Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
It’s Not Your Brand

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It’s Not Your Brand
By Veronica Wirth
, Visionary Guide, Shamanic Business Intuitive


November 3, 2020

I’ve been playing with a new thought lately. Well, a new thought around an ancient idea, the idea of Divine Surrender.


In drinking up Tosha Silver’s book, “It’s Not Your Money” (a great read, beautiful and wise, as are all her books), she speaks of letting Source lead, remembering that money is simply the flow of universal abundance, and we are its conduit. She explains that when we are willing to let go of our ego-self running the show alone and invite Source in to show us the way, we free up bucket loads of energy so we can be more in flow with what truly wants to come through us.


As I read Tosha’s words about offering up the burden of “our” money to the Divine, I wondered, what if we could release our brands and businesses in the same way? What if we could pry the reins out of the hands of our willful ego – often running from a place of trying to control everything (exhausting) – and offer them to Source to guide the way?


I immediately felt a wave of profound relief wash over my body at the thought. Just give it all to God. Gather any sense of burden, anywhere I feel the need to control my business, any attachment to certain outcomes – and offer it up to Divine Source.

What kind of energy would that free up?

This speaks to the path I’ve been on the past couple of years, as I’ve learned to trust my intuition and guidance from Spirit more and more and bring this approach to my business (and hence my brand), not just my personal life. Embracing this approach is something I hesitated to do in my business at first, because it felt more risky. After all, if I received guidance from Spirit that didn’t match what my ego-mind thought were the “right” and “proven” things to be doing in my business, did I have the courage to honor that new wisdom?


We don’t need to throw out the sharp insights and knowledge of our logical side. It has much to offer, however, now we put it in service of something larger. It’s still along for the ride. It’s just no longer driving the bus.


I thought it might help to contrast these two ways of approaching a brand and business.

As I fleshed this out, it became clear how different the two roads felt and what they stirred in me.

The way that is guided by will and the logical mind honors what is already known, experienced or proven. Think left brain. With the logical way, we are ultimately thinking with our marketing hat on. The ultimate goal is a successful business and effective brand (not bad goals at all, we’ll just be shifting their priority) and that means a strong bottom line, so selling more products or services is the pathway there. If it feels good along the way, great! But that’s not the ultimate goal. We ask questions like:

  • How will I sell this to people?
  • How do I differentiate my business from my competitors?
  • How can I package this business/offering/product so it is most appealing to my ideal customers?
  • What are my KPIs of success?
  • What are my goals over the next quarter, year, 5 years?
  • How will this help me grow my business and make more money?


In contrast, when we can not only bring our soul into the equation but also invite in Spirit as a co-creator, we open up a world of infinite possibilities! With this path, we embrace more meaningful objectives as a priority. We get to ask much deeper and more interesting questions like:

  • How can I share my truest self with the people I am most meant to serve?
  • In what space can my most blessed and precious gifts come out to dance?
  • What will liberate me and my sacred work so that my divine vision can come to fruition?
  • What brand container can I create to hold all of these ideas and intentions?
  • What brand container can I create that will hold the energy of these things in their highest expression as if they’ve already bloomed?
  • How can I grow an abundant business that’s in full alignment with my divine purpose?


Can you feel how these questions land versus the first list? Do you sense more expansion, release, freedom, or excitement (maybe even fear) at the possibilities this opens up?


When we come from the will, we think our business is our own creation alone, and so we also carry the burden of making it work. This belief comes from the ego mind, and so then do the constructs built around it and the solutions we create.


But what if it were a beautiful co-creation between us and Spirit, and even the souls that we will be interacting with that eagerly await our creation for their own growth and becoming?


If your business is a divine co-creation and not simply “yours” alone from an ego perspective, but a participatory dance with Source, then how would you approach things differently? Would you invite Source into your every aspect of your business?


You don’t have to carry the burden. I believe it’s possible to offer up our businesses and brands to God and then make our decisions from that lighter, expanded space.


What if you could let go and let Spirit take the lead and show you the way?

How would that feel?

What would change for you?

Veronica Wirth

Visionary Guide, Shamanic Business Intuitive


Hi, I’m Veronica Wirth, Evolvative™ business visionary, intuitive, change-maker, creative. I blend my experience from branding, shamanism, design, yoga, marketing, and the business, food and entertainment worlds. Most of my life I kept my business and spiritual lives separate, and frustrated because my business and brand didn’t align with who I truly was and my deeper work I felt called to share. It was only when I embraced my spiritual gifts WITHIN my work that things really blossomed for me. Now more than ever the world needs our soulful brilliance to be fully seen. I am here to help you shine!


As a visionary leader, your brand needs to be built upon an internal vision FIRST. Beginning with your soul’s vision makes ALL the difference in creating a brand foundation that can evolve with you and your truth. Let’s take the first steps together in a powerful 1:1 virtual Intuitive Vision Session as we dive into what’s next for your soul-led your business!

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