one of my favorite tools for breaking through an upper limit or barrier to growth in my business.
It may surprise you!
I have done this at several points in my business when I knew there was something more I was here to do or express or receive, especially regarding revenue growth, but something was standing in my way.
In these circumstances, joining a container where I am seen has served me well. I ultimately grow by finding a group or sacred container to express myself, be witnessed, and reflect the energy back to me.
When we find ourselves hitting a plateau, something is often hidden from our view. Only the loving support of a sacred container can find that hidden energy pattern, transform it and make new energy available to reach our goals.
Learn about this transformational tool and how we can help you break through your upper limit in this week’s video, “How to Break an Upper Limit and Grow Your Business.” You can find this and many other tools for transformation on my YouTube channel, Shift the Field TV, where leaders and coaches come to learn how to facilitate transformation with confidence.
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