How to Use Desire-based Pricing Strategies

How to Use Desire-based Pricing Strategies

How to Use Desire-based Pricing Strategies

By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

A lot of you might obsess about the value of your work anybody?

Is this valuable? Can I charge that? What should I charge? Let me research my competitors and find out what I should be charging.

Well, what does that have to do with anything?

We don’t know. We don’t know why they charge or they’re charging what they’re charging, do we? So why would we base it off of that?

Why not base it off our own soul?

Ashlie and I were chatting on the break, she was saying, you know, I get it. Okay, if I share what you said.

I get like how long therapists have had to go to school, and what it takes, and totally honor that. And like a coach might have spent 10 years perfecting their craft working with clients before they charge the thing, or do the thing or cleaning up their energy in their life or whatever. And it’s

There’s all these different paths of how to get where we are right and decide what to charge.

And there’s all different reasons why your soul might call you to charge what you charge or structure the way you structure.

So going to research what someone else is doing, and then deciding where you can fit because of that. We you don’t really know why they’re doing what they’re doing.

So how do you go to your desire?

You know, we teach desire-based pricing over here.

Super simple, which is how much money do you want to make.

And let’s say per month, let’s say you want to make 20k per month.

This is when I was doing retreat and Grow Rich, I would recommend people play with 20k a month and just try it on because then you have 10k to pay a team and venue and travel and all of those things, and 10k to pay yourself. So I’m just going to use 20. And let’s say you want I’m going to do this for simple math 10 clients at a time or 10 clients a month then your pricing would be 2k per client per month.

Okay, now, I’m not saying that should be your desire, I’m just giving this example for math. Now the question is, how do you choose this?

The reason I said 20k is I’ve found about I don’t know 70% of my retreat leader clients wanted to make six figures or 10k A month 120. So that’s why I chose that number. Where you really want to come from is what are you? What is calling to you now financially. And this is, this is what I would have asked Lynn if it mattered earlier.

You know, what are you going to do with that? 100k? Why 100k? What is that actual thing that is calling to your soul to do with your money? And what’s that number?

Because that desire is calling you for a reason. Then, you base your pricing on that number.

You base your pricing on that number.

And then don’t obsess about how quickly you hit that number. Do the things to bring in the people.

And before you know it you’ll be at that number.

But it’s based on desire because desire is of Source.

You Can’t Quick Fix Leadership, but here’s how your magic can help.

You Can’t Quick Fix Leadership, but here’s how your magic can help.

You Can’t Quick Fix Leadership, but here’s how your magic can help.

By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

Welcome to the space for transformational leaders to unleash their magic, see better client results, work lighter, and live source. Hi, this is Darla, welcome to today’s video, you can’t quick fix your leadership. But here’s how your magic can help.

I was talking with a friend recently who has a rather large business with quite a few team members. And was asking me, What do I do? I keep explaining how something needs to be done. And I know how it needs to be done. And I know the way that they’re doing it isn’t effective. But yet, every single time I come back, they’re still doing it that way. And I don’t really know what to do help.

And I can tell this person wanted like a quick, easy answer, like do it like this or say it like this? Or even you know, what traditional thought process would be? Are you holding them accountable? Is there a structure for accountability, which actually would be great in this scenario, but there’s more to it than that. And there’s not yet been established a culture and brand values, that would be something that they can tie back to, to say, we do it this way. Because we do it this way, because and then receiving buy in that the actual people working, care about those values and are aligned with them.

Now one of the values that we use, because you know I talk about magic here are sourced magic are the six ways we know what we know what we know, and how to interpret it and how it fires. And I just want to share a snippet of how this can be helpful when you’re working with a team. And in a case like this.

So if someone continued to do something one way, and my magic is saying this way is going to work. We have a culture here at source where we can call magic, where we can say you know what my magic is really firing right now. And this is the way that’s going to work.

And we have we’ve normalized this in our culture, for our team, to where if someone knows, and they know that they know that they know, because they’re getting it as truth in this scenario, then we honor that. Now, in this instance, if something, you know, keeps not going the way I would want it to go, I would ask, you know, this is what my magic is saying, Tell me what’s going on for you. And it has a different depth of conversation. To really go beyond this is how I think it should be done. This is how you think it should be done this mind knowing into what feels resonant for me as the leader. And for the team right now ultimately, me as the leader, it has to feel resonant for me. But if I’m not doing it and the other person has a way where their magic fires better, by all means, then they should call magic, right?

So there’s six types of source magics. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out the link below this video so you can take the quiz and find out what yours is. And I feel curious, especially for those of you who do know your magic and you’ve been studying in this way for a while. How might being able to call magic with your team actually make a difference. This is Darla Ledoux, founder of source and we’ll see you in the next video.

Just Because It Doesn’t Work Out, Doesn’t Mean it Wasn’t Sourced

Just Because It Doesn’t Work Out, Doesn’t Mean it Wasn’t Sourced

Just Because It Doesn’t Work Out, Doesn’t Mean it Wasn’t Sourced

By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

I have had people tell me, “I was following my intuition and all the signs, and it didn’t work out. Now, I can’t trust my inner knowing; I can’t trust Sourced.” To that, I say, just because it doesn’t work out, doesn’t mean it wasn’t Sourced! Quickly followed by – let’s break it down! 

At Sourced, we teach about the six Sourced Magics, a way to access your inner knowing and develop it to lead a peaceful, purposeful, and light way to living and running your business. You can take the Sourced Magic Quiz here.

If we do not receive our preferred outcome, however, does that mean it wasn’t Sourced? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Welcome to being a human. We are all spiritual beings in the human body, and all kinds of energy patterns exist within ourselves. Some of them guide us, and some of them block us. 

Some energy patterns are based on something that happened in the past, and we sometimes (consciously or unconsciously) base our decisions on these patterns to try to control the future to receive the outcome we desire. When we base decisions on a default energy pattern, patterns based on an un-truth like this can create outcomes we don’t prefer. Sounds like bad news, right? Wrong – that result is there to guide you and show you what is next. 

Real-life example: I hosted a live event that cost me over $50K. At first sight, it was an outcome I did not desire. When I delved deeper, I uncovered that I decided to have that event based on something someone told me- to be successful in my business, I had to have a live event. That was a default energy pattern I had. But once I could see it, I could work with it and transmute it. 

That experience made me curious about my intuition and how to identify a true “sign.” I discovered my default energy pattern of doing what others say I should do rather than hearing my own soul and doing that instead. It became a whole season of deep, immersive study of being able to hear myself and led to the birth of my own company, the Six Sourced Magics (my framework), and launched a whole world for my clients and me.

This likely wouldn’t have happened had I been successful in that event. 

Just because the result isn’t what we prefer doesn’t mean it isn’t Sourced.

It’s an opportunity to shift the field. Every time we go through a cycle of transformation, we open up a greater receptivity to our Sourced Magic, which increases the likelihood that our decisions will lead to a state of ease and flow. Remember, no matter the outcome, it is always Sourced and full of information. 

Do you want to learn about your Sourced Magic to how to live more fully in it? Our new four-month container, Living Magic, starts October 17! We will focus on our self-magic, inner knowing, intimacy, and inspiration. Learn more here:

Do You Need a Degree to Do Your Sacred Work?

Do You Need a Degree to Do Your Sacred Work?

Do You Need a Degree to Do Your Sacred Work?

By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

Do you need a degree to do your sacred work in the world? 

Societal standards and the rules we all learn to play by often require permission to do whatever work we do, such as degrees, credentials, licenses, etc. As a chemical engineer, I know this reality firsthand and was a part of the conversation for a long time. 

But then my magic came online, and the standards and rules no longer matched what was coming through me. So what do you do? Find out in my video here! 

While I have many degrees and certifications, I started to get the nudge that I wanted to get physical in my work. 

I remember my experience on an international retreat when something started to happen with my hands. Instinctually, I started researching and figuring out what to do when a clear message came through. “You already know what to do; you came in with it.”. If you know me, you know I believe in past lives, past soul’s journeys, and the idea that you come into your physical being with wisdom and knowing. You just know things. However, it’s one thing to believe in your innate wisdom and another to trust it fully.

What would it be like to trust that you know that you know that you know?

While it is certainly valid to want external validation or permission to do your work, can you own the wisdom and knowing you came in with? 

Our Certified Sourced Leaders Program is designed to give you permission and space to use the wisdom and knowing you came in with in partnership with the framework we teach to learn to deliver transformation to your clients confidently in a group setting.