Living Magic
Embody Your Truth,
Expand Your Influence
You perceive so much about the world around you.
You know so much more is available to us as humans.
And you want others to know it too.
You perceive so much about the world around you.
You know so much more is available to us as humans.
And you want others to know it too.
✔ You want to serve your clients in the highest integrity, catalyzing transformation for them while having fun in your work.
✔ You long to be able to easily articulate your magic and be seen and recognized for the stuff you’re really best at – without fumbling to explain yourself.
✔ You are drawn to bigger ‘stages’ for your work, whether a physical stage or virtual via books, a podcast, an instagram following, or another creative expression of your expertise.
The way to expand your work and take bigger stages does not lie in another business strategy. It starts with being willing to trust yourself. With moving forward from your inner knowing, a fully integrated being who is embodying truth.
It starts with Living Magic.
This is not an esoteric idea or some far off level of enlightenment you hope to reach.
It’s grounded in Six Methods of Access – we call them Sourced Magics.

There is a way that you know what you know and it’s undeniable. We call this your Sourced Magic. It is how Source (energy, collective consciousness, the divine, God, spirit) wants to work with and through you to create higher consciousness on the planet. When you can trust what you know, your world shifts. Your most potent service comes from this place.
Being Magical in the world has not been taught, in fact it’s been discouraged. Living your magic is a Journey between you and you. You trusting yourself, daring to walk in Truth in your intimate life, and knowing how to work with what arises in life as fuel for your greater purpose.
Are you ready to live your Magic?
There is no need to:
There is no need to:
✘ Hold back on saying what you believe until you’re sure that people will like it
✘ Push to ‘put yourself out there’ on big stages in ways that activate your fight or flight
✘ Have the perfect way to talk about your magic consistently time and time again
✘ Say dramatic things or be a big and outspoken energy to be noticed and felt
✘ Build systems that optimize everything, but structures you out of your magic
Instead, you can:
Instead, you can:
✔ Be the truest version of yourself in your work
✔ Trust the magic that you came in with is more than enough
✔ Make the difference you’re here to make
Most people who start doing transformational work immediately feel the pressure to get on big stages and have a presence on social media, thinking that if they can just say the right thing people will see and understand what they do and hire them. And lots of people make a lot of money selling formulas to do and say the right thing.
This may work beautifully for some professionals, but for magical transformational beings of light, it can actually get in the way.
Because for people like us, it’s not about saying the perfect thing or having the outside world approve of our magic. It’s about being willing to trust ourselves and our magic enough to know that it matters.
It matters.

Embody Your Truth, Expand Your Influence.
Embody Your Truth, Expand Your Influence.
Begins July 11th, 2024

I’m Darla LeDoux, founder of Sourced™ and author of two best-selling books on the business of transformation.
Even though I knew I was called to the work of transformation way back in my first coach training I took while working as an engineer at Procter & Gamble, I held a TON of self-doubt and hesitancy about what I knew. Because as a child I was not seen or recognized. In fact I could easily pick up that people were threatened by my magic.
I began to eat to numb the sensations in my body that were hard to be with, and I used my ability to perceive energy patterns to keep me safe in an unpredictable environment, not for generating positivity and possibility through the truth I could see. The magic of my healing heart was often taken advantage of by the people around me.
I held back and hid my most magical self to stay safe. And so no wonder I was confused about who I was, and had a hard time seeing and owning my gifts in the world!
We are at a place in history where we are being called to use our gifts to grow consciousness on the planet. To be solid and clear about who we are and how to create for the greatest good.
We can’t do this from a wounded place any longer.
The part of your identity that you’ve crafted to stay safe is ready to be transmuted into a higher form of service. We can’t bring our full magic to our service, let alone to a bigger stage, if we aren’t able to live it in our life.
This is how we free ourselves to make our work, and the world, our playground.
This may seem like a long way off. “How can I play when the world needs so much healing?”
We’ll answer this question and more in Living Magic!
Take the first step to LIVING MAGIC today
July 11th – October 9th, 2024
Take the first step to LIVING MAGIC today
July 11th – October 9th, 2024

“More intimacy with my husband and friends”
I said yes to Living Magic to strengthen my trust in my knowing. Darla is an intuitive Oracle. She cuts through the static to the heart of the contrast and offers tangible tools that help my human part play with the spiritual part. Being in the program provided a safe space to live into my Truth. I’ve created new ways of having conversations instead of internalizing or running. Living Magic has brought a deeper, more expansive intimacy with my husband and aligned friends. In my business, I’m in my play and humor! I’ve been able to fill my class with 42 beautiful souls after only having 4 in the last one. Being in this community of magical beings was a huge support, and was so fun! If you’d like to live your Truth and have more intimate connections, then step into Living Magic!
Annette (Stahl) Farha
Intuitive Design Coach, A Design Discovery,

“Owning my Magic was the missing piece of the puzzle.”
I joined Living Magic because I had an internal knowing that I have magic, but I wasn’t living it. Having worked with Darla previously, I knew her container was a place where I would be seen, heard, and valued, which is exactly what I want my clients to experience in my retreats. The skills we learned in Living Magic gave me more confidence than I’ve ever had before. There’s a deep belief and trust in myself and in the programs I offer. Owning my magic was the missing piece of the puzzle. It’s given me total freedom to use my voice and express myself. New, aligned clients are finding me organically. I’ve become a better coach who listens better to them as well as to my own inner Truth. The Living Magic program is a safe container without judgment where you can be yourself and belong just as you are.
Peggy Fontenot
Retreat Leader & Integrative Spirituality Mentor, Tranquility Point Sanctuary

“It’s like Source is my Marketing Director!”
The Living Magic program showed up at exactly the right time. I had transitioned out of an academic career of 45 years into my entrepreneurial work. I had just gone through a transformational experience where I was opening up creatively. Deepening into my magic helped me see the whole picture in the puzzle of the different pieces of my work and life. In the program, I felt supported especially with the teachings, meditations, and practicing with others in the group. It was beautiful to feel the difference in the energy in the group as we moved through the program together. I value Darla’s leadership because she walks the talk, and she’s incredibly intuitive and magical. I’ve found that being in a Sourced space transforms you. For me, new clients and opportunities showed up. It’s like Source is my Marketing Director! Living Magic is about who you are and how you live your life in a Sourced way in all aspects of life. In this program, you’ll learn a lot about yourself in a wider context and get to dance with Source and your magic.
Carol McAmis
Founder of The MultiDimensional Voice
The Living Magic program is a virtual container for transformation with Darla LeDoux.
It’s delivered in three distinct, but connected chapters:

Inner Knowing
Your inner knowing works like magic! Your Sourced Magic is the way Source works with and through you to guide you along the highest path, catalyzing higher consciousness for you and those around you.
In the Inner Knowing Chapter we will explore:
✔ Which of the 6 Sourced Magic’s is your power center, and which has been quietly and patiently waiting for you to notice it and begin to listen.
✔ The reason you’ve given yourself permission to ignore or hide what you know (there’s nothing wrong with this and when you discover it, it will make perfect sense!)
✔ A felt sense of what it’s like when you are in your magic and when you’re not. This will be an anchor for you to come back to time and time again.
✔ A personal magic curriculum to allow you to make space and time to hear Source regularly and in a way that works for you. (This might be through a marketing or business structure, or simply a morning routine).
✔ What will shift in your work as you embody confidence in what you know that you know.
Cheat sheets for each of the 6 Magic Types that include questions to ask your soul, and structures to make space for that specific magic to come through.

A definition of intimacy I heard years ago is in-to-me-see. For years my business mantra was, “you have to let yourself be seen.” I’ve come back to this time and again as a source of power and potency in my work. Understanding the dance between how you are seen, how you see yourself, and where your truth lies is KEY to being a powerful transformational leader.
In the Intimacy Chapter we will explore:
✔ How you believe you are seen compared to how you see yourself.
✔ How your MAGIC longs for you to be seen.
✔ What it looks and feels like to trust yourself to know what’s true in your relationships.
✔ How to communicate what’s true and ask for what you need in the world around you from a place of your Sourced Magic.
✔ Evidence that your magic is recognized, desired, and invited.
✔ What to do when the people around seem to question your magic.
✔ How to take baby steps in revealing your most magical self in a way that allows you to take your nervous system with you.
✔ Cheat Sheets for the 3 most common types of conversations that deepen intimacy – based on your magic type!

Source is always working with and through you to catalyze transformational energy in your life. All of life is unfolding as a Sourced Experience, and it is happening in this moment. When we know how to work with the energy that is arising, we can use that energy to naturally inspire others.
In the Inspiration Chapter we will explore:
✔ The Anatomy of a Transformation and how to discern where you are in your current transformational cycle at any time, so you can remain calm and confident that you are moving in the right direction.
✔ How to coach yourself when something sticky is showing up in your life, and when to employ your magic in the process. (I.e. what to do when sitting in meditation isn’t helping or you can’t discern the signs from the Universe!)
✔ The energy pattern you’ve wrapped this version of your identity around that is no longer serving you.
✔ What you’ve been inadvertently trying to “fix” out there in the world through your service that you can now free yourself from
✔ How to create in the world from a place of pure inspiration rather than heavy energies of fear, avoidance, or control (which can hide in the sneakiest of forms!)
✔ The right next step on the way to being a fully embodied version of your most magical self.
✔ Cheat sheets for my favorite transformational self-coaching tool.
Shake Off the Cobwebs
Shake Off the Cobwebs
Being able to stand, fully embodied and magical, on a bigger ‘stage’ (whatever that stage may be), starts with SELF MAGIC – treating your magic as sacred in your life. And being responsible for who you are.
This is not a one time activity, but a sacred evolution.
Without a practice of self-magic, so many transformational beings of light end up:
✘ So hung up on how to express what they do in words so people can ‘get it’, that they inadvertently dull their magic.
✘ Exuding a powerful magic without being aware of the impact they are having or how to design for it to be fully received.
Both can lead to confusion, frustration, and double work.
In the practices of Living Magic, we will shake off the cobwebs…
✔ On your magic, so you can embody and shine it rather than obsessing about how to talk about it.
✔ On your business model, so you can catch up “how you are working” with the level of magic you are now emanating!
The dense energy in your life will guide you to greater aliveness. Period. Because with the right commitment, you will always be invited to claim more of your magic.
Are you leaning in to
This is a sacred container for your magic.
You’re Invited
We deeply believe that the outcome you seek begins to move toward you as you declare it.
The way for you to have your desire be real is available.
Whether you choose to step into Living Magic or not, I invite you to put the wheels in motion.
The investment for the program is $3300 or 4 payments of $850.

“I trust my magic”
I felt a gap between my online coaching world and my personal life, like being two different people. At work, I shared my feelings and magic comfortably, but at home, I wasn’t as open. The Living Magic program helped me align myself, providing strong support. It lifted a weight, deepened my relationships with my sister and friend, and boosted my business after a slow period. Now, I trust my magic and confidently show up for people. If you’re thinking about joining, listen to your intuition – if it feels right, go for it!
Annemieke van Dorland
Founder of Sparkle Coach, Transformational Coaching for People in Tech

Participating in the Living Magic program was truly transformative. The sense of intimacy within the group was remarkable; it felt like being surrounded by family, and I made such genuine friends. Through the program, I was able to navigate and integrate the challenges I faced with newfound clarity. Darla’s recognition of my magic boosted my confidence immensely. Remarkably, during my time in the program, a fantastic job opportunity presented itself to me, almost as if by divine timing. If you’re contemplating joining Living Magic, you’ll experience profound growth beyond what you could possibly envision.
Wendy Wolpert
Financial Strategist from Financial Coach, My Intuitive CPA