Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
Potency Versus Power as a Transformational Leader

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Potency versus Power as a Transformational Leaders
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


October 23, 2022

Potency versus Power as a Transformational Leader

What does it mean to be potent? What does it mean to be powerful? What do these terms not mean?

In this week’s YouTube video, I speak about potency versus power as a Transformational Leader. These are terms used frequently in the transformational space. When you are potent, a little goes a long way.

When working with your clients, they can experience transformational shifts because by being in your energetic presence, they feed off that potency. When you are powerful, you are free to be yourself, speak your core truth and receive what comes.

When you are willing to be 100% aligned with who you are and our magic, nothing and no one can control us. Watch the entire video to hear my thoughts on what POTENCY and POWER are NOT.

Let me know what resonates with you in the comments down below.

When you are powerful, you are free to be yourself, speak your core truth and receive what comes.  

Spread the magic!


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