Focused Intention or Split Attention
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
I recently returned from hosting my Masterpiece Mastermind retreat in Austin, Texas. It was an incredible time! We were able to get “on the court” about what it is to show up as your Sourced energy, as your Masterpiece.
A few themes came through in the form of “on the court” lessons that I am excited to share over the next few weeks.
We were able to get “on the court” about what it is to show up as your Sourced energy, as your Masterpiece.
The Power of Your Intention and Attention
Think about the power of your intention and attention. Are you moving through your life and business with focused intention, or are you splitting your attention? Are you divided in some way?
At retreat, many participants were clear about what they wanted, but then there was another conversation they were having about how to make that happen. So we broke down what happens energetically when we split our attention.
When you are clear that you want something, it could be a house on the beach (it doesn’t have to be, but it could) or feeling vibrant and alive working in the world, when you are clear in what you desire and hold it as if it is a done deal; then it will be. At retreat, we continued to say, Boom! Done!
There it is. That’s the thing. I said it. I named it. I claimed it. Boom. Done.
When you operate like this, the other conversations of ‘how do I make it happen? How do I figure out what people need me to say to go there with me?’ fade away.
Instead, you say, boom, done.
when you are clear in what you desire and hold it as if it is a done deal; then it will be.
We may think, I set my goal, and I am doing everything I can to reach my goal, but what you’re doing is saying, ‘I want this,’ but acting in a lower vibration.
An example:
You want to make multiple six figures in your business and are currently making fifty thousand. You say you want to make six figures, but all of your attention is on this problem of only making fifty. How do you make sixty? Or seventy? How do you make sure you don’t lose the fifty you already have? Now your attention is split.
As opposed to when that clarity of a Sourced desire comes through, you no longer need to be concerned about the current state of 50K. Instead, say to yourself, what does it look like to earn 200K?
Then start to price accordingly, walk accordingly, invest accordingly, hire team accordingly, dress accordingly, etc.. Whatever that new energy feels like in your field, be that now.
Instead, say to yourself,
what does it look like to earn 200K?
We are taught to be logical and linear. I am a recovering engineer, so I know everything about reverse engineering to get from point A to point B successfully. As soon as we do that, we split our attention.
Splitting your attention is the worst thing you can do for your business.
What is bubbling up for you as you read this?
This is a muscle, by the way. When you see the goal, everything in you that thinks not that will come to the surface. It’s a matter of discipline to say this is it; this is who I am, boom, done, and not entertain the other conversations.
I promise if you can practice this, your life will change quickly.
When I have had moments of clarity of a Sourced desire come through, I started acting “as if I was”. It was more than that; I wasn’t acting; I was BEING. I am willing to do whatever it takes to be in alignment with this.
What is your intention that you can say boom, done, and let it go? That has been the key to every uplevel I have ever experienced.
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