Sometimes You Just Gotta Move
Sometimes You Just Gotta Move
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
Sometimes you just gotta move because you won’t learn anything standing still. This was one of my early teachings as a transformational coach and the topic of this week’s Shift the Field TV episode!
When I began teaching early in my coaching career, I would guide clients through a visualization that they were standing at the edge of a park with a fountain at the center of it. That fountain represented that person’s soul purpose. While they could not physically see the fountain because of the trees, the paths, and the people, they could hear it.
The lesson – you have to move in one direction or another to see if you can get a better view. You just gotta move!
I go on in this video to discuss some reflections me and my lead coach, Ashlie Woods, had in recent weeks. She woke up one morning, knowing that it was time to move. For me, my air conditioner broke, which could be a coincidence or a sign that it was time for me to move. So together, we honored the time we both had in our sacred spaces, knowing that it is time to move – even if the move is wrong. We just gotta move!
Watch “Sometimes You Just Gotta Move” on my YouTube Channel, Shift the Field TV, to discover what you need to do to uncover a direct line of sight of your fountain.
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