LPL’s Grow Smarter Visibility Circle
When heart-centered women who are passionate about making a difference come together, they win, their clients win, and the greater good wins as well. Our mission is to get your voices heard by 20-50,000 of your ideal clients through the power of Collaborative Branding, Bestseller Publishing, Podcasting, TV Shows, and Summits. Will you join us?
Dr. Davia H. Shepherd
Collaboration to Increase Income and Impact
Davia’s purpose is to remind us that when we all pull together, we can achieve unbelievably amazing results in all areas of life. Her best-selling book “Grow Smarter…Collaboration Secrets to Transform Your Income & Impact” provides a framework for using the power of collaboration to grow our businesses, even during unusual times. She’s the Chief Happiness Officer of Ladies Power Lunch, LPL, a free movement for women in business who want to intentionally support each other. www.ladiespowerlunch.com. Connect with her through LPL’s Facebook Community, Monthly Networking, Summits & Retreats.