Authentic Marketing for the Sensitive SoulBy Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the...

The Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader
The Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
I am delighted to share a snippet of our Shift the Field Live event, where I shared the Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader. These are what we anchor ourselves back to as transformational leaders. Ashlie says they are a way to “true ourselves up”.
You will also find in this episode of Shift the Field TV a solid example of a transformational model of leadership as well as a teaching on healthy compassion that I’ve never taught before!
Watch “The Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader” on my YouTube Channel, Shift the Field TV, and let me know which of the five paradigms resonates with you most.
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