A Sourced Experience
Increase your energetic potency so you can work lighter and have more fun!
You hold a potent magic within you, and it’s yours uniquely.
Yet instead of trusting this power you hold within, perhaps instead you are:
- Overlooking the power of intuition as a guide to create a life of magic – is this even real?
- Hiding your spiritual gifts because people might think you’re too ‘woo’
- Feeling anxious about truly being ‘seen’ in your work life, or even on social media
- Undervaluing what you bring to the table in your work because you can’t quite see what makes you so distinct – and so magical!
- Conflicted about wanting what you want – because good people, or spiritual people, helping people shouldn’t have big desires like that.
- Secretly envious of the people having big success who aren’t nearly as deep as you.
Whatever has brought you here, there is a way to tap into your inner knowing and spiritual gifts, without being stopped by fear of what people will think, and as your top ally in creating a life you love.
It’s time to Activate Your Magic!

Imagine Yourself:
- Harnessing your intuition to make decisions that resonate with your core.
- Being seen for who you truly are in your work, and as a leader.
- Creating aligned abundance in the material world with more grace and ease (and without the guilt!)
- Consistently showing up authentically and confidently in your work and life.
- Actually having a roadmap for owning your intuitive gifts and stepping into a new, more potent vibration!
Activate Your Magic is a “Sourced Experience,” designed to have you:
- Transform the default energy previously in your blindspot, into power and purpose
- Love and accept the part of you that has created exactly what you have right now – they did it perfectly!
- Be seen in a whole new energy field, and have the essence of who you are reflected to you by myself and a community
- Practice following what your magic is so clearly telling you
- And more!

Activate Your Magic is a “Sourced Experience,” designed to have you:
- Transform the default energy previously in your blindspot, into power and purpose
- Love and accept the part of you that has created exactly what you have right now – they did it perfectly!
- Be seen in a whole new energy field, and have the essence of who you are reflected to you by myself and a community
- Practice following what your magic is so clearly telling you
- And more!
“The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth they can accept about themself without running away.”
― Leland Val Van De Wall

I’ve found through my own journey that not only is this inner knowing or perception of what is VALUABLE, but it is the key to working lighter and having more fun. I call this our Sourced Magic. We all have access to magic, but some of us know that using our magic is what we came in for. That is true for me, and if you’re here, I am guessing it is true for you.
Allowing our magic to be VALID, VALUED, and VISIBLE as a leader is a journey that requires us to create space for our magic.
Most people, even devoted leaders, struggle to do this in our busy world.
I definitely have.
For years I wrote this phrase on my list of goals for the year: “Develop and maintain a morning routine that fuels my day.” That was the closest I could come to understanding that I needed to make space for my magic. It was a logical thing I should do.
And for years I did not achieve this goal.
Not only that, I paid a coach a lot of money, and when he gave me the assignment to “do nothing for a weekend and see what happens,” which he insisted was the only thing I needed to prioritize, I also failed to do that. I did not know how to be with myself and hear my own soul.
It was only when I’d grown my business to the level I could by staying busy and following other people’s strategies that I finally got committed to hearing MY inner knowing.
I had hosted an event by following what I thought was my intuition, and it wasn’t going very well. I eventually realized that it was the voice of a former mentor in my head I had been following, overriding what I actually knew that I wanted to do. I had gotten an intuitive ‘hit’ about one thing, then, without making space for it at all, I let my logical brain combined with her voice drive me to push past my inner knowing.
I lost a lot of money, and as a result I got committed to learning to lead differently. To developing a clear relationship with my magic so it could guide my business strategy, and support me to serve my clients in the most potent way.
Along the way I’ve worked with different Magics (Recognition, Compassion, Sensation, Expression for me). Each time I’ve felt nervous and wobbly as I learned more about what I was capable of as a coach and healer. And each one has called me to honor myself and the people around me more deeply, to see the value in the role I am here to play and let others see me in it, to trust the abundance of the Universe, and most importantly to have more fun and joy in my life. (Do you believe we GET TO be joyful as we work and live? In fact nothing matters more.)
Not only has my magic created more fun and money in my business (I grew during the COVID season while completely dismantling my retreat-based business and without a lot of marketing), but learning to receive from Source has taught me to receive more LOVE into my life as well! And that adventure continues!

Why Activate Your Magic?
Because, left to our own devices, and without the reflection of others who can see us, we are not likely to perceive the nuanced power we hold. And I want you to own it, and elevate your work in the world. Because the more magical beings in service, the better our world becomes – and quickly!
That’s why I created Activate Your Magic.
No more hiding what we know, our true power, and our ability to shift energy with who we are and what we perceive.
The world is changing. And it is making space for us to be seen. Will we make that space for ourselves?
Source is always guiding you back to the Truth of who you are.
And your Truth creates Magic in your life
Source is always guiding you back to the Truth of who you are.
And your Truth creates Magic in your life
With loving fierceness and persistence we will deeply SEE and LOVE the aspects of your identity that are no longer aligned for you. We will transmute them with love, frequency, recognition, and honoring. And we will leave them with Mother Earth so we can move further into alignment. Leave lighter, more honest, and more vibrant and alive than when you came.
Are you ready to…
- Create the result that you hold as your deepest desire (even if you don’t know what it is just yet!)?
- Receive more abundance in all forms, including love and money?
- Consistently make decisions from your soul aligned truth that you can stand behind?
- Show up as someone who makes an energetic impact when they walk in the room, causing others to want to support you?
- Have your work be so potent that it doesn’t even seem like work to deliver fabulous transformational outcomes?
- Make your secret dreams a reality now rather than someday?
- Rest easy knowing you are being fully you with nothing hidden?

With loving fierceness and persistence we will deeply SEE and LOVE the aspects of your identity that are no longer aligned for you. We will transmute them with love, frequency, recognition, and honoring. And we will leave them with Mother Earth so we can move further into alignment. Leave lighter, more honest, and more vibrant and alive than when you came.
Are you ready to…
- Create the result that you hold as your deepest desire (even if you don’t know what it is just yet!)?
- Receive more abundance in all forms, including love and money?
- Consistently make decisions from your soul aligned truth that you can stand behind?
- Show up as someone who makes an energetic impact when they walk in the room, causing others to want to support you?
- Have your work be so potent that it doesn’t even seem like work to deliver fabulous transformational outcomes?
- Make your secret dreams a reality now rather than someday?
- Rest easy knowing you are being fully you with nothing hidden?
You’re invited to
Activate Your Magic
Harness your intuition to create a life you love!
Through This 3-Day Retreat You Will:
- Activate the magic you’ve been hiding, maybe even from yourself.
- Transform the energetic blueprint that got you here into the magic that will move you forward.
- Practice moving energy, starting with your own!
- Experience the sacred hot springs vapor caves in a private releasing ceremony.
- Have a felt sense of your magic moving through in service of others that you can’t un-know.
- Be moved to tears by the power of your own magic (reflected in this magical community of leaders).
- Create a 3-step aligned action plan to keep your magic in plain sight as you integrate your experience.
- Leave with new besties who get you.
- And more!
$1997 Early Registration
Here’s what you can expect:
The Gift of Seeing
On the first day we’ll explore and bear witness to you Sourced Magic. There is a distinct way you show up when in service to your highest good, and when you experience it, you can’t un-know it. We will also experientially ‘see’ into the origins of the default energy pattern that cuts you off from magic in favor of the illusion of safety.

The Healing Presence
On day two we’ll bring to life the small ‘t’ and Capital ‘T’ truth as it relates to you being in your fullest power as a magical being who knows. We’ll bring presence to that which has been hidden and experience love, joy, and profound honoring of who you’ve been and who you are now being called to be.

Being Magic in Action
Day 3 includes claiming the full expression of your magic, embodying it physically, and using the embodied energetics of your newly activated magic to build a custom action plan for your work and your life. Claim your top 3 abundance-creating actions. Create accountability for living in your magic.

The Benefits of Doing this Transformational Work Include:

Knowing How to Access Your Reliable Guidance System.

Clearing Yourself of Repeating Patterns that Lead to the Same Result.

Valuing Who You Are and What You Bring to the Table.

Experiencing Freedom and Power as You Navigate Life Circumstances.

Shifting the Energy Field in Your Family for Future Generations.

Learning to Follow Where the Energy is Alive for You.

Creating More Intimacy and Connection in Your Life.

Living in the Joy and Peace of Soul Level Fulfillment.
- You suspect that having a more direct line to your divine guidance would shift your reality, but you’re not sure how to get there.
- You want to be a part of raising the consciousness on our planet with the way you lead and live.
- You know you have intuitive gifts that can and do help people, but you don’t really give yourself space to play with them and learn what you are capable of, OR
- You use your intuitive gifts consistently, but you aren’t charging for them in your work or you are keeping them hidden (and you want to be more fully seen in this next season)
- You desire to be more trusting in the abundance of the Universe.
- You’ve always been a bit different, felt you have a significant purpose here, or suspect you are the one in your family lineage to heal and raise the vibration for future generations.
- You want to step further into your aligned essence and allow that which is no longer you to fall away, with grace and ease.
- You know that getting into a physical space that is being intentionally held at a high vibration would make a difference for you!
- You believe intuition is a ‘soft skill’ that should be relegated to the closet.
- You want to hold on to your fear of being visible.
- You’re not willing to look at what might be in your blindspot that is incongruent with your goals.
- You haven’t yet explored your Sourced Magic (you can take the quiz here: LINK). You don’t need to have studied this thoroughly, but you do need to know that it intrigues you!
- You don’t believe our energy makes a difference in our results in life.
- You tend to complain about travel adventures 🙂
$1997 Early Registration
Activate Your Magic Logistics:
Our Retreat Dates: SEPTEMBER 19-21, 2024
(Travel Details Provided Upon Registration)
$1997 Retreat Price
Our 3-Day Transformational Retreat takes place at a beautiful venue in Glenwood Springs, Colorado!
We begin at 9:00 am local time daily. Each day has a different end time based on our curriculum.
Please plan to be present for the full experience without outside commitments.
ARRIVAL: We recommend that you arrive on site on September 18th so that you will be settled and present for our 9:00 am start on the 19th.
DEPARTURE: We recommend departing on the 22nd, if possible, so that you have the evening to integrate your experience and/or connect with your new best friends! If you do need to leave on the 21st, please plan to fly out no earlier than 7:00 pm local time.
CLOSEST REGIONAL AIRPORTS: Aspen/Pitkin County Airport (ASE) or Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT)
YOUR REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Your retreat experiences and lunch daily.
Registration does not include lodging or transportation.
We are negotiating a fantastic rate at our host hotel and will inform you of more details as we approach the retreat.
THE VALUE OF THE RETREAT: The 3-day experience is priceless for the person ready to step into their magic. Our entrepreneurial clients regularly invest $5K or more for a retreat like this.
We are valuing this 3-day experience at $3500.