Based on the groundbreaking book, Shift The Field by Darla LeDoux.


Whether you’re a coach, consultant, creative, or healer, you likely know you’ve been called to go deeper and hold a more potent space for transformation.

And this excites you! But it also just might scare you a little bit.

Because as much as you’ve transformed YOURSELF, you may still find yourself bumping up against old energies and patterns, such as:

  • Undercharging and over delivering to the detriment of your bottom-line and well-being
  • Questioning your skill level to provide “miracle breakthroughs” again and again, without taking on the weight of your client’s “stuff”
  • Watching other coaches who sell transformation do it more quickly and often at higher prices, while you are still waiting for their level of confidence
  • Selling the practical knowledge when you, and your client, would prefer to engage with energy-shifting transformational work that truly frees them
  • Feeling as though you have to sneak your transformational magic in the back door because it isn’t something others value

The good news is that you are not alone. The reality is that there is an endless supply of clients who actually want this level of work — from YOU!.

Darla LeDoux

Meet Darla LeDoux,

Transformational business coach, retreat leader, founder of Sourced™, and author of two best-selling books on the business of transformation.

I’m Darla, I started my journey as a transformational coach with a passion for the work of coaching and little knowledge of the business of coaching. I quickly discovered that the two are not separate – that being able to deliver potent coaching experiences is completely intertwined with the setup of our business MODEL.

When I saw that some coaches and transformational service providers were thriving, while others were struggling to market what they really wanted to do and making their dream job heavy and hard, I decided to use my background as an engineer, combined with my spiritual understanding, to make the work of transformation so much easier.

This doesn’t mean it’s always been easy. To lead transformation, we are always modeling the way for transformation.

From learning to ask for and receive money for this work that seemed so intangible, to beginning to host retreats when the experts were telling me I wasn’t ready (I’ve since written the book on profitable, powerful retreats), to recognizing I was gay (while on a retreat!), I’ve had to continually step in to new energy to be in alignment.

When your clients shift their energy FIRST, they align the quantum results they truly desire… and you BOTH have more fun!

Your work in this lifetime is a calling that you’ve not been able to ignore.

IT’S BEAUTIFUL because your commitment to this work CALLS YOU INTO BEING at a much higher vibration year after year — meaning you get to live an amazing life!

(because this work calls you into being at a higher vibration year after year!)

At Sourced™, we get it. And we’ve designed Shift the Field Live so you can own and integrate your next level magic, and explore leading edge tools and resources, and learn structures that support the unique challenges of people like us.

NOT TO MENTION we attract the most fabulous humans!





  • You improved your confidence to attract more clients and sell them the services you really want to offer — with ease and grace
  • You knew how to consistently speak to your client’s soul and not their ego, inviting their true self to the table and setting the stage for success
  • You could command the rates you deserve without having to over-deliver, work more arduous hours, or carry the weight of your clients
  • You learned to put your transformational magic front and center as the primary reason for clients to work with you
  • You mastered the skills of transformation so that you could provide the Big Shift to your clients — quickly and without struggle, again and again
  • Your program was the one clients looked back on years down the line as the investment that changed everything


“Long lasting transformation for my clients”

When I started my business, I knew that I wanted to include retreats in my programs because of the transformation it provided my clients. The only thing was, I thought that I had to ‘go big or go home’… i.e. rent out an expensive retreat center in some tropical location, drop a ton of money on a deposit a year in advance and then just pray that people actually purchase. The fear and stress were so big that nothing ever happened. Then I met Darla. What I loved about her approach is that she helped me see how effective it would be to keep it simple and just start. She showed me how to structure my retreats to create long lasting transformation for my clients while helping me bring my best self into the process. My initial program is $5k and I’ve had 71 people go through generating $355K. From that I’ve upsold $180K. That’s $535K in revenue from that retreat strategy. If you are ready to get serious about how you show up in your business, Darla is the coach for you! She holds you to your truth and lovingly inspires you to take courageous action towards your goals.
-Laura Wieck, Creator of BodyMind Coaching,



Here is just a sampling of what you will experience and discover:

  • Discover what it actually means to “Shift The Field” and how to identify a prospect or client’s energy.
  • Explore the future of storytelling and other transformational tools.
  • Elevate your own frequency and learn how to hold the most potent vibration as a brand.
  • What it means for you personally to live “Sourced™.”
  • Learn the 3 Stages of the Anatomy of a Transformation and apply them with individuals and groups!
  • Know how to identify where your client is in their transformational process, even while you’re leading a group.
  • Discover your Sourced Magic and why you need it
  • Learn why you never have to worry that your magic won’t show up in time!

Most importantly, you will leave with a concrete plan on how to apply your new vibration to your business, and new skills that will lighten your load for years to come.

“Aligned with what the Universe has in mind for me”

When I started working with Darla, it was because I had been hosting retreats for a while, and every retreat had cost me money. Darla’s guidance took me on a journey that wasn’t what I had intended at the start, but it was what I truly needed! I am in better alignment with what I want and what the universe has in mind for me, and now my events earn money instead of losing money! I learned so much from Darla that it’s hard to fit that all into one small space. My biggest takeaway: Owning my magic; the natural gifts that I used to hide or share as an adjunct to what is considered more “normal.” I also learned that delivering transformation doesn’t have to look a certain way. If you’re considering working with Darla, tune into your inner knowing, and instead of making the decision from a place of fear of the future, say yes with great positive expectation!”
-Dr. Davia H. Shepherd, Chief Happiness Officer of Ladies’ Power Lunch™ Ladiespowerlunch.com



Discover the Anatomy of a Transformation and when, where, and how to use your Sourced Magic!

  • What does it mean to “Shift the Field?”
  • The two types of energy and how to identify them for yourself and your client.
  • Discover the type of MAGICIAN you are, and why you need this Magic more than ever.
  • Learn to apply the 3 Stages of the Anatomy of a Transformation with individuals and groups making your work lighter and more potent.
  • Know how to identify where your client is in their transformational process, even while you’re leading a group.
  • Unleashing Your Magic even when your knees shake! (Or your mom thinks you’re crazy).


Embody a new level of ownership of your personal magic, and identify where you’ve been holding it back, and where you’ve been giving it in the wrong place.

  • Where in the Anatomy of a Transformation does your magic belong?
  • How to be responsible for and in deep integrity with your magical gifts.
  • Learn the top popular business models that decrease the potency of your magic.
  • Experience the lightness of being that is your birthright – when you offer your magic in the right place.
  • See what has previously been unseen about the energy webs you weave in your work and your life!


Uplevel the message and vibration of your work to the level of your becoming.

  • Allow yourself to see and know the client you most want to work with in this next stage of your business growth.
  • Transmute the energy that has had you believing that you are here for less than you truly are (even when you’re already successful!)
  • Identify the key message, offer, or energetic rallying cry that your STAR client will feel in their bones (and learn to TRUST it)
  • Release worry about #allthethings that are NOT the key message, offer, or energetic rallying cry – they don’t matter. Really.
  • Operate lighter, more free, and more SOURCED than ever before!

The Shift the Field Live is for you if:

  • You are a coach, consultant, creative, or healer who loves going deeper with your clients, helping them to resolve and transform old energy (wounds, limiting beliefs, etc.) at their core for lasting results.
  • You are a professional service provider (therapists, counselors, chiropractors, financial advisors, etc.) transitioning into more of a coaching approach/ offering transformation.
  • You currently have clients in your service-based business.
  • You have been ‘tapped on the shoulder’ by spirit with a vision that feels bigger than yourself, and new skills or perspective is needed to help you get there.
  • You are committed to living in alignment with your truth above all else, freeing others to do the same.
  • You wish to follow/trust your spiritual guidance and see yourself as the creator of your world.
  • You love making money with your gifts (a lot), but money is not the prime motivator. Instead, you are motivated more to make a difference but even more to live your self-expression and to experience the adventure of being fully alive.

Shift the Field Live is not for you if:

  • You see clients as dollar signs.
  • You do not want to model or walk the talk in their transformation (do as I say, not as I do/ lack integrity).
  • You want to teach and give good advice, but you prefer not to go deeper with clients to shift their blocks
  • You would rather look good or be super professional than be authentic and genuine in your brand
  • You don’t want to take responsibility for your current circumstances in life
  • You are not committed to excellence/ mastery/ continued growth
  • You don’t believe in God, Spirit, the Universe or have a calling to connect with Source
  • Committed to following the traditional, masculine models and ‘rules’ over trusting your soul
  • You are brand new in business and are looking for a ‘get my first clients’ type of solution
“Provides a solid framework”

I’ve been in the professional coaching world since 1999, and I have to say, there are few people who can do what Darla does. I’ve known Darla for over 10 years (we met in a coaching mastermind) and along with being a dear friend, I’ve also hired her as my coach and been to a number of her Sourced retreats. Put simply, Darla knows how to create transformation – real, deep and meaningful change – for her clients. People make powerful shifts in her presence, which I’ve witnessed and experienced first hand. It’s easy to think it’s ‘magic’ or something special that only Darla can do, but the
truth is we can all learn to do this – for ourselves and our clients. The Shift the Field approach that Darla so graciously shares in this book lays it out for us in a clear, loving, and actionable way. I am going to be recommending Shift the Field to anyone who wants to be a part of the transformation that we all so dearly need in our world today.
-Tina Forsyth, Leadership Coach, TinaForsyth.com

Tina Forsyth

Frequently asked questions

Where is the event being held?

Shift the Field Live is a retreat-from-home experience hosted on zoom. If you want to make the most of your experience, consider taking yourself to an Airbnb and leaving the whole three days free!

What if I’m new in business?

While all are welcome here, and you will find value as a new entrepreneur, the content is designed for a service-based entrepreneur (coach, consultant, creative, healer, therapist, wellness practitioner, teacher, etc.) who is already working with clients.

What if I want to Shift the Field at my company?

While the experience is designed for the service-based entrepreneur, you could apply the principles to your leadership at your job. Most of the principles will apply if you think of your team as your clients.

What if I’m not “woo” enough?

We will speak about the energy we have access to that is expansive and connected as “Sourced Energy.” For me, this comes from Spirit, God, The Universe in my understanding of these concepts. You can hold whatever belief you will about “God,” as the concepts of energy are also scientific. The applications we’ll explore are extremely practical. That said, you’ll get the most value if you are willing to try on the idea that our intuitive knowing, our Truth if you will, is a function of whom we came here to be as a unique slice of Source energy, and that this is also true for your clients.

I’ve already taken coach training or other associated certifications. Will I learn anything new?

Absolutely. In this work, we work with the natural skills and acquired knowledge you already have, taking this to the next level. The content and practice center around how to work with clients over time and in groups to maximize their results with you. Many certifications teach one specific skill or modality, whereas we help you merge your magic with your business for transformative results for you and your clients. The company and the modality are not separate in a Sourced Business. Only when we genuinely integrate all that we are (a unique slice of Source energy) that we are unleashed to do our best work.

What are the hours of the event?

We love to hold you lovingly and firmly in the ‘container’ for your business transformation over the entire three days. If possible, please set aside the whole time in the container for you and your business growth. That said, we won’t do the ‘marathon zoom,’ and we will focus on EMBODYING your learning! Time-wise, we will account for those in Europe – late for them and early for PT (you got this!).

Core hours (To Be Confirmed):
August 10-12
Daily 8 am – 3 pm PT / 11 am – 6 pm ET

In addition – we’ll have a ‘virtual cocktail hour’ on August 9th and an ‘overnight’ experience on August 10th. You’ll want time to integrate on the 11th, and we’ll finish content early the 12th, with time to share celebrations and next steps at the end!

What if I can’t attend all three days?

The content and experience for Shift the Field Live builds upon itself as the program unfolds. It is ideal to attend all segments of the event for the full experience. We understand that you likely have a full schedule. Tune in to your soul knowing – if this experience is calling you do all you can to arrange your schedule for maximum presence. (We know it will be worth it!) While sessions will be recorded, replays will not be sent. That said, everything is Sourced! We trust you to discern what is right for you.

Will the event be recorded?

The event will be recorded for later use, however replays of the segments will not be sent during the event.

What if I am so burned out on zoom!?

Heard! We completely get that 3 days behind the computer can feel daunting. We’ve done our best to design an experience so engaging that you will not notice you’re zooming. I am also known as the Queen of Transformational Retreats, and intend to demonstrate the ability for all of us, collectively, to transform regardless of the space or distance. Our past online retreat attendees stayed on after the programming had ended because they loved being ‘in the space’ so much! (PS: What does your intuition say?)

I’m introverted -- will I get called on to talk?

We’ll have opportunities to share in the big room and in breakout sessions, as well as practicing skills hands on. Your level of participation is totally up to you. I can promise a space of non judgment, and opportunity to explore and expand upon your ‘Default Energy’ zone. You won’t be called upon the big room without consent.

Will I have a chance to ask you questions?

Absolutely – from Darla and our support team. Not everyone will get personal coaching from Darla, but in our experience everyone who wants to ask will have space to ask. (It’s often the question someone else asks that is the one we most need to hear the answer to!)

Will I get to meet the other participants?

Yes, we will have both networking rooms (often easier on zoom!) and skills practice breakout sessions during the retreat, as well as a networking ‘cocktail hour’ the night prior to the event. We do our best to give you the kind of connections you would receive in our in person work. That said, goal #1 is for your business energy to shift to align the way you work with the transformational work you really want to do!

Is there any support after the live event?

You’ll have 10 days in the Facebook community after the live event to make connections and seal in your learning! The event is a complete experience that is sure to leave you in a higher vibration. Should you wish to further your transformational skills after the event, we’ll let you know how you can do that with us.

What can I expect over the three days?

We’ll use a combination of storytelling, teaching, coaching, and experiential exercises to help you learn new concepts, use them to explore where you actually are in your business and client work right now, tune into Source, and decide what resonates with you for you to integrate right away. This is NOT 3 days of endless teaching and notetaking where you forget most things the next day. This is not a host of different speakers providing information on topics that aren’t for you. It is a holistic experienced designed with your personal magic in mind. We use large and small group experiences, and guided and individual “tuning in” time to keep you soul-aligned and personally empowered as the Sourced Leader that you are!

How should I prepare?
  1. The main preparation is to arrange your schedule to be fully present for the full experience. If possible, book yourself an AirBNB or support for your physical needs (food, snacks, childcare, etc.) so that you are showing up to meet your own transformation.
  2. The second piece of preparation is to know that the experience starts when you register, and it’s all a Sourced Experience™. (By the time we complete our event you’ll know exactly what that means!) This is to simply say, pay attention to what comes up in your life and business, especially client relationships or sales results, between now and the event. It holds a message for you!
  3. Third, you will receive an intake assessment which will give us information about you, and also guide your thinking and reflection between now and Day 1. This is part of the event experience and makes a difference.
  4. Watch your mail and ensure we have a correct address with your registration!
“Create Transformation – deep meaningful change”

“Transformation is the most powerful catalyst for personal joy and growth. Darla masterfully takes the concept of transformation that can often be or feel nebulous and provides a solid framework for how transformation looks, feels and how a transformational leader can facilitate this process. The ability to lead transformationally is a powerful gift and skill set that, when adopted by wider audiences, can play an important part in facilitating global healing. Any coach, consultant, or leader who desires to be a part of this global shift will benefit from Shift the Field.”
-Amber Swenor, Transformational Life & Business Strategist, StrategiesThatPay.com

Shift the Field Live Registration Bonuses

When you register before July 31st, you will receive bonuses valued at more than $1200!


Sourced Magic in Action

Discover the magic you were born to share, and explore how your current business model is supporting, or distracting from, you operating at your most magical. Get started right away! ($1150 Value; Sold at $129)

Sourced Magic in Action includes:

  • Your Sourced Magic Gifts and Gaps video training and self assessment. Explore the 6 Types of Magic and hone in on yours! (Quiz Included)
  • The Business Magic Alignment Audit video training and assessment. Explore how your business model supports and hurts you, and what to do to optimize for your magic!
  • The 4 Sacred Structures to Expand your Magic video training + guided visualization
  • The Art of Being Multi-Magical, The Birth of Your Magic and Ancestral Trauma, and more!


  • Shift the Field book PDF: Explore the Anatomy of a Transformation in advance of our time together
  • Exclusive Facebook Group for Shift the Field Live through August 22nd!
  • Surprise bonus gift to support your retreat journey!

During Shift the Field Live I really leaned into my magic more and how I use it in my work intentionally. One of the exercises especially shifted my focus on the language I use in my marketing from problem-focused to possibility-focused. During the event, I got a download about my new program offering and I’ve experienced a big change in my business! Though this event is virtual, it feels like you’re right there in the room with everyone. Being with Darla and the people in her sphere is transformational!

Nancy Shadlock

Founder, Centered

During Shift the Field Live, I was selected for live coaching and the experience didn’t just shift my field, it CHANGED me. I ended up doing a full-blown ugly cry in front of all the attendees while Darla’s coaching brought to my awareness a lot of things that were holding me back and ways in which I was holding myself back. After the retreat, I terminated all of my contracts, “broke up” with all of my clients, and made the brave decision to TRUST that by clearing my plate, I could make room for the work I wanted to do, and the life I truly desired. The result was magic. I instantly attracted 3 amazing clients at a much higher price point, and more importantly, I started to let go of my feelings around scarcity. I feel like Darla opened my eyes, and I’m on a journey towards being braver, bolder, happier, more honest, more Me. I am forever grateful.

Jasleni Brito

Brand Strategist & Designer, Founder of Jasleni Art & Design
Pamela Slim

“Shift the Field is for the coach or consultant who has tried every tool and trick in the book, and still feels frustrated with client results. The perspective, frameworks, and tools in this book will give you a new way of looking at and supporting transformational change. It centers your clients’ truth, and puts you in a more grounded, effective role, leading to breakthrough results.”


Author, Body of Work
Katherine Bird

“Darla is masterful at creating transformational experiences and breaking down the processes that one must go through in order to lead others effectively toward their greatest growth. Her fierce commitment to supporting people to find their own magic and live it fully means her teachings don’t force you to live in someone else’s box but to live a truly Sourced experience following your life path of service.”


Mentor for Healing Practitioners
Monica Rodgers

“A great coach doesn’t give you answers, but helps you access your own. Shift the Field takes this to a whole new level, offering today’s coaches, healers and teachers a ‘revelationary’ framework that can be used to achieve repeatable breakthrough results. In essence, Darla gives us a key that opens the portal into practical magic, and reveals the secret ingredient we need for quantum results every time—the divine energy of Source.”


Founder of The Revelation Project
Tina Forsyth

“I’ve been in the professional coaching world since 1999, and I have to say, there are few people who can do what Darla LeDoux does. Put simply, Darla knows how to create transformation—real, deep and meaningful change—for her clients. People make powerful shifts in her presence. It’s easy to think that this is ‘magic,’ or something special that only Darla can do, but the truth is we can all learn to do this for ourselves and our clients. The Shift the Field approach that Darla shares in this book lays it out for us in a clear, loving, and actionable way. I am recommending this book to anyone who wants to be a part of the transformation that we so dearly need in our world today.”


Leadership coach, founder of Certified OBM
Lisa Berkovitz

“Darla is a master of her craft, and in this book reveals the true heart of transformation: your energy. Through detailed stories and an easy-to-understand framework, she has made fulfilling and sustainable success accessible to anyone who truly wants this kind of transformation for themselves, as well as for those who want to facilitate it for others.”


Soul Mastery Coach
Janet Newman

“Shift the Field is a must-read for any coach who wishes to truly help their clients transform. It provides easy-to-understand steps and fascinating examples of real client situations to illustrate a unique methodology, which involves tapping into an individual’s energetic field to get their desired outcome.”


Ph.D., author of Living in the Chemical Age
Amber Swenor

“Transformation is the most powerful catalyst for personal joy and growth. Darla masterfully takes the concept of transformation—which can often feel nebulous—and provides a solid framework for how transformation looks and feels, and how a transformational leader can facilitate this process. The ability to lead transformationally is a powerful gift and skill set that, when adopted by wider audiences, can play an important role in global healing. Any coach, consultant, or leader who desires to be a part of this global shift will benefit from reading this book.”


Transformational Life and Business Strategist at Soul Seed
Maggie Ostara

“This beautifully written book, full of tangible and recognizable stories, is for all teachers, leaders, and practitioners who work with the intention of facilitating deep transformation. As LeDoux points out, many people have elements of what she calls ‘The Anatomy of Transformation,’ but their results with clients suffer because they don’t have all the elements or understand how to have them work together. This gem will inspire, inform, and delight those wanting to take their work to another level—to transform their practices and themselves in partnership with Source.”


PhD, Human Design specialist, mentor, speaker, and author

Pre-registration INVESTMENT

Our typical 3-day in-person event registration is $2000-$3000 (plus travel!).
Experience transformational learning with us now, from your own space!

FOR JUST $777 $333*

*Early Bird Pricing – expires July 13th

“Let’s shift the consciousness of the planet together, one magical client at a time.”

©2023 Shift The Field | All right reserved