Darla LeDoux Are You Ready To Shift The Field

Own your magic, elevate your business.

Are you ready to

Shift the Field?


A Sourced Experience Mountain Retreat
April 16-18, 2025 in Glenwood Springs, CO

Activate Your Next Level Magic Retreat Now Enrolling
Darla LeDoux: Offer and Deliver Deep Transformation

Offer & Deliver
Deep Transformation

Your clients want more than your information or time, strategies or implementation. They want a new energy. And you’re just the magical human to facilitate that transformation.

Let us show you how to consistently Shift the Field.
And make money doing it.

Trust what you know to be true…

Make money with your magic…

Be seen as the leader that you are…


The work we do here is based in three foundational teachings.


Everything is energy, and Sourced is an Energy First company. Transformation is a permanent shift in energy from Default to Sourced. A human in Sourced Energy creates whole new worlds.


There is an underlying structure to how a human transforms.

When you understand the structure, you know what to do, or not do, to facilitate a potent shift of field.


There is a way that Source wants to work with and through you to create transformation on the planet, and we call it magic. It’s distinct to you and knowing how it works makes leading transformation virtually effortless.
Recognition Magic
Compassion Magic

Your Inner Knowing Works Like Magic

Your Sourced Magic is the way Source works with and through you in service of transformation.

And that magic is the fuel for your lasting and lucrative business.

A new paradigm of leadership is emerging, and you are being invited to show up more potently than ever before. When you embrace and embody your deep magical gifts, and optimize your business around them, you will work lighter and play the role you are here to play.

There are 6 Types of Sourced Magic…
What’s Yours?

Vibration Magic
Sensation Magic
Expansion Magic
Expression Magic
Recognition Magic
Vibration Magic
Expansion Magic
Compassion Magic
Sensation Magic
Expression Magic


A Shift the Field Coach is masterful at walking the path of deeper alignment with their personal Truth, holding a clean energetic space for transformation. In a world of messy energy and hidden motives, where we’ve been conditioned to defer our power, energetic truth is currency. Becoming a leader who has mastered your energy is an investment that pays dividends.

  • Catalyze transformation as easily as breathing, with individuals or groups
  • Create programs and offers that resonate deeply
  • Feel confident navigating deep and potent work with your clients
  • Raise the consciousness of the planet through a service that is priceless
  • Receive energetically aligned amounts of money for your most magical gifts

Bring energetic truth to the way you lead. Your clients will pay you for it.

Become A Sourced Leader
Erika Leading Become A Sourced Leader


A Shift the Field Coach is masterful at walking the path of deeper alignment with their personal Truth, holding a clean energetic space for transformation. In a world of messy energy and hidden motives, where we’ve been conditioned to defer our power, energetic truth is currency. Becoming a leader who has mastered your energy is an investment that pays dividends.

  • Catalyze transformation as easily as breathing, with individuals or groups
  • Create programs and offers that resonate deeply
  • Feel confident navigating deep and potent work with your clients
  • Raise the consciousness of the planet through a service that is priceless
  • Receive energetically aligned amounts of money for your most magical gifts

Bring energetic truth to the way you lead. Your clients will pay you for it.


Hi, I’m Darla. I’ve been a business coach for more than a dozen years, and earned millions of dollars coaching fabulous entrepreneurial leaders, and hosting transformational retreats around the world.

As a ‘recovering engineer,’ (i.e. practical, logical person), it took massive transformation for me to trust my magic, and step into this work I’ve known deep down all along.

Trusting my inner knowing has allowed me to create a light, fun, playful, and deeply meaningful business where who I am as a unique Sourced Expression gets to play!

Dear kindred spirit, I invite you to consider that what your soul wants is the most practical thing you can do.

Darla LeDoux Trust What You Know


Hi, I’m Darla. I’ve been a business coach for more than a dozen years, and earned millions of dollars coaching fabulous entrepreneurial leaders, and hosting transformational retreats around the world.

As a ‘recovering engineer,’ (i.e. practical, logical person), it took massive transformation for me to trust my magic, and step into this work I’ve known deep down all along.

Trusting my inner knowing has allowed me to create a light, fun, playful, and deeply meaningful business where who I am as a unique Sourced Expression gets to play!

Dear kindred spirit, I invite you to consider that what your soul wants is the most practical thing you can do.

“I broke through an old ‘not enough’ pattern and enrolled 11 people in my new group program!”

Before I joined the Certified Sourced Leader program, I had a full coaching practice but wanted to deliver group programs too. I was working hard, over-giving, and undercharging. Soon after I started working with Darla, I redesigned my coaching program to be more structured and impactful, increased my prices by 50%, and knew that people were receiving even more value. I also overcame resistance to getting support and hired a VA, which was something I’d been talking about doing for two years. Darla is an amazing role model for transformation leaders. She walks her talk.

Rionach Aiken

Visibility Mentor & Poetry Alchemist™, Grow Yourself Visible, rionachaiken.com

April Gregory
“I now enjoy my work more than ever!

It’s tough to admit that I was in a bad relationship with my work, but I knew things had to change. I decided to work with Darla because she walks her talk. Within the first few weeks of the program, I started seeing results and had a greater sense of clarity about my work and my vision for the future. My clients are reporting transformational shifts in their lives as a result of working with me. This program is about so much more than just coaching. It’s about personal transformation, professional development, and stepping into your power as a leader in the field. The program provides the tools, resources, and support needed to help you create powerful change in your work and in your life. It’s an investment in yourself that will pay off many times over.

April L. Gregory

Brand & Marketing Strategist, Wonder Woman Marketing & Creator of the Upgrade, wonderwomanmarketing.com | april-gregory.com

Offer and deliver deep transformational work with ease and flow.

Deeply value your most potent energy and magic.

Experience the joy of living Sourced!

You Are Not Alone

The Sourced Community

You know there is a better way to live and work than what was modeled.

You see and sense the evolving consciousness of the planet and what it will take to really transform, and you know you are here to be a part of it.

Yet, do you ever feel that you are alone on your journey?
That the people around you can’t see what you see? Or see you?
That it’s not always been safe to show up fully and speak your Truth?

Welcome Home Baby
Welcome to our community of transformational leaders.

We are advocates for a new definition of power, one steeped in
truthful and soul-aligned expression, connection, and receptivity.

You are not alone. There are others like you.
You are unique, and your expression matters.
The people you surround yourself with influence your energy field, and shape how you show up.
Community Committed to Living Sourced
In a community of humans committed to living Sourced, the field is different.
In the Sourced community, you will experience being seen and honored for who you are in such a deep and healthy way. You’ll practice trusting your knowing and speaking your truth in a sacred container for growth. You’ll build the muscle of being Sourced and sovereign with people who get what you’re about and can hold space for your emergence of power.

The muscle helps you have the confidence to bring transformation to a broader audience.
Lean into the steady love and support of Team Sourced and our leader community.
Feel what it feels like in your body to be truly seen and celebrated and embraced as you are… or at least know you are not crazy!

Allow Sourced collaborations to expand and grow your personal work and our collective mission.
Play, dance, light up and lighten up, knowing you’re not alone in your mission, and Source, and these other humans, have your back.