Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
LeadHERship Revolution Retreat

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LeadHERship Revolution

with Wendy Lee

Raise your hand if you are a strong, powerful, woman leader that knows how to take care of business!

Ooh girl I feel ya! It’s definitely the era of the badass, boss babe and women leaders are rockin it like never before in these glory days of the hustle and grind!

Whether in the corporate arena, or at the helm of your own business, are you the one that people rely on to get things done, the go to person?

Have you worked your butt off for every step of your success; because failure for YOU is never an option.

Are you driven by a passion and desire to help others, and go above and beyond expectations, often putting others before your own needs?

AND is there also another voice, inside, where you secretly want to receive as much as you give! Do you often feel tired, burned out and frustrated, feeling the burden of having to do it all?

As women professionals we often feel lonely and isolated as we play the game of success. The good news is that you’re not alone in your feelings….but as a leader it may feel awkward to reach out for help. I got you!

Imagine if you could still have massive success, and feel supported and cared for. LeadHERship Revolution, is there to provide a unique approach to support self development though transformational coaching, retreats and community support in a safe environment where you can be seen and supported in a sacred environment.

Wendy Lee, believes so deeply in the power of transformational coaching, that she left her very successful corporate gig to revolutionize how professional women redefine their outward success without sacrificing their hearts desire.

Spread the magic!


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