Mary Godinet

Mary Godinet

BodyMind Transformational Coach

Retreat & Recharge Your Passion For Life.
Life is sensational when you are soaring, supported and nourished in doing what you love and having fun. Come as if or show up as your best version to the world. Sparkly and Unique. – Release the energy that’s been limiting you and embody your “ Sensual Light House “ 30 Days 1:1 Program $ 777

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Kimberly Lebbing

Kimberly Lebbing

Mindset Coach & Chief Flow Officer

What if you could get really clear on what’s been holding you back the most? In this 45-minute session, I will help you get clear on your greater vision, identify what’s been holding you back the most, and assess where you are currently. You will leave with a clear understanding of your commitment to yourself.

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Sarah Buckley

Sarah Buckley

Transformational Coach

Do you want to reach your greatest potential in your career? You’ve been taught that there is a right way to grow your career. Inside Elevate we redefine what success is so you can live a life of freedom and alignment. Join our community where we are transitioning to our next level in our careers while having fun!

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Amber Swenor

Amber Swenor

CEO of Soul Seed, Transformational Coach

Unlock your Leadership Legacy with this 3-part Guide
Learn How to Embrace Authenticity and Develop Your Leadership Skills for greater personal and business success. Your ability to trust yourself to live and lead in alignment with your vision and desires is the foundation for meaningful success. Uncover your vision and learn how to trust and embody authentically aligned leadership, to lead yourself and your team to your vision.

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Gayle Nowak

Gayle Nowak

Visibility Sage, Healer + Speaker

Bold Heart Visibility Breakthrough Session
New Earth Leader, you know you’re here to shake up the status quo . . . Yet your resistance to shining with confidence is keeping you from being powerfully seen, heard and felt. Inside your Bold Heart Visibility Breakthrough Session, we’ll identify your dominant visibility block, dial down your stress response and work together on your specific visibility goal.

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