When you’re with a client, you just know things. You see the unseen, and you know it is their path to freedom.
When it’s the right client, and you feel you have permission to work in the way you are designed to work, obstacles fall away and reaching their goals is inevitable.
What if you could work like this all the time?
Not only that, what if you also knew how to see the unseen FOR YOURSELF, to partner with Source and use your knowing to create…
- The marketing approach that draws those higher level clients every time, without the angst that often comes with marketing?
- Programs so potent and clear, the thought of offering them feels exciting and easy and nothing like how you were taught “work” should be?
- A full and fulfilling personal life that vibrates at the level you do when you are working at your best?

Where we help you center your business around your Magic, knowing that your inner knowing will take you and your clients to places you’ve only dreamed of.
We’ve been conditioned out of our Magic.
The societal norms most of us were raised in have taught us to look outside of ourselves for the ‘right’ answers.
Our most emotionally charged experiences have left us with powerful default energy patterns that we employ to stay safe, and often the same.
Our ancestry has often told us, without words or specific memories, that our knowing is dangerous, or at least inconvenient, and should be ignored.
So it’s no wonder that you’ve found yourself here. With a pull… a ‘tap on the shoulder’ from Source… calling you to something more. Your inner knowing is asking you to further alignment with who you came here to be.
What if this tap on the shoulder is about so much more than just a new business strategy or offer?
What if it’s an invitation to activate your next level of leadership? To activate the part of you that knows?
And what if your inner knowing can be counted on to build the business masterpiece that has been calling to you all along?

…your message, the level of clients you work with, your personal role on your team, the investment to work with you. And first and foremost, your energy!

Show up as your magical self so people feel and know what’s possible with you. Design containers of support that highlight this.

Design your business for you to work squarely in your magic, expressing your knowing to people who are hungry for it.

Allow yourself to be supported by spirit, and other humans, to make the difference you are here to make.

Release burdensome energy patterns that create heaviness in your client relationships so you can honor the shadow while working with and from the light.
What is Your Sourced Magic?
Your Sourced Magic is your inner knowing, or the way Source (Spirit, God, the Universe) wants to work through you for the highest good. To create transformation with your clients, and raise the consciousness of the planet.
Through our work at Sourced, our goal is to provide a space of massive permission for you to fully trust the knowing inside you and follow it – above all the good advice, formulas for success, and even ancestral patterns you may have followed out of loyalty. We don’t step over them, we honor them for the ways they have worked so beautifully in your life.
And then you reclaim your power and potency. From within.
There are Six Sourced Magics
You’ll learn about your unique recipe in this program!

In Sourced Magic Business, we work in an intimate group experience, always gathering the right souls that will divinely support you and your knowing. We can’t know who we are in a vacuum.
You’ll discover your freedom of expression while learning to be in deep connection.
We seamlessly integrate the magical and the practical, weaving transformational knowing with the concrete decisions about your business model and marketing approach that will set you solidly in the direction of your soul.

The 4 Pillars of a Sourced Magic Business
Sourced Magic Business is designed around 4 Pillars. We’ve designed our program as an experience.
Together we’ll discern the Default Energy pattern (coming from ego or proving) ready to be healed and the Sourced Energy that wants to work through you at this time (the Truth of who you are). We double down on your Truth (the thing that’s so RIGHT about you) and map out your right next step on the way to your business masterpiece.
We explore each of these pillars from the perspective of using your Sourced Magic for YOU as a business owner, and for YOUR CLIENT in the way you help them transform.

We will purify, align, and activate your energy field so that your clear knowing shows up in the space. Then we can build everything from that energy.

We get clear when, where and how you show up in your greatest potency and allow this to dictate your top marketing strategies and how you will offer your services.

We’ll empower your inner desires, the ones that are truly you. And you’ll do the math and trust it.

We’ll uncover how you, personally, get to work lighter and receive more because your choices create the perfect playground for transformation for you and your clients.
Our Rough Agenda Looks Like This:
Weeks 1-4
Experience the reality of who you came here to be!
Week 5
Put your Sourced Expression into action in your marketing!
Week 6
What have you been trading your money for? (It’s not what you think!)
Weeks 7-8
We’ll retreat together (via Zoom) and design the next steps in your most magical business model.
Week 9
What specific actions will most elegantly move you toward your vision?

A 9 Week Experiential Container of Support (Facebook Group included)
Six (6) 90-Minute Live Training and Coaching Sessions
One (1) 2-hour Live Q&A Session
One (1) Experience Week as a Truth Revealer!
One (1) Virtual Retreat (over 3 days) to Discern the Right Next Steps toward your BUSINESS MODEL MASTERPIECE!
One (1) Private Coaching Call with Ashlie Woods

Bonus #1
Brand Pulse Foundations – A step-by-step guide to defining your brand attributes, qualities and values so you can align your marketing with ease.
Bonus #2
Sourced Selling Toolkit:
Sold-Out Transformational Programs e-book – Learn what to say – on your sales page, in your videos, on social media, in sales calls, and more – to fill your programs using the “YES FIRST” approach. Actual conversation transcripts inside!
Aligned Selling Mastery – Top-notch sales training with an easy-to-apply framework that will catapult your results.
Bonus #3
A ticket to Shift the Field Live!
Bonus #4
Sourced Magic in Action Multi-Magic Toolkit (access to all 6 magic types)

Soul-Aligned Reciprocity
Lisa Peek, Wealth & Feminine Leadership Mentor, The Impact Ripple,

Doing the Work My Soul Is Leading Me To Do
Jasleni Brito, Brand Strategist & Designer, Founder of Jasleni Art & Design,
Now Enrolling for January 17th Start!
Sourced Magic Business Is For You If:
- You are a coach, consultant, creative, or healer committed to deep transformation for yourself and your clients.
- You are currently offering transformational programs, and are undercharging and over delivering in a way that no longer works for you.
- You’ve been offering “how to” programs in an area you love, but you know your clients would get better results if you set them up to transform their energy first, making them more receptive to what you teach.
- You’re offering hourly sessions or done-for-you services, and you suspect you might make a bigger difference for your clients if you could help them see what they aren’t seeing about the result they truly desire.
- You’ve been getting signals that there’s something more you’re meant to be doing or being at this time.
- You are ready to see what’s been hidden from your view. The blind spot that’s had you resist the changes you’ve been called to make.
- You are ready to listen to and act on the messages from your soul, even if it feels a bit scary.
Sourced Magic Business Is Not For You If:
- You aren’t sure that you want to be magical or transformational.
- You don’t believe that your energy affects your results.
- You’ve never experienced transformational work before for yourself.
- You prefer to stay safely in your head and only talk about strategy ⇒ We will move into your body and ensure you are cellularly aligned with your message!
- You like to explore energy and spirituality, but don’t want to actually turn it into practical actions in your business.
- You aren’t willing to show up in a group. (Enrollment is capped at 12).
Meet Darla LeDoux,

Transformational business coach, retreat leader, founder of Sourced™, and author of two best-selling books on the business of transformation.
I’m Darla, I started my journey as a transformational coach with a passion for the work of coaching and little knowledge of the business of coaching. I quickly discovered that the two are not separate – that being able to deliver potent coaching experiences is completely intertwined with the setup of our business MODEL.
When I saw that some coaches and transformational service providers were thriving, while others were struggling to market what they really wanted to do and making their dream job heavy and hard, I decided to use my background as an engineer, combined with my spiritual understanding, to make the work of transformation so much easier.
This doesn’t mean it’s always been easy. To lead transformation, we are always modeling the way for transformation.
From learning to ask for and receive money for this work that seemed so intangible, to beginning to host retreats when the experts were telling me I wasn’t ready (I’ve since written the book on profitable, powerful retreats), to recognizing I was gay (while on a retreat!), I’ve had to continually step in to new energy to be in alignment.

Getting Out Of My Head and Into My Heart
Kortney Rivard, Authenticity and Self-Love Coach,

Getting Paid for Creating to Create
Paula Forbes, Founder of the Finding Human Institute,

Let’s transform your inner resistance into power and magic, see the unseen, and create the business that makes your inner wisdom come alive!
Copyright © 2022 Sourced™ and Sourced Experience™ • 2028 E. Ben White Blvd. #240-3905 Austin TX 78741