Retreat Alchemy: Master the Ingredients of an Energy-First Retreat Framework
Congratulations! Your Seat Is Confirmed For Retreat Alchemy.
In this short 90-minute training, you will…
Discover how to use the Energy-First Retreat Framework to transform simple retreats into your most powerful client-attraction tool.
Click Play to Watch the Video
A Personal Note from Darla LeDoux
Dear Transformation Leader,
You know that feeling…
You want to harness the power of retreats and magnify your ability to heal, along with the financial means to amplify your reach.
But when it comes time to implement your plan, you feel overwhelmed, leading to a spiral of self-doubt.
You wonder when your impact and business will shift into an even greater energetic alignment.
You wonder if you are enough.
(Spoiler: You are enough. You are light. You are magic.)
But here’s what I wish I had known all those years ago: in community and with transformational guidance, the most potent shifts and magic happen.
So, if this is you, feeling the immediate pull to amplify the potency of your work through retreats but unsure how to unlock the potential:
Skip the line and book a call with me.
Over 115 successful retreats with authenticity and magic
Use the button below to book a call with me today.
Imagine yourself…
Taking your place in front of the room, being seen in your intuitive magic.
Prefer to Join Us for the Retreat Alchemy training only? Perfect!
Your seat at Retreat Alchemy is confirmed.
I’m deeply grateful you’ve chosen to join me in this shift
Your presence shows that you’re ready for something deeper in your work, and I’m honored to be part of your transformation—whether through our upcoming training, a one-on-one conversation, or BOTH.
Thank you for allowing me to share what I have learned with you. Thank you for shifting the consciousness of our world. Thank you for opening your heart to magic.
With gratitude, love, and light that shifts the field,
Darla LeDoux
CEO, Sourced
P.S. Remember, I’m offering my one-to-one private calls to a limited number of practitioners (I’d love to speak with everyone, but I simply can’t). Book now before spots fill up.
Disclaimer: Results may vary. Discovering and delivering resonant and magnetic retreats requires dedication and time (guidance helps, too). This event is designed to provide you with the tools and insights to make that transformation. Be a light to the world.