Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
My Desire is Supported by the Universe

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My Desire is Supported by the Universe

By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

November 8, 2023

My desire is supported by the universe.

One of the universal laws I learned in my first coaching program was the law of polarity, which states where the desire is present, the way to fulfill it is also present.

So, the way David would talk about it is, there’s not enough without a down, there’s not a down without enough, there’s not a cold without a hot, there’s not a black without a white.

On Off, right. Everything in nature has its equal and opposite. So your desire has a way that is equal in magnitude to your desire.And it can’t not be there.

Your desire is supported by the universe.

I didn’t believe this at all. Like you expansion magicians are like, yeah, uh huh. Yeah, preach, right? And for me, it was.

It doesn’t feel true to me.

I was like, I get nature but like, how is that true for me?

How is it true that if I want something that there’s a way to get it? How is that true? Because that was not my experience growing up?

My experience was, first of all, why do you want that?

And then no.

Right? There was no creation possible there. And so I really had to work at that to understand that my desire is supported by the universe. And

I, because it was connected to nature. I was like, Okay, well, I could see that. Yeah, that feels true. That’s probably true. Here’s people who have, you know, lives like I want who think that’s true. So let me try it out.

And I practiced for a while.

Oh, gosh, I really want this thing. Oh, gosh, I can’t afford this thing. Oh, my gosh, I really want this thing. Do I just do the thing? And going, how, how? Where are the people? Right? So I was running a business. So in my world, it was, where are the clients that would allow this to be possible. And when I came from a certainty,

it has to be there. It was always there. It’s never not been there. I’ve been in business 14 years. It’s never not been there.

There have certainly been times when things have happened for me in my financial world, which is only one form of abundance, where I was like, oh shit, is it still gonna keep working.

But it’s literally never not worked for me. When the desire is present, the way is present.

All that we need and desire for our playground is available to us. The only thing in the way is our lack of belief

Well, the first thing in the way is our lack of belief. Right? We have to believe that that’s true first of all, and then we have to open our eyes and look around and go oh there it is. Oh, there it is. And source will always tell us where it is. source will always tell us where it is. But then we have to believe it and follow through so source might say like I was saying with Julie source told her go pretend dollars in a bank account and she’s like, what the hell that makes no sense.

But she listened and it led to a continual stream of new business.

But it didn’t make sense. And sometimes the thing source is saying is be a thought leader, start a podcast. Ask someone to promote you.

And we go yeah, but let me make a new website first.

Let me do these other six things and then I’ll ask that person to promote me even though that’s the one thing that I was told where the desires present the way is present


Spread the magic!


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