Ashlie Woods

Ashlie Woods

Marilyn Sutherland

Being human together

Know Your Brilliance 3-Part Experience

Your brilliance is hiding right under your nose.

If you can’t see it, you’re likely taking it for granted (& so are others).

Unacknowledged, unexpressed gifts appear as overwhelm, insecurity, or confusion.

Your brilliance wants to flow through you, but there’s a kink in the system.

The first step to freeing the flow is to “Know Your Brilliance”.

Let’s begin!

Ashlie Woods

Retreat Leader & Enneagram-Inspired Coach

Hi, I’m Ashlie. I once thought transformation would fix me-turns out, I was already brilliant & just couldn’t see it. Now, I use my brilliance in service of your freedom.

With a playful yet deeply honest approach, I’ll guide you to see—and dismantle—the illusions that have kept you safe but stifled. I’ll walk beside you as you take the brave steps necessary to create the life you know is possible.

There’s a life that wants to be lived through you, a light you’re here to shine. When you’re ready, I’m here.

Shannon Waters

Shannon Waters

Marilyn Sutherland


What if you could get to the root of an illness or behavior pattern in you or your dog and change it?

You can. In an energy medicine session for your dog or for you, we’ll ask the body what it needs for peace, pain relief, and healing. We’ll engage the subtle energy fields and use gentle bodywork toward physical and emotional well-being. Balanced energies clear the way for empowered choices and a vibrant state of being.

Shannon Waters

Empowerment Coach and Energy Medicine Specialist

I studied and practiced energy medicine modalities for decades, on the side, until the obvious dawned. All I did outside of my career as an overworked accountant was foster, train, and rehab dogs with the support of energy healing and animal communication. Oh, right, that’s what I really care about! A career as a dog trainer followed. Since then, I’ve been dedicated to empowering dogs and their people through applied kinesiology, acupressure, five elements balancing, Reiki, advanced Emotional Freedom Technique, touch therapies, flower essences, and distance energy practices.

Brie Pawlak

Brie Pawlak

Marilyn Sutherland


The life you’ve dreamed of is within reach – your soul knows the way!

Join Brie for a SOUL CLARITY session to discover your soul’s deepest yearnings and what keeps you from manifesting them in the physical realm. Through MISSION POSSIBLE, an introductory program, and LIGHTWORKER’S WAY, an in-depth integration program, Brie guides you to unlock your soul’s wisdom and embody your true path.  Your soul is calling – shall we listen together?

Brie Pawlak

Midwife of the Soul, Spiritual Life Engineer

Brie awakened from a 20-year ‘dream’ to realize their life was built on societal constructs rather than inner truth. After leaving engineering in 2008, they embarked on a soul-led journey, mastering alignment between their inner and outer worlds. Now living their dream in Aruba connecting with dolphins, Brie guides others to rediscover their divine birthright as co-creators; empowering souls to live authentically, fulfill their sacred mission, and manifest lives of true purpose and joy.

Are you ready to birth the life you were born to live?

Amber Dancy

Amber Dancy

Amber Dancy

Love Leadership

Ready to stop following everyone else’s rules?!

It’s an act of rebellion to follow your own rules – to stop doing what you’re told and listen to your own inner knowing. Rebels know how to harness the science of energy and the wisdom of inner trust.  Sometimes, rebelling is the most practical thing you can do for your business. I have 1:1 and group programs available. Let’s Chat!

Amber Dancy

Intuitive Business Coach

I believe that sometimes rebelling is the most practical thing you can do for your life and your business. I work with leaders who desire to do things differently. Together we will recalibrate your definition of success to create a business that aligns systems with humans. My mission is to transform the old boring “business standards” into “human-first approaches”. This allows us to create safer team relationships and allow people to show up as their whole, unique selves inside our businesses.

Jasleni Brito

Jasleni Brito

April Gregory


Consider this your invitation to the Exploration Journey: a creative, heart-opening experience of transformation. I’ll help you design the life you want to live, providing (metaphorical and sometimes literal) art supplies to help you illustrate your vision of the future You, the you that is bursting with excitement to be revealed, the you that has been with you all along.

Jasleni Brito

Intuitive Brand Strategist, Coach & Artist

¡Hola! I’m on a mission to help soul-led entrepreneurs like you create magnetic brands and design the life of your dreams. With 10+ years of experience, I am well versed in logo/branding design, website design, and painting. In other words, when it comes to intuitively channeled, creative expression, and visual communication, I’m your girl! Let’s hone in on your unique magic, so that you can embrace all the abundance the universe wants to give you. Are you ready to design your life and business from a place of soul alignment?

Amber Swenor

Amber Swenor

Amber Swenor

Unlock your Leadership Legacy with this 3-part Guide

Learn How to Embrace Authenticity and Develop Your Leadership Skills for greater personal and business success. Your ability to trust yourself to live and lead in alignment with your vision and desires is the foundation for meaningful success. Uncover your vision and learn how to trust and embody authentically aligned leadership, to lead yourself and your team to your vision.

Amber Swenor

CEO of Soul Seed, Transformational Coach

Amber imagines a world where people experience the freedom to be their full authentic selves and experience immense joy and success as a result. She’s the founder of Soul Seed, an ecosystem facilitating transformation of leaders and organizations through leadership and business coaching, brand and organizational strategy. Her book is a Wall Street Journal bestseller and 2023 Most inspirational book of the year: “Unleashed: A been there rocked that guide to radical authenticity in life and business.” When she’s not supporting clients you’ll find her rocking with her band, Morningstar.