Discover your full transformational impact and let your business truly shine!

Dear Leader,
Your transformational impact is greater than you realize just by being you. When you build upon that essence, and support it with structure, your business feels both SOLID and ALIVE. It radiates.
Too often coaches, consultants, creatives, therapists, and healers are doing so much to move their work forward in the world, yet they spend time second-guessing whether they are doing the right things, or if they are really making the impact they desire.
As courageous humans doing the deep work themselves, and discovering the next horizon of transformation, they long to guide others to fantastic outcomes that make them feel truly free – and to do so with the deepest integrity.
This can have a shadow side in the form of overgiving and undercharging, working extra hard to make sure the transformation happens, or selling the practical information or time while sneaking transformation in the back door.
As the people who are here to hold space for big shifts on the planet, it’s time for us to stop “checking the boxes”, and instead design the work we love to do around the version of us that makes us feel most joyful and alive – our most magical selves.
It’s time to Shift the Field.
Of our lives, our industries, and the planet.
You’re invited.
Your Inner Knowing Works Like Magic
A new paradigm of leadership is emerging, and you are being invited to show up more potently than ever before. When you embrace and embody your deep magical gifts, and optimize your business around them, you will work lighter and play the role you are here to play.
We’ll dive deep into your magic and
how to let it move your business
at Shift the Field Live

I’m Darla LeDoux, transformational coach and creator of the Certified Sourced Leader program. I am an unlikely advocate for magic.
I’ve often referred to myself as a “recovering engineer” because I started out my adult life as a chemical engineer for Procter & Gamble.
I pursued engineering because my math teacher told me I “was smart enough so I should.” Engineering was logical, controlled, and backed by data. It turned out to be the perfect fit for the conditioned version of me who wanted a clearly defined measure of success.
I worked hard, and checked all the boxes to get promoted. At my annual review that year, however, my boss said to me, “Your soft skills are great, Darla, but you might want to tone them down a bit. They will only get you so far here.” He went on to explain that in order for me to get the next promotion, I’d have to focus more on proving myself with technical lab work, and less on being insightful (which had gotten me the promotion in the first place).
I believed him.
I toned down my “soft skills” like my intuition, my ability to connect the dots, my awareness on what created deep transformation for others. After years climbing up the wrong ladder, I left my engineering job, so I could fully express what I now call “Sourced Magic.”
I followed my truth in search of deeper alignment. Exploring new frontiers, deepening my soft skills, and developing structures and frameworks for others to identify and express their magic, too.
When you unlock your Sourced Magic, you step into a new world. A place that you feel most alive and serve your clients on a deeper level.
THE VALUE OF Shifting the Field
When You’re Missing The Magic
You have a deep expertise, and you know that you bring great value to your clients. But something feels out of alignment. Perhaps the investment to work with you isn’t matching all the value you deliver, perhaps you see other service providers gaining great visibility while you feel like the best kept secret, or maybe you are tired of checking the boxes of how it’s done within your industry, and you long to bring all of your magic to the forefront (and charge for it).
How To Raise The Vibration
Shift the Field Live is a 3-day transformational experience where you’ll dive deep into your Sourced Magic, and discover a solid structure (The Anatomy of a Transformation) to support you in working in your most magical flow. You’ll be able to immediately apply the distinctions to your current client work and raise the vibration of your work to the next level and deliver increased results with greater ease.
What is an Energy Shift WORTH?
You won’t simply be selling coaching or healing, consulting or creative work, information or time. You’ll be selling a potent experience through which your clients undeniably shift their energy field and permanently change the type of results they draw to them. What would THAT be worth to your clients? What would THAT be worth to you?
You’re invited to Shift the Field Live!
We love supporting coaches to increase their prices
while delivering more value in less time!

As Rionach learned about her personal magic, she was inspired to finally trust her intuitive knowing and explore using a unique approach in her work – vibrational alignment with words through poetry – in a group setting. Poetry Alchemy™ was a tool she used personally and with her 1-on-1 clients, but she wondered if this would work in a group setting to help her clients get visible? Rionach has Vibration Magic, and as she connected this to her poetry work she knew she had something really valuable (which was reflected by other Vibration Magicians at Shift the Field Live).
Leaving the event, Rionach not only had the confidence to raise her prices, but she quickly offered visibility experience using the transformational magic of vibrationally aligned poetry. This work is so cool! This was not only popular and effective, but it helped her to fill a new group program, bringing her recurring revenue and a whole new visibility to her own work.
We love supporting people in other industries who want to Shift the Field!
She’d been helping school districts to create new protocols following incidents of racial harm in their schools. Equity teams, school boards, and more would hire her to facilitate their response planning, and ensure that they checked the boxes from a legal standpoint. It was steady work, and it helped in some instances, but she wanted more. Paula wanted to address the root cause of why these spaces were still not safe for all.
In learning the Anatomy of a Transformation, and designing around her Compassion and Expansion Magic, Paula completely re-invented the way she worked. Rather than going in and helping people to check the boxes when something went wrong, Paula recreated her business model and messaging to invite those who were committed to transforming their own stories when it comes to race.
She launched The Finding Human Institute, where her clients go on a transformational journey with her, and learn how to bring a different energy back into their workplaces. Her clients are now implementing initiatives that create safe and equitable spaces, for their own reasons. She’s no longer going into places and trying to convince people to be different, she’s now giving them a felt experience of a safe space around race, and the tools to advocate for that for themselves. She’s addressing the root cause rather than using a band-aid, and that feels really good.
We love supporting people in other industries who want to Shift the Field!

She’d been helping school districts to create new protocols following incidents of racial harm in their schools. Equity teams, school boards, and more would hire her to facilitate their response planning, and ensure that they checked the boxes from a legal standpoint. It was steady work, and it helped in some instances, but she wanted more. Paula wanted to address the root cause of why these spaces were still not safe for all.
In learning the Anatomy of a Transformation, and designing around her Compassion and Expansion Magic, Paula completely re-invented the way she worked. Rather than going in and helping people to check the boxes when something went wrong, Paula recreated her business model and messaging to invite those who were committed to transforming their own stories when it comes to race.
She launched The Finding Human Institute, where her clients go on a transformational journey with her, and learn how to bring a different energy back into their workplaces. Her clients are now implementing initiatives that create safe and equitable spaces, for their own reasons. She’s no longer going into places and trying to convince people to be different, she’s now giving them a felt experience of a safe space around race, and the tools to advocate for that for themselves. She’s addressing the root cause rather than using a band-aid, and that feels really good.
We love supporting people to fill their business with right and aligned clients.
We love supporting people to fill their business with right and aligned clients.

As April explored her Recognition and Expression Magic, and learned the structure for transformational work, she realized that transformation was exactly what her clients needed, but she wasn’t offering it!
Clients would come to her wanting her to market them online, but she would quickly realize that they had misaligned messaging, and were trying to make money but not fully believing in it.
As they would talk about their goals, she would recognize this, and begin to receive downloads about what they were really meant to be doing, or what they were missing in their messaging. This was her Magic being activated. She would then either ignore the messages and do what they asked without great success, or “fix” their messaging for them, for free. By not addressing their Energy First, April was working harder than she needed to.
After Shift the Field Live, April re-worked her business model to include an initial stage that would support clients to energetically align with their marketing message BEFORE she agreed to market them. She charged a premium for this most valuable, magical, and fun work (where she had permission to share those intuitive messages from Source). And all of her ‘done for you’ clients were ready to actually have their online marketing work.

What might you shift in your own business or industry as you own the impact that you are here to make and show up in your most magical gifts?
There are many places where you can learn about business – how to say all the right things and design offers that sell. There are also lots of places to learn modalities that may improve the way you deliver your service.

When you are a transformational being – a person who can’t help but go deep, who has an inner knowing about the root cause of an issue or about the soul direction of a person, who opens up healing with your presence – you want to develop your business model in a way that honors and highlights your most magically aligned self.
So much gets lost when we try to do this in two separate spaces. At Sourced we bring together the practical and the magical, the structure and the flow, the model and the magic.
PREWORK: New this year!
- Default and Sourced Energy
- The Anatomy of a Transformation
- Your Sourced Magic
- The 3 Stages of Developing Your Magic
All-Day Session: 8am – 3pm PT / 11am – 6pm ET
(with 1-hour lunch break midday)
(all sessions take place on Zoom)
SESSION 1: Make your Magic Your Valentine
In honor of Valentine’s day week, we’ll do a ⅓ day immersion into why and how to fall in love with your Sourced Magic, and design around it in your business to show up more potently. This will be both educational and experiential! Your Sourced Magic is the way Source works with and through you in service of transformation. Feel how it feels to have your magic received and even mirrored back to you. Discover aspects of how Source is guiding you that you may not be aware of today.
SESSION 2: The 5 Pillars of a Sourced Leader
Session on the 5 Pillars of a Sourced Leader. Discover the way we train our leaders here at Sourced, and learn how the embodiment of these 5 pillars has made a difference directly from some of our leaders – how have they changed their business model as a result of leading Sourced? How have their clients and revenue changed? How has their LIFE transformed? We know that seeing behind the scenes of someone’s business is such a gift! We’ll also let you know how you can become a Sourced Leader should this speak to you.
On either Day 1 or Day 2 (depending on your time zone and the best leaders for you!) you’ll adventure into an experiential workshop that is designed to help you get access to the current energy that you’re living in and how it is serving you and/or providing an invisible barrier to the thing you most want. Unique to Shift the Field Live, the design of this workshop is the reason people come back year after year! (The theme will be revealed a few weeks before the event).
All-Day Session: 8am – 3pm PT / 11am – 6pm ET
(with 1-hour lunch break midday)
(all sessions take place on Zoom)
SESSION 1: The Energy That Wants To Work Through You
Discover the power of Sourced Energy, and your personal energetics for the season ahead. Learn how to open yourself to divine guidance, creating less work and more fun because you know what you know about how to lead your business, and create the space to transform your clients, without the heavy burden. Apply for personal transformational coaching from Darla & Ashlie, and experience the aliveness of their current Sourced Energy (we walk our talk here at Sourced!) You may be surprised how often you are inadvertently creating to AVOID something rather than creating for the sake of creating!
SESSION 2: Your Model and Your Magic Aren’t Separate
Many events will teach you how to design and market your business, with little regard to you as a uniquely magical transformational being. And there are many places you can learn a singular modality that has a magical quality when it works through you. But at Shift the Field Live, we bring together your personal magic, which includes all the modalities you’ve learned, and the business model and marketing approach that highlight your magic. Apply for personal business model coaching from Darla & Ashlie, and workshop the business model tweak that will invite greater ease and support you in serving more clients.
DAY 3: Next Steps for Transformation Confidence
Morning Session (only): 8am – 11am PT / 11am – 2pm ET
(all sessions take place on Zoom)
Explore leading edge tools and resources, and learn structures and
distinctions that support the unique challenges of people like us!
- Sneaking in transformation without actually talking about it or charging for it.
- Painting the picture of a vision both you and your clients want and knowing that you can support them to get there.
- Trying to figure out the best practical offering that you believe people will want to buy.
- Confident that you are on the leading edge with the way you are offering your work.
- Undercharging and overdelivering.
- Receiving abundantly for your gifts while working lighter.
- Doing things to “prove” your value.
- Knowing you are doing the work you are here to do without question.
- Questioning your skill level to provide that ‘miracle breakthrough’ consistently (especially in groups!).
- Having faith and confidence in your ability to consistently provide the Big Shift without struggle.
- Taking on the weight of your client’s “stuff”.
- Consistently speaking to your clients soul and inviting their true self to the table.
- Filtering through lots of good advice for how to run your business without knowing how to access your soul’s guidance first.
- Excited about the adventure of continually increasing YOUR vibration year after year through your work!
- Questioning whether your clients are ‘getting results,’ especially when they are moving through challenges, and feeling pressure to do something about it.
- Knowing where your client is in their transformational process and lovingly presenting the right next step.
- Trying to do all-the things in your marketing and feeling overwhelmed that you’re not doing enough.
- Clear and confident that your marketing actions are a match for your Magic.
- Feeling like there aren’t enough people who get what you do be able to sustain yourself.
- Present to the abundant demand for the beautiful work that you do.
- Feeling like it takes a long time to make a big impact?
- Having a felt sense of what is possible in the realm of transformation in a 3-day virtual experience.
Explore leading edge tools and resources, and learn structures and
distinctions that support the unique challenges of people like us!
- Sneaking in transformation without actually talking about it or charging for it.
- Trying to figure out the best practical offering that you believe people will want to buy.
- Undercharging and overdelivering.
- Doing things to “prove” your value.
- Questioning your skill level to provide that ‘miracle breakthrough’ consistently (especially in groups!).
- Taking on the weight of your client’s “stuff”.
- Filtering through lots of good advice for how to run your business without knowing how to access your soul’s guidance first.
- Questioning whether your clients are ‘getting results,’ especially when they are moving through challenges, and feeling pressure to do something about it.
- Trying to do all-the things in your marketing and feeling overwhelmed that you’re not doing enough.
- Feeling like there aren’t enough people who get what you do be able to sustain yourself.
- Feeling like it takes a long time to make a big impact?
- Painting the picture of a vision both you and your clients want and knowing that you can support them to get there.
- Confident that you are on the leading edge with the way you are offering your work.
- Receiving abundantly for your gifts while working lighter.
- Knowing you are doing the work you are here to do without question.
- Having faith and confidence in your ability to consistently provide the Big Shift without struggle.
- Consistently speaking to your clients soul and inviting their true self to the table.
- Excited about the adventure of continually increasing YOUR vibration year after year through your work!
- Knowing where your client is in their transformational process and lovingly presenting the right next step.
- Clear and confident that your marketing actions are a match for your Magic.
- Present to the abundant demand for the beautiful work that you do.
- Having a felt sense of what is possible in the realm of transformation in a 3-day virtual experience.

- You are a coach, consultant, creative, or healer who loves going deeper with your clients to resolve old energy patterns and align with higher level results.
- You are a professional service provider, from law to therapy, wellness to finance, and you’re transitioning into more of a coaching approach and offering inner transformation.
- You currently have clients in your service-based business, or have worked with clients and/ or built a business before in some way.
- You are called to your work and have been tapped on the shoulder by spirit with a vision that seems like it may require more from you than you currently know how to do – you are growing.
- You are committed to living in alignment with your truth.
- You love making money with your gifts and you want support to talk about increasing your abundance, and yet money is not the primary motivator for you. You want to have all that you need to support your mission and to support your Sourced expression in the world.
- You believe in a higher power in some form, we call that Source, and have an interest in being guided more directly from that place. (This is not religious for us, and how you relate to spirit is totally up to you. You’ll be happiest here if you believe there is a God/ Spirit/ Universe/ Collective Energy that you are interested in connecting with).

- You are brand new to the idea of transformation and haven’t experienced it for yourself.
- You are starting a new business from scratch with no experience in either business or client delivery and are looking for a Get Clients 101 type of training. (Totally OK if you have worked with clients while working for someone else, or have run a different business with transferable skills).
- You are looking to make easy money in whatever way you can, regardless of your personal calling or inner alignment.
- You don’t want to walk your talk, or aren’t willing to make transformational shifts in your own life.
- You feel called to teach and give advice, but prefer not to go deep to help clients shift their blocks.
- You would rather craft a perfect external appearance than be authentic in your brand.
- You don’t want to take responsibility for how your life has gone, or see yourself as the Source of your results.
- You aren’t committed to delivering with excellence and continuing to grow yourself as a leader.
- You’re attached to the traditional, logical, more ‘masculine’ rules when it comes to business.
- You don’t believe in divine guidance.

Jasleni Brito
Brand Strategist & Designer JasleniDesigns.com

Ann Becks
Life Coach, annbecks.co

April L. Gregory
Brand & Marketing Strategist, Wonder Woman Marketing & Creator of the Upgrade, wonderwomanmarketing.com | april-gregory.com
Frequently asked questions
Where is the event being held?
Shift the Field Live is a retreat-from-home experience hosted on Zoom. If you want to make the most of your experience, consider taking yourself to an Airbnb and leaving the whole three days free!
What if I’m new in business?
While all are welcome here, and you will find value as a new entrepreneur, the content is designed for a service-based entrepreneur (coach, consultant, creative, healer, therapist, wellness practitioner, teacher, etc.) who is already working with clients.
What if I want to Shift the Field at my company?
While the experience is designed for the service-based entrepreneur, you could apply the principles to your leadership at your job. Most of the principles will apply if you think of your team as your clients.
What if I’m not “woo” enough?
We will speak about the energy we have access to that is expansive and connected as “Sourced Energy.” For me, this comes from Spirit, God, The Universe in my understanding of these concepts. You can hold whatever belief you will about “God,” as the concepts of energy are also scientific. The applications we’ll explore are extremely practical. That said, you’ll get the most value if you are willing to try on the idea that our intuitive knowing, our Truth if you will, is a function of whom we came here to be as a unique slice of Source energy, and that this is also true for your clients.
I’ve already taken coach training or other associated certifications. Will I learn anything new?
Absolutely. In this work, we work with the natural skills and acquired knowledge you already have, taking this to the next level. The content and practice center around how to work with clients over time and in groups to maximize their results with you. Many certifications teach one specific skill or modality, whereas we help you merge your magic with your business for transformative results for you and your clients. The company and the modality are not separate in a Sourced Business. Only when we genuinely integrate all that we are (a unique slice of Source energy) that we are unleashed to do our best work.
What are the hours of the event?
We love to hold you lovingly and firmly in the ‘container’ for your business transformation over the entire three days. If possible, please set aside the whole time in the container for you and your business growth. That said, we won’t do the ‘marathon zoom,’ and we will focus on EMBODYING your learning! Time-wise, we will account for those in Europe – late for them and early for PT (you got this!).
February 15-17, 2024
(all sessions take place on Zoom)
DAY ONE: FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR MAGIC (Thursday, February 15th)
○ All-Day Session: 8am – 3pm PT / 11am – 6pm ET
○ Contains a 1-hour lunch break midday
○ All-Day Session: 8am – 3pm PT / 11am – 6pm ET
○ Contains a 1-hour lunch break midday
○ Morning Session (only): 8am – 11am PT / 11am – 2pm ET
In addition – we’ll have an ‘overnight’ experience on February 15th. You’ll want time to integrate on the 16th, and we’ll finish content early on the 17th, with time to share celebrations and next steps at the end!
What if I can’t attend all three days?
The content and experience for Shift the Field Live builds upon itself as the program unfolds. It is ideal to attend all segments of the event for the full experience. We understand that you likely have a full schedule. Tune in to your soul knowing – if this experience is calling you do all you can to arrange your schedule for maximum presence. (We know it will be worth it!) While sessions will be recorded, replays will not be sent. That said, everything is Sourced! We trust you to discern what is right for you.
Will the event be recorded?
The event will be recorded for later use, however replays of the segments will not be sent during the event.
What if I am so burned out on zoom!?
Heard! We completely get that 3 days behind the computer can feel daunting. We’ve done our best to design an experience so engaging that you will not notice you’re zooming. I am also known as the Queen of Transformational Retreats, and intend to demonstrate the ability for all of us, collectively, to transform regardless of the space or distance. Our past online retreat attendees stayed on after the programming had ended because they loved being ‘in the space’ so much! (PS: What does your intuition say?)
I’m introverted -- will I get called on to talk?
We’ll have opportunities to share in the big room and in breakout sessions, as well as practicing skills hands on. Your level of participation is totally up to you. I can promise a space of non judgment, and opportunity to explore and expand upon your ‘Default Energy’ zone. You won’t be called upon the big room without consent.
Will I have a chance to ask you questions?
Absolutely – from Darla and our support team. Not everyone will get personal coaching from Darla, but in our experience everyone who wants to ask will have space to ask. (It’s often the question someone else asks that is the one we most need to hear the answer to!)
Will I get to meet the other participants?
Yes, we will have both networking rooms (often easier on zoom!) and skills practice breakout sessions during the retreat, as well as a networking ‘cocktail hour’ the night prior to the event. We do our best to give you the kind of connections you would receive in our in person work. That said, goal #1 is for your business energy to shift to align the way you work with the transformational work you really want to do!
Is there any support after the live event?
You’ll have 10 days in the Facebook community after the live event to make connections and seal in your learning! The event is a complete experience that is sure to leave you in a higher vibration. Should you wish to further your transformational skills after the event, we’ll let you know how you can do that with us.
What can I expect over the three days?
We’ll use a combination of storytelling, teaching, coaching, and experiential exercises to help you learn new concepts, use them to explore where you actually are in your business and client work right now, tune into Source, and decide what resonates with you for you to integrate right away. This is NOT 3 days of endless teaching and notetaking where you forget most things the next day. This is not a host of different speakers providing information on topics that aren’t for you. It is a holistic experienced designed with your personal magic in mind. We use large and small group experiences, and guided and individual “tuning in” time to keep you soul-aligned and personally empowered as the Sourced Leader that you are!
How should I prepare?
- The main preparation is to arrange your schedule to be fully present for the full experience. If possible, book yourself an AirBNB or support for your physical needs (food, snacks, childcare, etc.) so that you are showing up to meet your own transformation.
- The second piece of preparation is to know that the experience starts when you register, and it’s all a Sourced Experience™. (By the time we complete our event you’ll know exactly what that means!) This is to simply say, pay attention to what comes up in your life and business, especially client relationships or sales results, between now and the event. It holds a message for you!
- Third, you will receive an intake assessment which will give us information about you, and also guide your thinking and reflection between now and Day 1. This is part of the event experience and makes a difference.
- Watch your mail and ensure we have a correct address with your registration!

Registration Bonuses
When you register before February 1st, you will receive bonuses valued at more than $1200!
Sourced Magic in Action
Discover the magic you were born to share, and explore how your current business model is supporting, or distracting from, you operating at your most magical. Get started right away! ($1150 Value; Sold at $129)
Sourced Magic in Action includes:
- Your Sourced Magic Gifts and Gaps video training and self assessment. Explore the 6 Types of Magic and hone in on yours! (Quiz Included)
- The Business Magic Alignment Audit video training and assessment. Explore how your business model supports and hurts you, and what to do to optimize for your magic!
- The 4 Sacred Structures to Expand your Magic video training + guided visualization
- The Art of Being Multi-Magical, The Birth of Your Magic and Ancestral Trauma, and more!

Exclusive Facebook Group
For Shift the Field Live
through February 27th!

Shift the Field book PDF
Explore the Anatomy of a Transformation in advance
of our time together

Surprise bonus gift
To support your retreat journey!

Founder of The Revelation Project

Author, Body of Work

Mentor for Healing Practitioners
Registration closes February 1st.
“Let’s shift the consciousness of the planet together, one magical client at a time.”

©2023/2024 Shift The Field | All right reserved