A Fresh and New Way to Lead and why hustling isn’t sexy or sustainable

A Fresh and New Way to Lead and why hustling isn’t sexy or sustainable

A Fresh and New Way to Lead and why hustling isn’t sexy or sustainable
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


In this week’s YouTube video, I sat down with Wendy Lee of LeadHERship Revolution and riffed on her idea of a new and fresh way to lead and why hustling isn’t sexy or sustainable.  Watch the full video, A New and Fresh way to Lead, and why hustling isn’t sexy or sustainable, on my YouTube channel, Shift the Field TV.

Wendy began her transformational journey while still working in the Human Resources industry. She brought all she learned about transformation into her work and started relating to people differently. She became more vulnerable intentionally, and the new exchange of compassion she experienced made her realize that if she remained in corporate, she would be limited by rules and regulations and unable to express herself fully. 

Learn more about Wendy, LeadHERship Revolution, and how being vulnerable can be an advantage on my YouTube channel, Shift the Field TV. In the video description, you can also download her free guide, Embracing Your Vulnerability Advantage for ten surprising benefits of connecting with your vulnerability. 

How to Use Curiosity and Source to Explore the Unknown

How to Use Curiosity and Source to Explore the Unknown

How to Use Curiosity and Source to Explore the Unknown
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


In this week’s YouTube video, I dive deep with curiosity to explore the benefits of solo travel with Certified Sourced Leader Robin Finney! 

We discussed her unconventional life as a nomad, traveling solo to 22 countries across six continents, practicing radical trust and curiosity, and using Source to guide the way. Robin’s goal is to inspire others to travel and step into the unknown so they may find themselves on a deeper level and take inspired action to embrace their magic fully. 

Within the discussion, we visited potential roadblocks people considering solo travel may encounter, like worry about safety, the language barrier, and how to tackle each. Robin highly values solo travel as a vehicle for discovering your most authentic self and bringing that being back with you to everyday life. 

Darla also recounted a recent Desire Session, the first step in working with Robin. While Darla knew the destination, Scandinavia, she felt ambivalent about her upcoming trip, and Robin worked with her to discover the why or why not. With Robin’s help, Darla shifted her thinking and now considers Scandinavia a potentially magical place. 

Spoiler alert: Darla has purchased a one-way ticket to Norway with an open-ended return. 

To learn how to work with Robin and explore how solo traveling could benefit you, visit https://www.wanderingaunt.com/

Using Source Within the Cycle of Creation with Lisa Welden

Using Source Within the Cycle of Creation with Lisa Welden

Using Source Within the Cycle of Creation with Lisa Welden
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Lisa Welden is a Certified Sourced Leader and founder of Rebel Sage. 


She believes that everyone has unique medicine to share with the world. She guides her clients to listen to their hearts and trust their rebel nature to create businesses and lives that light them up.


Most of the conversation I had with Lisa was around the Cycle of Creation, the five elements, the importance of creating from Sourced Energy, and stepping into the unknown with no real attachment to the outcomes. 


The Cycle of Creation is a reference tool designed for heart-centered, sensitive, and vulnerable entrepreneurs to some of the masculine blueprints we sometimes try to fit in but ultimately do not match our soul’s desire. 

The Cycle of Creation is a reference tool designed for heart-centered, sensitive entrepreneurs who are vulnerable to the masculine blueprints we sometimes try to fit in but ultimately do not match our soul’s desire. 

The Five Elements – Phases of the Cycle of Creation

Water – Winter, spaciousness of the unknown, void, space to create a spark or catalyst, inspiration


Wood – Spring, something exciting, an idea, commitment to an idea, vision comes into form


Fire – Summer, effective and inspired action, alignment and course correction, program details take shape


Earth – Fall, nourish, digest, and metabolize the creation so we can embody and integrate it


Metal – completion, releasing your creation into the world and letting it be whatever it is, grieving anything that needs to be grieved in preparation for rebirth (water)

The five elements are phasic and cyclical. They are a map to help identify where we are when creating.

The five elements are phasic and cyclical. They are a map to help identify where we are when creating. Some phases are easier for people. Some phases are more challenging for people, and they could feel stuck in one or skip one entirely. 


Lisa has found herself being challenged by water or the spaciousness of the unknown, but using Source, she can be in the stillness of water, trusting that spring (the idea) will come.

Visit my YouTube Channel to watch the entire interview. 

Source-Led Collaborations – a Conversation with Dr. Davia Shepherd

Source-Led Collaborations – a Conversation with Dr. Davia Shepherd

Source-led Collaborations: a Conversation with Dr. Davis Shepherd
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


I sat down with Dr. Davia Shepherd, chiropractor, holistic practitioner, and Certified Sourced Leader.


Davia noticed in her work as a chiropractor that she was functioning as a “backdoor coach.” People would come to her to heal physically but using Source, her intuition, she could always identify the Source of the pain, which typically wasn’t physical. 

One day one of her patients suggested she take a group on retreat, which led her to me! In our work together, Davia has honed her skills as a transformational leader focusing on using Source to support women in gaining visibility through Source-led collaborations. 

Davia has honed her skills as a transformational leader focusing on using Source to support women in gaining visibility through Source-led collaborations.

In our time together, we discussed:

  • The Women’s Power Lunch – a heart-centered networking group that gathers to make deep connections and offer support to each other.
  • The Four Wins of Collaboration
  • The Five Stages of Collaboration
  • What it means to have a Source-led Collaboration
  • The benefits of a Source-led Collaboration
  • Where you can find a Source-led Collaboration


Sexual Transformation and Why It Beats Therapy

Sexual Transformation and Why It Beats Therapy

Sexual Transformation and Why It Beats Therapy
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


I sat down with Tara Galeano, Sexual Empowerment Coach, author of Rediscovering My Body, and Certified Sourced Leader.


She has worked with women for over two decades, helping them bring their sexy back. She knows there is pleasure in the body beyond our wildest dreams and that every woman can access it.


After being trained as a clinician and a Licensed Professional Counselor, she found that people would naturally and organically come to her and start talking about sex, sexual preferences, sexuality, and relationships.


Since sexuality wasn’t covered in her graduate studies, she returned and became a Certified Sex therapist and now does her work as a Sexual Empowerment Coach.


In my Certified Sourced Leaders program, we talk a lot about the energy we put into a space, and Tara’s soul magnetizes the work she does today.

In my Certified Sourced Leaders program, we talk a lot about the energy we put into a space, and Tara’s soul magnetizes the work she does today.

In our conversation, we talked about:

  • Her passion for working groups and the multidimensional transformation that accompanies that dynamic
  • Her work with women who have had a cancer diagnosis and their conflicting relationship with their bodies
  • Her concept of community
  • Her time living on a bus, traveling around the United States, visiting and living in various intentional communities, and the connection to the land and Mother Earth
  • Sacred Geometry, Sacred Sites, and the beauty of ceremony
  • The energetic difference between being a sex therapist versus being a Sexual Empowerment Coach led by Sourced
  • How she uses her magic and embodiment in her work with clients
  • Templating and its usefulness in the field of sex and sexuality


Ask yourself, what would it feel like to be yourself, be completely present, and know what you want in the bedroom?


It’s a juicy conversation, friends. Check it out.