Listening to the Universe

A Sourced Experience® Mountain Retreat in Colorado

A Sourced Experience®
Mountain Retreat in Colorado

You hold a potent magic within you.

You hold a potent magic within you.

At some level, you’ve always had that feeling – that you were meant for something.

That feeling has drawn you into your careers as a coach, consultant, creative, therapist or healer. It had you move through hard things and come out the other side transformed, time and again.

Because that’s the kind of person you are.

You are a leader through your own transformation.
A brave and willing transformational guide.

So it makes perfect sense that you’ve been tapped on the shoulder to lead retreats.

Maybe you:

  • Keep seeing the vision of yourself in front of the room, guiding transformation.
  • Know from your own experience the magic of group transformation and want to offer it.
  • Recognize the power of a retreat to uplevel all of your work (and the investment to work with you). 
  • Recognize the importance of groups and ‘feet on the ground’ connection at this time in history.
  • Have a desire to lead in alignment, from your deeper truth and soul magic.

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.

Yet here’s what I know about the call to retreats…

It can often be the thing on the to-do list that gets delayed.

It goes like this:

“Once I get my…

  • Funnel in order
  • Website updated
  • Perfect venue identified
  • Team hired
  • Message refined
  • Weight lost
  • SOPs written

… then I’ll host that retreat!”

Because most people think that hosting their retreat is something they DO.
And the to-do list to host that retreat feels long and manageable.

They don’t realize that Retreat Leader is someone they BECOME.
The becoming of which makes all the other things easier.


Embody Your Retreat Leader Magic

A 3-day live experience designed to draw out your most potent magic so we can design your signature retreat around THAT!



Masterpiece Mastermind Video Shoot


…it changes the entire filter through which you view your business.

You will:

  • Transform the energy pattern that’s been in your blindspot, having you inadvertently dull your personal magic.
  • Clarify your message by taking a stand for the transformation you really wish to provide.
  • Draw in the team you need for the business model that is right for you.
  • Take a stand for the committed clients who are willing to do the deep work.
  • Simplify the message of your website by creating a proven pathway to your signature experience.
  • Simplify your marketing into clear and potent cycles.
  • Commit internally to a life of continual adventure and growth.
  • Increase the investment a client makes to work with you and access your magic!

“The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth they can accept about themself without running away.”

― Leland Val Van De Wall

Listening to the Universe


Now, before I share what happens at this retreat, let’s have a real conversation about why you haven’t embraced your call to lead retreats yet. (Profitable ones!)

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You’ve grown a seemingly successful business, and you built it with love and passion.

Whether you are already overtly selling transformation as a coach or healer, or you are selling services that help your clients transform, like:

  • Marketing services
  • Therapy sessions
  • Reiki, massage, chiropractic
  • Strategic consulting
  • Legal services
  • Accounting or bookkeeping 
  • Style or beauty services
  • Design, branding, photography
  • Art or music – lessons or custom work

You have poured love into developing what you do!

And you’ve developed yourself as a business person.

  • You’ve taken the courses about online marketing to help people find you.
  • You learned how to create a group program when your 1-on-1 got maxed out.
  • You’ve recorded videos, dabbled in JV marketing, agonized over whether or how to post on social media, and maybe even started a youtube channel or a podcast.

In fact, you’ve created a flurry of activity around the business side of the business, such that there’s no time for that retreat you say you want to create.

But here’s the truth underneath this story for most service providers who are aspiring magical retreat leaders (it was for me!)…

At the end of the day, when all the busy work is said and done, and their head hits the pillow, they worry:

  • Am I doing enough?
  • Are my clients getting what they came for?
  • My intuition is screaming and my client is in resistance. How do I help them? How do I get to the bottom of this?

And eventually: Do I even have time to rest right now? There is more to do!

3 Generations


Even with lots of evidence of clients hiring them, sharing positive testimonials, and renewing their work with them…

Even with all the professional training and experience, they still worry that something is missing.

“What’s out of alignment now?” they wonder. “When will this all fall apart?”

And that fear, that pain, that uncertainty…

That is the REAL reason they haven’t hosted their profitable, world-changing, magical retreat yet. It’s not the to-do list, or finding the right venue, that’s stopping them.

It’s the idea of all of these client fears coming together in one room on retreat – amplified!

And in that moment they will find out if these fears are real. If their magic is real. And that has terrified them.

Do you relate? If so, you are like most of my clients.

And the truth is…

Your transformational magic can be your greatest asset in moving toward the life of your dreams, serving more people with less effort, hosting retreats and changing lives.

But growing up magical creates a unique set of challenges that can also get in the way of the flow you truly desire. Because sometimes your magic felt like a ‘problem.’ You were conditioned to hide it.

It’s not! It’s the key to manifesting a life of freedom and flow. And taking your place in front of the room.

3 Generations

This whole pattern…

  • The rumination about whether your work is serving at the highest level…
  • The fear that you might be wrong…
  • The almost obsession with finding the ‘root cause’ for you and your clients…

…is a sign you’ll make a potent, powerful, and profitable retreat leader.

You care.
You love people.
Integrity matters to you.

And you’ve had a lifelong battle between what your magic knows to be true, and how the vast majority of people behave. And because of this, self-doubt has been a subtle companion – even during all of your success.

And we’ve got to deal with THAT to have your retreat dreams flow with ease.

Because it’s time to trust your magic.

As structures begin to reshape and even fall in our modern world, there’s no time like now to double down on your inner knowing. Your magic.

And there is no better structure than a transformational retreat to hold you while you embody your magic. (AND have your clients step into theirs!)

This whole pattern…

  • The rumination about whether your work is serving at the highest level…
  • The fear that you might be wrong…
  • The almost obsession with finding the ‘root cause’ for you and your clients…

…is a sign you’ll make a potent, powerful, and profitable retreat leader.

You care. You love people. Integrity matters to you.

And you’ve had a lifelong battle between what your magic knows to be true, and how the vast majority of people behave. And because of this, self-doubt has been a subtle companion – even during all of your success.

And we’ve got to deal with THAT to have your retreat dreams flow with ease.

Because it’s time to trust your magic.

As structures begin to reshape and even fall in our modern world, there’s no time like now to double down on your inner knowing. Your magic.

And there is no better structure than a transformational retreat to hold you while you embody your magic. (AND have your clients step into theirs!)

3 Generations

You’re invited to…

APRIL 16-18, 2025


I’m Darla LeDoux and I’ve walked this path. And finally hosting retreats changed everything for me.

I had the vision for hosting retreats for nearly 10 years before I had the courage to do it. As much as I felt I was made for it, it just felt too vulnerable. There were so many unknowns.

It wasn’t until my stepdad died of cancer at the same time I was getting divorced that I was called to really transform. My energy shift allowed me to help others in a deeper way, and gave me the courage I needed to start my business and begin to host retreats.

Even then, I was nervous.

Was I capable enough? Was I really helping? How could I be better? (Guess what – this is normal for people like us!)

Yet, every retreat has transformed me. Every cycle has opened me up more and more to my magic.

And here’s what I learned:

  • My magic was present at a young age. I knew things. I saw deeper.
  • People were afraid of my magic. I toned it down. I went along. I pretended.
  • Becoming a coach and retreat leader has been a journey of reclaiming that magic, that knowing, that light, that I came in with.
  • Each time I transform a default energy pattern, I trust myself and my presence more, and allow source to guide more (without my needing to control it).
  • AND – each time before I take my work deeper, I first get scared. I begin to doubt. I question everything, including myself, magic, and my alignment. I think about quitting.
  • Every time I don’t quit, and I take my place in front of the room, I get stronger. My space is more alive. I trust the divine to work through me more. And life gets easier.

As someone who grew up in a house with lots of drama, life getting easier has had its own level of discomfort, but I love it!

The inner peace is palpable.

The ability to trust myself in my magic, AND my clients in their magic, that changes the consciousness on the planet.

And I want that for you! 

Oh yeah – and for the formal stuff about me:

I have been a transformational coach and retreat leader with my own business since 2009. I’m the author of two books on the business of transformation – Retreat and Grow Rich: The entrepreneur’s guide to powerful, profitable, retreats,  and Shift the Field: How to deliver the transformation your clients crave, while unlocking the magic you were born to share.

I’ve coached transformational retreat leaders almost exclusively since 2015. Since COVID, I deepened my work through delivering my signature retreat, Shift the Field Live, virtually for six cycles.

In 2024, I’ve shifted back to live almost exclusively and I love it!

I’ve hosted 115 retreats and counting, 4 of them international. I’ve earned more than $7 million in retreat-based revenue. I’m excited to help you Embody Your Retreat Leader Magic!

Darla Retreat Page Retreat Grow Rich Book
Darla Retreat Page Shift The Field Book

Embody Your Retreat Leader Magic

A 3-Day Sourced Experience® in the Mountains of Colorado

In this sacred and centering experience we move beyond another professional training about “best practices” or “marketing strategies.”

This is three days in the healing energy of the mountains, surrounded by fellow practitioners who understand both your gifts and your struggles, in other words, community. Here, you’ll discover how to work with your unique Sourced® Magic – that specific way you’re designed to create transformation when you’re fully aligned.

We’ll release the energy pattern that has had you believe that you had to be anything other than your most magical self. (My top mastery is designing experiences that have us see what’s been hidden from our view, and wrap it in deep love and reverence as we give it a new job.)

And we’ll outline the flow of your signature retreat from a place of deep ownership of your most magical gifts. No more debating whether you can be professional and spiritual. No more forcing yourself into business models that drain you vs. energize you. No more sneaking your magic in the back door!

The Magic Happens April 16-18 ⇒

The Magic Happens
April 16-18

Here’s what you can expect:



The Gift of MAGIC

  • Discover your unique Sourced Magic signature – your most magical gift.
  • Experientially discover the conditioning (your Love Pattern™) that dilutes your magic.
  • Understand why sometimes client work flows effortlessly while other times you feel stuck.
  • Experience deep permission to trust your intuitive hits (even in a group setting!)
  • Begin healing the split between your ‘professional’ self and your magical self.
  • See how your Retreat Leader Magic can transform your business (and you!)
  • Explore your magic in a loving and supportive container.
You are magic




  • Transmute the old energy pattern around being seen for your deepest magic, which impacts money, worth, and receiving.
  • Deeply honor who you’ve been while creating space for who you are now called to be.
  • Discover the healing power of hidden truth and learn to love up what you’ve resisted about yourself as a leader.
  • Learn to create deep transformation, and hold potent space, while being energized rather than depleted.
  • Experience the power of group to amplify your intuitive gifts.
  • Declare your most magical future as a retreat leader.
Day 2 The Healing Presence




  • Lay the foundation for your retreat-based business that supports your whole life – including love, family, and travel.
  • Create your path from labor-intensive 1:1 work to group experiences and/or premium-positioned programs.
  • Build your retreat that shifts the field for your clients, and for you, every time!
  • Learn the 3 anchors of a world-class transformational retreat structure 
  • Experience yourself as an embodiment of your most potent magic
  • Feel confident in your retreat vision as it becomes who you ARE, not just what you DO.
Magic In Action



Your Experience Includes:

  • Three days of deep work in a stunning mountain setting
  • Daily experience and coaching Q&A with Darla 
  • Healthy lunch, refreshments, and integration time in nature
  • Private releasing ceremony in sacred hot springs vapor caves
  • A community of like-hearted entrepreneurs who get both your professional and spiritual path
Magic In Action

This Experience is Perfect For You If:

  • You know your intuitive gifts can create deep healing if you could just make this retreat dream happen.
  • You love how transformation has worked in your own life and you want to offer that to others.
  • You are ready to move beyond 1-on-1 work into groups, and you aren’t sure the best way to make that transition.
  • You have thought about, learned about, dabbled in, or even offered group programs online – but it was more work than you thought, for less money than you wanted. You suspect that if you could charge more and fill them easily, you’d love them.
  • You may have a service-based business that isn’t transformational, but you want it to be.
Hands In Heart
  • You are offering transformation already, maybe you’ve even offered a retreat, but not in a profitable retreat-based format.
  • You dream of gathering groups in person, traveling to cool places, and working with rockstar clients who are so willing to ‘go there’ to do the inner work that matters – while taking steps to create practical results.
  • You are no longer willing to sacrifice your own life for your practice – you’re ready to bring it more into balance with the elegant solution that retreats provide.
  • You want to use retreats as a way to create cycles and rhythms within your work that empower your personal magic.
  • You know that trusting your magic raises the consciousness on the planet, and that matters to you, even if others may not understand.

This is Not For You If:

  • You’d rather be conventional than trust your magic.
  • You’re interested in a traditional business that solves problems, not a transformational business that goes deep and resolves patterns.
  • You actively don’t believe in divine guidance, the laws of the Universe, possibility, and quantum leaps.
  • You haven’t yet got a business with paying clients. (It is OK if it’s a different type of business and you are in transition).
  • You are looking for a business magic pill so that you can avoid doing things that are uncomfortable.
  • You prefer strategy and logic over energy and intuition. (Both are welcome, but we’ve got to get out of our heads!)
  • You’re unwilling to explore the energy in the shadow that’s been at odds with your retreat dreams.
  • You are uninspired by travel to beautiful places with fabulous people.
Hands In Heart
Hands In Heart
  • You’d rather be conventional than trust your magic.
  • You’re interested in a traditional business that solves problems, not a transformational business that goes deep and resolves patterns.
  • You actively don’t believe in divine guidance, the laws of the Universe, possibility, and quantum leaps.
  • You haven’t yet got a business with paying clients. (It is OK if it’s a different type of business and you are in transition).
  • You are looking for a business magic pill so that you can avoid doing things that are uncomfortable.
  • You prefer strategy and logic over energy and intuition. (Both are welcome, but we’ve got to get out of our heads!)
  • You’re unwilling to explore the energy in the shadow that’s been at odds with your retreat dreams.
  • You are uninspired by travel to beautiful places with fabulous people.




You’re Invited…

What: Embody Your Retreat Leader Magic

When: April 16-18, 2025
9:30 am Daily Start Time, End at 4:30 on the 18th

Where: Beautiful Glenwood Springs, Colorado
The Historic Hotel Colorado in the Roosevelt Ballroom (with mountain and canyon views!)

Your Registration Includes: Your retreat experiences and some meals. Travel and lodging are not included. Please plan to be present without other plans for the full 3 days. We have an evening excursion to the Sacred Yampah Vapor Caves on night two.

*Full travel details will be emailed upon registration.

About Your Investment

If you’re feeling the pull but hesitating about the investment, consider:

  • How many more evenings of working late, overanalyzing, and overgiving to your clients without an internal reward that you’re willing to spend
  • The cost of staying in a business model or marketing strategy that drains rather than energizes you (because you’re hiding your truest most potent self)
  • The relationships and experiences you’re likely missing while staying stuck in the weeds and behind your laptop
  • What you’ve already spent on traditional training that didn’t include your magical gifts
  • The emotional and physical toll of feeling financially constrained, and professionally unseen
  • The pain of knowing that you’ve been given a calling to host retreats and you’re not yet following it

Your Sourced® Magic is your most valuable asset – both professionally and personally. It’s time to trust it.

Your Sourced® Magic is your most valuable asset – both professionally and personally. It’s time to trust it.

Are you ready to activate your next level magic and create more freedom?

Have questions or things you’d like support with to make your decision?

A Personal Note From Darla…

Hi magical soul,

If you’ve made it here you are likely curious or leaning in to this experience.

I love these mountains and the energy of the healing waters of the hotsprings here in Glenwood. I see this journey as a sacred pilgrimage designed for those who are willing to enter the cave of transformation and come out the other side lighter and more aligned, and ready to alchemize all of their gifts, education, and experience into a potent business model that serves them first, while they serve the world.

I’ve walked this journey myself more than once, and I know the tremendous value. If you’re here, I know you get it. In your ideal world, that is what you do for your clients too – walk them through the cave (or fire, or shadow, or dark night, or profound awareness), to come out the other side more free, alive, and aligned with their most important goals. Then you, and they, get to play together as they move toward the life they most desire.

That kind of work feels like magic.

The stuff that you don’t have to ‘recover from.’

I know sometimes people feel that deep work is a lot or hard to hold. But that is only when our own default patterns are keeping us from holding Truth lightly and with love.

When we align inside, we let go of our tendency to prove, save, protect, or dumb ourselves down to keep connection. That’s when our magic gets to lead, and the work, even the deep work, feels light and alive.

Are you ready to allow more of your magic to shine?

If yes, you’re invited on a mountain pilgrimage of epic impact, held softly and sweetly so your power can emerge.

See you there.


Darla LeDoux: Offer and Deliver Deep Transformation

A Personal Note From Darla…

Hi magical soul,

If you’ve made it here you are likely curious or leaning in to this experience.

I love these mountains and the energy of the healing waters of the hotsprings here in Glenwood. I see this journey as a sacred pilgrimage designed for those who are willing to enter the cave of transformation and come out the other side lighter and more aligned, and ready to alchemize all of their gifts, education, and experience into a potent business model that serves them first, while they serve the world.

I’ve walked this journey myself more than once, and I know the tremendous value. If you’re here, I know you get it. In your ideal world, that is what you do for your clients too – walk them through the cave (or fire, or shadow, or dark night, or profound awareness), to come out the other side more free, alive, and aligned with their most important goals. Then you, and they, get to play together as they move toward the life they most desire.

That kind of work feels like magic.

The stuff that you don’t have to ‘recover from.’

I know sometimes people feel that deep work is a lot or hard to hold. But that is only when our own default patterns are keeping us from holding Truth lightly and with love.

When we align inside, we let go of our tendency to prove, save, protect, or dumb ourselves down to keep connection. That’s when our magic gets to lead, and the work, even the deep work, feels light and alive.

Are you ready to allow more of your magic to shine?

If yes, you’re invited on a mountain pilgrimage of epic impact, held softly and sweetly so your power can emerge.

See you there.
