Masterpiece Mastermind
Is it time to claim your masterpiece?
Dear Transformational Leader,
To the unique opportunity for this emerging part of you to be SEEN and WITNESSED.

Have you been experiencing:
- Undercharging for your magic because you see yourself as average (or price yourself that way)?
- Going back to the drawing board or changing your program offers so often that you never get to be truly seen?
- Knowing there are gaps in your business model that have made it hard for you to know where to put a new client, or how to have them become a repeat client?
- Working magic behind closed doors with your clients, but feeling afraid for a bigger audience to know what you do?
- Longing to be able to explain to new people what you do and why your clients love you so much?
Perhaps you’re at the level of business where you’ve mastered all the basics.
- You’re bored. As much as you love your clients, you want a new challenge. Like leading groups, or larger groups, with the same or better results… or stepping onto bigger stages or launching an entry level membership, or buying land. But which is it?
- You are no longer willing, at a soul level, to push yourself to market in ways that don’t feel good to your system. What do you do instead?
- You forgot how to talk about what you do! What you used to say is so out of resonance that it has literally left you. The new message must be there but you haven’t found it yet. Now what?

Perhaps you’re at the level of business where you’ve mastered all the basics.
You think you should be happy and willing to ride out what’s worked, but something has changed and now:
- You’re bored. As much as you love your clients, you want a new challenge. Like leading groups, or larger groups, with the same or better results… or stepping onto bigger stages or launching an entry level membership, or buying land. But which is it?
- You are no longer willing, at a soul level, to push yourself to market in ways that don’t feel good to your system. What do you do instead?
- You forgot how to talk about what you do! What you used to say is so out of resonance that it has literally left you. The new message must be there but you haven’t found it yet. Now what?
Growing a masterpiece business and brand is not for the faint of heart.
And it takes deciding that you and your work are worthy of the masterpiece.

“Make it Your Masterpiece”
I’m Darla LeDoux, founder of Sourced. I was about five years into running my transformational coaching business and I was in a mastermind program with a coach I trusted. In my work I was teaching my own high level clients about how I had been filling and delivering retreats as a way to fuel my business growth, and I’d decided to write a book about it. The working title was Retreat and Grow Rich™, and people loved the name.
When it was my turn to receive coaching in the group, I shared about the various programs I was running, and the book I would be writing. My coach was confused by all of my offerings. I was doing A LOT. My inner creator enjoyed developing new offerings, but I was tired, and I wasn’t really getting the traction I wanted.
After listening to all of this, my coach said something that struck a deep chord within. “Darla, I want you to make this your masterpiece.”
I don’t think I even understood why this statement hit me so deep. But as I reflected I could see all the things I’d been doing over the years to actually AVOID creating a masterpiece! Like changing program names and message points regularly, only showing my most magical self to a small group of inner circle clients, and crafting program structures just different enough that it made it challenging to have solid testimonials and referrals.
This also made it difficult for my team to run things without me!
That day I committed to building a masterpiece around my body of work. I wrote Retreat and Grow Rich™, and developed a course, live retreat, and mastermind program around the content of the book. Because I was consistent and clear, I developed high converting ads that filled several live retreats each year, each earning multiple six figures.
Not only that, I was asked to speak on summits and stages and was known in many circles as the person to see when you wanted to host retreats. (Still am).

A Repeatable Skill
Sourced™ was birthed within a few months, and the programs were developed and tested and ready for the main stage in no time. Because I knew how to build a masterpiece. And because I’d become someone who felt worthy of it.
I still feel nervous about being the person who builds a masterpiece. I still consider hiding in my creator cave and downplaying my knowing that Source has helped me with a body of work that matters to the world. But I know, through the process we are here to support you with, that the world is calling for my unique energetic signature right now, and when it comes through people see and feel it.
That it was hard for me to get here actually makes me the perfect person to help you build a masterpiece around you. To help you claim what you know is yours to do now, even if you’ve been hiding the best, most potent and tender, parts of you from yourself and the world for a while. To help you show up fully embodied as you, and allow yourself and your masterpiece to be deeply and fully and supported.

Ashlie Woods
Before joining Team Sourced, Ashlie had created her own masterpiece curriculum, Wildhearted, and stepped into her magic by understanding that she was the person who would “ask a lot of you” and you would love it. Her distinct way of knowing brings deep insight to the clients who step into her field, and also to our team as she ‘just knows’ who is best suited to each project or task. Her light on your masterpiece = priceless!
Imagine yourself:
- Being fully visible as who you are
- With a next level clarity about what you’re building
- Feeling peace as you take the small steps that are leading to the bigger vision
- Confidently releasing the things you’ve been doing that no longer work for you
- Knowing in a deeply embodied way how you want to show up publicly, on camera, in community for this stage of your work
- Having more fun being yourself and getting paid for it
- With a solid business model that attracts the right people and makes you great money. Clients flow through programs and get fabulous results.
- Getting on bigger stages or more consistently in front of new audiences.
- Have an embodied and felt sense of how it is to hold groups on a transformational journey

Imagine yourself:
- Being fully visible as who you are
- With a next level clarity about what you’re building
- Feeling peace as you take the small steps that are leading to the bigger vision
- Confidently releasing the things you’ve been doing that no longer work for you
- Knowing in a deeply embodied way how you want to show up publicly, on camera, in community for this stage of your work
- Having more fun being yourself and getting paid for it
- With a solid business model that attracts the right people and makes you great money. Clients flow through programs and get fabulous results.
- Getting on bigger stages or more consistently in front of new audiences.
- Have an embodied and felt sense of how it is to hold groups on a transformational journey
The 6 E’s of the Masterpiece Journey.
The solid foundations of your Masterpiece brand vision.
(Retreat 1)
The distinct essence of who you are as a Masterpiece.
(Retreat 2)
In strategic experiments with what wants to come through.
Get visible as your unique contribution/ conversation.
(Retreat 3)
Experientially know the support and structures you need.
Make the bold move to elevate your income and brand.
Make the bold move to elevate your income and brand.
Experientially know the support and structures you need.
The solid foundations of your Masterpiece brand vision.
(Retreat 1)
The distinct essence of who you are as a Masterpiece.
(Retreat 2)
In strategic experiments with what wants to come through.
Get visible as your unique contribution/ conversation.
(Retreat 3)
Masterpiece Mastermind includes:
Define the Pulse of Your Masterpiece Virtual Retreat Series
- Distill the essence of your Brand.
- Hone in on what you stand for as an individual and/ or company in your market.
- March 2024
Two Live 3-Day Experiential Retreats that create a space for you to show up in your gifts.
- Embody Your Masterpiece LIVE In-Person Retreat.
During this retreat you will receive personal coaching and masterminding in support of you being fully EMBODIED in who you are as a masterpiece. This retreat includes a video shoot experience as a group which will support your personal embodiment breakthrough, and provide you with usable footage you can use in your marketing (unedited). May 2024 - Masterpiece Visibility LIVE in-person Retreat.
Leading up to this retreat we will co-create a list-building experience to deliver together via livestream from this retreat. You will get visible to a larger audience, and have the benefit of experiencing how producing a live / live streamed event works firsthand. It’s time to unhide your magic. Whether you are a pro at this, or experiencing it for the first time, you’ll have the opportunity to share your upleveled message with the world! October 2024
Eighteen (18) Masterpiece Momentum Group Coaching Calls with Darla + Ashlie.
- Twice monthly we’ll gather for live coaching support to move your personal masterpiece projects forward, and continue to earn while you learn about your newly unfolding message.
Two (2) Simplementation Co-working Days
- Timely support for moving your project forward with momentum and ease when we come together to work on our most pivotal projects with support.
Exclusive Facebook Community
- For this group to ask questions and share ideas with support.
Juicy Bonus
- Assessments and masterpiece personalization session when registering before April 2024!
Option to Upgrade
- Upgrade your experience with private coaching for the 9-months at insider pricing!
We open enrollment in this program once per year.