About Sourced

Our Mission:

To normalize transformation so that more money is in the hands of self loving and connected people.

Our Vision:

To be the premier graduate school for transformational leaders who are committed to raising the consciousness of our planet.



We operate from a belief that we are all energetically connected, therefore how we show up matters. We value connection with other humans for the sake of it, and as a pathway to awareness of who we are and our own vibration. We value connection to Source with a knowing that as Source guides us, the way we impact others is consciousness-raising.


We are courageous. When we see and know a truth we act on it, even if our knees are shaking. We understand that there is no true safety by staying in our default energy, and that Source supports those who move on what they now know.


We hold high standards for ourselves, yet we are never above. We honor the humanity in ourselves and others, holding compassion and non-judgment around what we may consider to be missteps. We honor the experience and the sovereignty of ourselves, and others, without assuming anyone ‘knows better.’ We honor the space we hold as a company as sacred, and are willing to lovingly enforce boundaries to honor the vibration we are committed to holding.


We demonstrate ownership of our work and life and it informs how we show up. We are clear about our commitments and resourceful in our honoring of them. We get to the root cause of our results and use our transformational skills to shift our own energy as needed. As a result, people trust us to show up fully and follow through in the full spirit of our commitment.


We hold life lightly, understanding that even the heaviest of times where we may delve into our shadow simply represent contrast, and allow us to further understand our light. We know at the highest vibration winning and losing are illusions, and a playful approach will always feel lighter. We are joyful because we can be.

Self Expression

We believe that each person has a divine Sourced Expression, and that as we each become more of who we came here to be and honor our inner knowing (MAGIC), the world works. We show up as our authentic self as best we know to in the moment, and we make space for the expressions of others without judgment.


We are committed to walking in Truth, and bringing Truth to light. If something doesn’t feel right, we look for the source of this. We communicate transparently, with nothing hidden, keeping our energy and intention clean. We understand that Truth is personal, and if our Truth bumps up against another’s Truth, we can be real about that, honoring ourselves and the other, and making powerful choices accordingly.

OUR CLIENT   Promises

When you work with us in one our programs, the
outcomes we are committed to are that you:





Offer and deliver deep transformational work with ease and flow.


Deeply value your most potent energy and magic.


Experience the joy of living Sourced!

WHAT MAKES US   Different

We are experts at the business of transformational experiences. Period.
Our community of professionals who are called to this work is top-notch.
We model what you want to offer and live as a Sourced Leader.


We deliver our work through what we refer to as ‘potent containers.’ We are experts at crafting these within our group programs, individual coaching structure, retreats and events. When you step into a program with us, we are confident it will be a Sourced Experience. This means that the way we work will allow you not only to develop and execute strategies that work for you, but will allow you to see that which has been hidden from your view, energetically. This default energy can be received and transformed. The energy shift you experience will allow you to know, at a soul level, where you are being called to next and how to proceed.

The container is the time and space in which you work with us. Our sessions and classes are energetically potent, as is the time between sessions when your life happens. We are holding your intention alongside you, and all that is not aligned with it will pop out of resonance, and fall away. This makes space for that which you are ready to call in. It’s magic and math. It’s an adventure that requires courage, and it’s not for everyone. And once you experience it you will never un-know it. And that is such a good thing.

Darla LeDoux: What Your Soul Wants


We believe that logic has had its day. That making rational decisions from the mind only will only get us so far. When our soul, our inner knowing, our magic, gets to lead, the world works. Because what your soul wants is the most practical thing you can do.

At Sourced we help you to connect with your Sourced Magic, the way Source wants to work with and through you to create transformation on the planet. Your soul speaks to you through your magic, and will guide your experience on this planet to one of higher consciousness.

Our soul guidance doesn’t always make logical sense, especially to others. But it makes perfect energetic sense to your inner self, and to the Universe. Your path is yours alone and only you can access and guide it. It also can save you time and make the experience of being alive so much lighter and more fun.

For example, I was guided to make my client retreat in March of 2020 be virtual. It didn’t make sense but I followed the guidance and then a pandemic began. Long ago, I was guided to cash out one of my retirement accounts to pay off some old debt, even though it didn’t seem “smart” to pay the penalty. Transcending my need to be smart opened up an energy flow that attracted a new job where I immediately earned that money back, and four times the amount as a bonus within a year. I used this money to start my business.

Our soul knows what our mind cannot yet comprehend, and will guide us on the path that is unique to us. Let’s learn to trust it.


When we lean into the idea that everything is Sourced, we let go of fear and lack consciousness and begin to see and receive the abundance of the Universe. The idea of not-enoughness drives humanity to live in fear energy, to collect and stockpile resources, and work against rather than with nature. When we live in harmony with universal law, and the laws of nature, we will always have what we need when we need it. Learning to trust this isn’t easy when messages of lack and fear abound. At Sourced we help you to get back to your innate trust in yourself and the Universe, and to make decisions from love and expansion rather than fear.


Sourced Tshirt

Be Potent

When your energy is Sourced you show up magical and people feel the potency of your energy and expression. They easily shift their own energy field and they sense the value of that possibility with you.

Be Magical

We support you to work directly with your personal form of magic – the way the Universe wants to partner with you to create transformation for your clients and in your life. Your magic is unique, and it is normal to need permission to honor it until you own it for yourself.

Be Receptive

True power is being able to be fully yourself and receive what comes. At Sourced we help you to be open to receive – both financially and energetically, and also any responses people may give you as you begin to live your Truth more fully.

Be Light

If you’re here, you’re a lightworker in some form. Shine your light. Playing this role does not mean you need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You can be LIGHT and work LIGHT – it actually works better that way.

Let’s Begin