Courageous leader,
with source at your back.
It’s time to

Your work in the world is essential.
You sense that you’re called to lead in a more powerful way.
And to do so means being visible — not just some of you but all the magical parts of you! (Some of which you are yet to discover.)
It can feel risky to see, feel, and trust yourself so fully. Especially when the model for leadership hasn’t looked the way YOU long to lead.
Plus, you’ve been pretty darn good at fitting in to the old model — looking smart, being strategic, being nice, giving so much, _______ fill in your blank.
Yet it’s becoming more uncomfortable not to honor who you came here to be.
You desire the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are truly fulfilling your divine purpose.
Welcome to the world of walking with Source — consistently.
Welcome to divine support and sisterhood.
Welcome to RISE!
An intimate circle of conscious leaders.
Rise is a 6-month container of support for entrepreneurs who are committed to leading differently. Unabashedly Sourced!
Rise has three core promises:
- Create your optimal vision and business model for a powerful, profitable transformation business. What is YOUR way of serving?
- Dare to be seen as you, aligning fully with your unique energetic expression and gifts.
- Nurture your divine connection, strengthen your ‘believe yourself’ muscle, and lead consistently powered by Source.
Imagine Yourself:
- Boldly trusting yourself and the direction you are being led, saving time and energy and money
through your incisive knowing.
- Being fully expressed and visible
- Making powerful choices around your market, message, and business model to let your genius shine!
- Clear and discerning about your ‘yesses’ and ’no’s’ and honoring of your pace
- Holding the vibration that is fun and effortless for you, and a match for the clients who need you now.
AND Connected with a powerful, truth-telling high-vibe community.
We hold space for you.
We practice new skills together with powerful reflection.
We speak the truth with love, and
We hold fabulous energy and clean boundaries!
Welcome to

RISE is a Sourced Experience™, meaning it is a sacred container designed for Source to work within and through you, opening up the next level of clarity and awareness in the most elegant way possible!

Becoming Sourced
I’m Darla LeDoux, I’ve been leading transformational retreats for entrepreneurs for nearly ten years, I’ve earned millions of dollars doing it, and I am personally saying ‘yes’ to my next level.
Source has tapped me on the shoulder to say ‘lead differently, trust me.’
For the last almost three years I’ve been experimenting with ONLY saying yes to that which is Sourced™. And if in doubt, I wait. As a ‘recovering engineer’ who started my career in one of the most established Fortune 100 companies around, well, I haven’t done it perfectly. Yet I’ve found tremendous power in owning my personal pace, which has come through honoring how spirit wants to work through me.
I committed to becoming Sourced™ before I had any clue what that would mean for me!
The real story…
I was at my dining room table looking out the window at the Puget Sound in a home we had rented because I simply needed to know what it was like to have a beautiful home on the water. That had been my desire since as long as I could remember.
I watched the seagulls absently as I spoke to a friend on the phone. And the moment I heard myself saying it, I knew it was time to lead differently. I said, “If it weren’t for this stupid ________ I created, my life and my business would be SO EASY right now!” (You can fill in the blank with your own marketing campaign, program, or event that wasn’t a Sourced™ decision.)
It was time to become Sourced™.
I knew it was time to become Sourced™.
No more birthing the thing that is not meant to be birthed by me. No more yeses that are really nos. No more feeling like I wasn’t ‘enough’ if I wasn’t doing the things that the ‘popular kids’ were doing. Only me and my truth.
WOW, what is possible when I really believe MySelf? (My Source)
Claiming my OK-ness, my beauty, my power, day in and day out with each decision, that is how I work and play on the highest plane possible for the greatest good. Because we can’t lead by looking around…
…the world needs our whole-hearted leadership, our divine light, today.
Imagine the transformation we will source in our world through THIS approach! To literally step away from the outdated (patriarchal) agreements we’ve had about what business is and how to be successful, and create from a whole other energetic plane. With light and love. With freedom as a birthright (for all). The old ways become irrelevant.
Together we co-create the Universe we want to live in, and invite others to join us there.

Who is this for?
RISE is for the business leader who resonates with most or all of the following statements:
- I love my business and deeply believe that by bringing more play, creativity, lightness, and spiritual wonder to my work, we all win.
- I’ve always known that I’m intuitive, and I am now ready to let my connection to Source be the guiding light in my business.
- I’m becoming increasingly aware that my vibration matters as much as or more than my beautifully strategized action plan and I am curious to see what else is possible when I trust this even more!
- I’ve gotten delightfully honest with myself this year about who I am and what I want and I’m ready to bring all of my favorite parts of me into the light.
- In the ideal world I am co-creating, abundance is available to all. I am so open to receiving even more… support, love, connection, money… as a living example of this truth.
- I am becoming comfortable with “not knowing,” allowing more space for Spirit to work in my life, leading with my heart and my body’s knowing more often than my head.
- I know that surrender, stillness, and allowing are choices that are just as powerful as action.
- I am ready to stand strong for what’s important to me and sing my song with my true voice, nurturing and honoring who I am becoming, and knowing that I only seek approval from myself.
- I sense that the more I approve of myself, the more beautiful my authentic voice will become in my marketing and in all areas of my life, creating a song I want to sing with abandon for the rest of my life (even as I continue to grow).
- I know I heal and grow and integrate rapidly when in a committed community who can bear witness to my beautiful journey.
Program Details
As with all things sourced, we remain open to guidance and may adjust program details as guided.
The program includes:
Here’s How It Works:
We are an intimate group of 8 in a closed 6-month container of transformation designed for the emergence of the soul-aligned you! (Note: we will group registrants into up to two groups of 8 to maintain intimacy if we register a larger group).
Month 1-4: Weekly Rise Sessions. We will meet weekly at the same for ~75 minutes as a group on zoom (16 sessions, no makeup required!).
Each call will include:
- A super brief energetic activation/opening conversation guided by Source working through me
- Individual sharing, witnessing, and support for each member (‘love seats’)
NOTE: While I will not be teaching business strategies on these calls, you will have access to my marketing brain, but guided by my intuition — no teaching what you ‘should’ do!
MONTH 5-6: Monthly Manifestation Sessions. for a 90-minute group call to report back on what’s manifested and declare what’s ahead.
Monthly Themed Becoming Sourced Training: Each month I will share a specific recorded lesson related to an energetic theme, and a guided meditation and exercise that can be used throughout the month to tie you back to the theme.
1-on-1 VIP Love Journey Session with Darla: This 90-minute 1-on-1 session is part energy healing and part coaching, designed to remove any barriers to self love, to allowing you to be the most important person in your own life. This awareness opening and energy clearing session opens the path to receiving from Source. Lifelong patterns are available to shift in this single session.
BONUS: Human Design Personal Report: We create for you a detailed summary of the key points of your human design. Darla reads them all and is aware of your design so she can support you in your uniqueness!
We will be integrating your new Sourced energy into visible action, and explore what else is possible, with grace and ease, through singing your authentic song.
Each member commits to arranging their schedule to attend calls as the individual energy of each person called in is integral to the program. We all have full lives and schedules, and it is requested that you miss no more than one monthly call.
Monthly Themes:
Each month of the program will have a theme. The theme allows us to draw in specific energies that shape our emergence. Please note, this is not a ‘course,’ and I won’t be sharing a 4-step formula to all-good-things! That said, each month you will receive a recorded lesson with a suggestion for a practice you can bring to your days and weeks that will support your momentum. These are for you use as you feel drawn. I am excited to share them, and I’ll be playing right along with you. (The order of the lessons is subject to change per the Universe).

- Part of what you’ll be doing as you Emerge is stepping into a more Sourced version of you. This means you may be breaking with a long-held ancestral pattern, or integrating an ancestral gift.
- Explore and take your power back in relation to these patterns.
- Bring a loving energy to ancestors as you complete with them and access more freedom.
- Gain a clear vision of who you are as a soul outside of your bloodline. You came through your parents but from Source.
- No this is not a lesson in marketing! That is not the intention of this container. We will get in the energy of what it FEELS LIKE to KNOW that your right clients will find you.
- How does your energy shift when you are not going out trying to ‘find clients’ but rather being an invitation.
- Release the stored energy patterns of hustle instilled by society and our industry, once and for all!
- Tap in to the authentic reason that you will be the one in the community that people send their friends to, and uncover your personal energy alignment for BEING that invitation.
- Let’s tune in to your second chakra and see what it’s asking of you now!
- What creative pursuit have you put on hold or avoided exploring because your business has taken a front seat? What if that activity were the source of your most inspired ideas?
- How can you bring your own flair into your marketing, your client systems, or how you lead your team? #OwnIt
- Move your body. It holds so much wisdom!
- You have a rhythm and pace that is all your own. Let’s bring awareness to it!
- What happens when you slow down? Do you feel loved and nurtured? Do you become bored? Do you fear you’re missing out or falling behind?
- What happens when you create a quick deadline for yourself? Do you feel inspired and on fire with creativity? Do you delay and avoid or let your self care slip? Do you resent the decision you made?
- We’ll discover whether you have your pacing attached to abundance thinking or scarcity thinking. (Source will tell you what to do about it!)
- While I won’t be speaking in tongues (that I know of!), I’ve been playing with what light language means to me, and I invite you to your own exploration.
- Your default language patterns may hold ancestral patterns and vibrations that are calling to be either maximized or released. Let’s audit your marketing language.
- If you weren’t trying to get your language ‘right’, what would come through?
- We’ll explore how your Sourced™ self truly communicates most powerfully. (It may not even be in words!)
- How do you know what you know, and do you trust it?
- We’ll explore what ‘tuning in’ looks like for you and how you hear truth when in an optimal environment for YOU personally to hear.
- We’ll practice discernment on the fly – when in conversations with clients, affiliates, other coaching friends, and of course your loved ones.
- What do you already know, that you don’t want to know that you know, about where you’re going, and how can we LOVE that too!? We’ll build the trust muscle!
My mission for some time has been to normalize transformation on the planet, one intimate RETREAT at a time. As I’ve birthed Sourced™ I know that this means normalizing Self Trust (Source Trust).
As a bonus for Rise leaders, you are invited to one of our Sourced retreats in 2020. Travel not included. ($3000 value)
If you are still reading, I’m suspecting this unique opportunity is calling your name!
I’ve coached and hosted hundreds of entrepreneurs in various ways over the years. They have consistently emerged from my programs at a whole new vibration, knowing and loving their unique gifts in ways they never thought possible.
Together we go deeper and RISE in our power.
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