Exclusive Invitation To The Innovative Event of The Year…
Discover How To Combine Your Unique “Magic” With World Class Business Growth Strategies To Build An Aligned Six Or Seven-Figure Business That You Love…
Your Transformation Begins October 29-30, 2024 At Divinely Unstoppable Live In Houston, Texas
From: Darla LeDoux and Ron Reich
It’s no secret that we’re living in some interesting times. There’s been a lot of talk about how “the industry is changing” and how people “aren’t buying high-end offers like they used to.” While there is some truth to this, it’s also true that many of our clients are having record years… and selling high-end offers easier than ever.
So what is going on here?
The truth of the matter is that the industry IS changing and the things that worked two years ago or even a year ago aren’t working as well as they used to.
To succeed as entrepreneurs in these current times we must be able to constantly adapt and innovate.
We must evolve.
However, it’s not enough to evolve on things like our marketing strategies, funnels, and sales techniques…
We need to also evolve spiritually and energetically.
This is exactly what the most successful people in the coaching industry are currently doing.
And this is the advantage you have as someone who is naturally a bit magical (whether you market yourself that way or not).
In fact, combining your spiritual “Magic” with world-class business growth strategies and tools is the key to building an aligned multi-six or seven-figure business that you love.
And this is exactly what we’re going to explore together at our upcoming event, Divinely Unstoppable Live, happening October 29-30 in Houston, Texas.
At the event, we’re going to walk you through our proprietary 5-step Divinely Unstoppable Roadmap, which is the only process in existence that marries the best of your Sourced™ Magic with world-class business growth strategies.
Our promise is that you’ll leave the event with a customized, aligned game plan that will help you add at least six figures to your bottom line in the next twelve months.
Before we go any further, let us tell you a little bit of background information about us and why we’re uniquely qualified to host this one-time-only transformational event:

Darla LeDoux
Darla is the founder of Sourced and the author of two books on creating a transformational business. For 15 years she has been creating transformational experiences for service-based entrepreneurs, and training high-level leaders to facilitate transformation.
Her clients are magical and committed to living in integrity with their deepest work. In our logical, rational world, they can often grapple with whether what they are experiencing in an energetic way is actually ‘real,’ and if it has value. Darla is a master of unlocking the innate Magic of her clients, which she calls Sourced Magic.
As a “recovered engineer” and entrepreneur with nearly two decades of experience, she is also a master business strategist and business coach.

Ron Reich
Ron has been called the “The A-Player’s Secret weapon,” “The World’s Greatest Marketing Strategist”, and a “launch genius.” He helps entrepreneurs scale their businesses to seven-figures and beyond using his proprietary marketing systems.
His client list includes a who’s who of industry leaders including Denise Duffield-Thomas, Todd Herman, Laura Belgray, Selena Soo, Mel Phar, Lisa Johnson, Susie Moore, and many, many, many more.
Based on documented results, he’s definitely in the top 0.001% of business coaches and marketing strategists in the industry. But that’s only a part of what he actually does.
Many of his clients will tell you that in addition to the marketing and business growth strategies he gave them, the thing he really helped them with that allowed them to get such great results are energetic and mindset upgrades, helping them with their habits and routines, and getting them to show up as their best selves.
Between the Two of Us
We’ve put on literally hundreds of transformational live events.
In fact, Darla literally wrote the book on this topic. We love live events so much because the truth is, nothing else can replicate the kind of transformation you experience from getting outside of your environment and sharing space with other high-level entrepreneurs.
We decided to join forces for this special event for two main reasons. First, we knew that this was an event that needed to happen. As mentioned above, we know that combining your Sourced Magic with world-class business strategies and tools is the key to building an aligned, multi-six or seven-figure business. However, no one in the market is showing how to do this.
Sure, there are “spiritual business coaches” and manifestation teachers who may be helpful when it comes to energetics, but are seriously lacking when it comes to strategy. And of course, there are way too many bro-marketers and #hustle advocates who may be able to teach you how to build a funnel or execute a sales call, but completely ignore the spiritual and energetic side of things. Thus, we decided to create this event to fill this important gap in the market.
Second, we didn’t think anyone else besides us would be able to put on the type of transformational experience that this topic merits. Between our experience running transformational live events and expertise in both business strategy and energetics, we promise that no one else is more qualified to facilitate the transformation that you will experience at Divinely Unstoppable LIVE.

Here’s Just A Small Sample Of What You’re Going To Discover At Divinely Unstoppable LIVE:
We’re going to start off by guiding you in a potent opportunity for a vibrational and mindset upgrade, inviting the Divinely Unstoppable version of you to run your business (yes, we start there!)
- Experience a new type of visioning, one that doesn’t feel grandiose or egoic, and yet distinctly expands what’s possible, beyond your current predictable path.
- Learn how to activate your next-level magic so you can work lighter and have more fun.
- Explore the subtle energetics at play in your current business growth trajectory, transmuting the current block that has you resist or self-sabotage your next level of growth.
- Play with the polarity dynamics within your business between structure and flow/ masculine and feminine/ math and magic (*This is going to be HOT!)
- Feel 10/10 in love with your business again – YES! (Even if recent months have felt tedious or uninspired).
- See yourself step into your power and lead with more confidence (even if people already perceive you as confident!)
Then, we’re going to help you create a customized, aligned business growth plan that combines your unique genius and preferences with our world-class business growth strategies and tools.
You’re going to receive tools, tactics, and strategies to support you in going from “just getting by” to financially secure, abundant, and sustainable – we’ve got more important things to do on this planet than just get by!
This is the beginning of a love-love relationship between you and money; where you can ditch old scarcity models, and truly lean into the strategies that lead to predictable, recurring, and joy-filled high-profit months.
- How to transition from under six-figures per year, to multiple six-figure years, to six-figure months – you’ll get the frameworks and playbooks that power the level of business you truly desire.
- A jumpstart on your 2025 Marketing Plan. You’ll leave the event with your main marketing campaigns for 2025 completely mapped out.
- How to activate hidden Money Triggers that will allow you to make more money in the next 12 months than you have in the last year, or even 10 years. Yes… it’s very possible.
- Our favorite “Revenue Recipes” to consistently bring in $5,000 to $25,000 any time you want. Bonus: we’re also going to have you implement one Recipe during the actual event. We want you to get great ROI from the event before the event even ends.
By the end of our second step, you’ll have in hand a business growth strategy and an arsenal of specific tools and tactics for getting to your next concrete income goal with grace and ease.
Finally, we’re going to bring everything together and show you how to become a Divinely Unstoppable leader.
- How to transition from being just a coach or expert to being a true Divinely Unstoppable Leader. This is THE critical shift that most coaches do not have the courage to make.
- You’re also going to learn how to think, behave, and LIVE like the Divinely Unstoppable Leader you were born to be. Included in this section are some of the routines, habits, and practices of the most powerful change-makers in history.
- Be emotionally, energetically, and strategically prepared for what comes up when you leave the event, knowing how to shift the energy on a dime.
- Discover opportunities to expand your income and impact what you would not have seen two days ago.
- Leave with a structure for the action plan of a Divinely Unstoppable Leader.
The world needs more leaders. By the end of this event, you’ll begin embodying the Divinely Unstoppable Leader you know that you were born to be.
Divinely Unstoppable Live
OCTOBER 29-30, 2024
$1499 Registration
Why Divinely Unstoppable?
When we (Ron and Darla) came together to explore what we most want for our clients, and what has made a difference for us, we discovered some massive commonalities.
First, we know exactly what it’s like to be afraid in business – afraid to take up space, afraid to own our gifts, afraid we don’t fit in, afraid to ask for money for this stuff that comes naturally to us.
In other words, we know what it’s like to want to stop.
And because of that, and because we didn’t stop, we’ve each on our own unique journeys discovered the lesson of being unstoppable. We’ve found what it takes to move past our edges, to feel the fear and do it anyway, and more importantly, to receive less-than-perfect results (*gasp – fail!*) and learn and grow through them.
We’ve both had the proverbial sh!t hit the fan – Darla losing $50K on an event she didn’t want to have but felt pressured to do to continue to ‘be someone’ in the industry. It is the only event that didn’t earn multiple six-figures, so it was a real problem for the plan she had! (Not to mention the time the shame of divorce almost took her out emotionally…)

Ron once received an unexpected tax bill to the tune of six figures – just as he and his wife were about to buy their first house!
And when the sh!t hit the fan, we discovered, that go-to resource is Source. The divine, God, spirit, the Universe, universal energy, collective consciousness. However you name it or think about it, that. Something greater that is holding us, that wants more for us than we know to want for ourselves. We have discovered, like that deep-down cellular knowing, that we are being divinely guided.
Even in the inevitable storm of entrepreneurship, you are divinely guided. The mistakes, the failures, the cash flow gaps, the big risks, all of it. It is Sourced. (So are the quantum leaps, windfalls, magical meetings, divine connections, and profitable insights, by the way).
We have found that when we know this, again that deep down cellular knowing, we can truly be and FEEL unstoppable. Anything that looks like a detour is like a slingshot for growth. The fear others experience around clients and money and changing markets is simply a curiosity, and an invitation to tune in to your magic.
That may sound airy fairy or too good to be true.
Here’s the thing.
Stuff is still going to happen.
The contrast is the expansion.
Welcome to being human.
That said, when you can embody this knowing, the Divinely Unstoppable Leader kind of knowing, all of it is juicy and alive. Like magic.
We’re excited to share tools – and an experience – to move you into the unstoppable zone.
Specifically, You’re Going To Leave The Event With:

Powerful Mindset, Vibration and Magical Upgrades
The event program is not just designed to transform your business, it’s also designed to provide you with deep, cellular transformations that will change both your mindset and your way of BEING.
A Customized, Aligned Roadmap To Multiple Six and Even Seven-Figures
You’re going to know exactly what to do and how to do it to get to your next stage of business growth.
In our combined 3+ decades of experience as entrepreneurs, we’ve seen it all.
We’ve generated millions of dollars in our own businesses and helped our clients generate many millions more.
So regardless of what business blocks you may be experiencing, we are confident that our customized solutions will be exactly what you need to get to your next level of business growth.
A Powerful Community of Aligned, High-Vibe Leaders
It’s true that “your network is your net worth” and one of the fastest ways to grow your business (AND expand your mindset!) is to upgrade your network.
And do you wanna know the best way to expand your network?
Answer: to be in the right rooms, with the right high vibe people.
This event has a hard cap of just 50 people. All of whom are true experts, impact-driven, and generous. The magic that will come from being involved in this community is literally priceless
With your customized action plan in place, upgraded mindset, and a new, powerful peer group at your back you’ll be beyond ready to unleash your best, magical self and make all of your business and life dreams come true.
You will truly be Divinely Unstoppable.
And we can’t wait to meet this new version of you 🙂
So right now you might be wondering…

What’s The Investment To Attend
Divinely Unstoppable LIVE?
This event promises to transform both your business and your way of being on a cellular level.
You are literally going to leave the 2-day experience as a different, more powerful person than the one who arrived… one who is able to use your Sourced Magic to “see the Field” in a whole new way and also Shift the Field.
You’re also going to have specific strategies, tactics and playbooks to add tens of thousands of dollars to your business in an aligned way that will feel “right” for you.
You’re also going to leave with a powerful, high community that is going to add significant amounts of love, abundance, and vibrational upgrades to you life in the months and years to come.
Based on all of this, we believe the value of this event is literally priceless.
However, we know that “priceless” is not something we can charge for an event. In the past, both of us have run high-level events and retreats where the investment was between $5000 and $10,000.
But we don’t want price to be any factor in whether you come to this event or not. That’s why we priced it very reasonably at just $1499 for the entire 2-day experience.
Divinely Unstoppable Live
$1499 Registration
While I do think that this event is a perfect fit for many mission-driven entrepreneurs, I’d be lying if I told you that the event was perfect for everybody.
We Can’t Wait To Connect With You In Person At Divinely Unstoppable LIVE.
You are 100% committed to personal growth and are open to new ways of thinking.
This is both a business AND personal development event.
While we’re going to be going over many concrete business growth strategies that will add tens of thousands – even millions – of dollars to your bottom line, we’re also going to go deep on mindset, spiritual, and “woo” topics like manifestation, embodiment, and energies.
So if you’re turned off by these types of topics, then this event is probably not for you.
You already have a proven track record of success in business – or KNOW that this is the year that you have your first major breakthrough:
This event is not for beginners.
All the content is going to be intermediate to advanced level. Therefore, if you’re not already at least somewhat established in your business, then this event is not for you.
I’ve you’ve established your business already and are generating at least a few thousand dollars and are looking to scale to multiple-six figures and beyond, you’re probably an ideal fit for this event.
(Of course, if you’re already doing seven figures or more, you are probably a good fit for this event as well.)
However, if you don’t have an offer and haven’t made your first few sales yet – this likely isn’t the best starting point for you.
Your favorite things to do include hanging out with awesome people live and in person.
We cannot tell you how many times people have told us that our superpower is bringing amazing people together.
It’s true 🙂
Our events are best in class because they attract the best, high-level attendees.
And a big piece of this is that we attract people who love attending live events.
So if you’re the type of person who loves attending live events not just for the content, networking, personal growth, and “business building” benefits, but because there are few things you’d rather do than hanging out with awesome people live and in person, then you’ll definitely feel in the right place at Divinely Unstoppable LIVE.
Divinely UnstoppaBLe Live
$1499 Registration
Our Retreat Dates: October 29-30, 2024
Location: Houston, TX
(Travel Details Provided Upon Registration)