Change Your Belief Change Y(our) World
HSPs are wired for the good of the tribe & have been given sensitive nervous systems as part of this mission to change the(ir) world. Often they feel like their sensitivity is a burden, not a blessing. During the 6 weeks of Change Your Belief Change Y(our) World I’ll help you feel grounded & good enough to fulfil your mission!
Katie Spicer
Change Y(our) World Coach
As an HSP, I intuitively lead my clients through a transformation of beliefs that are holding them back from feeling grounded and good enough.
Using a blend of tapping, NLP, energy medicine and the magic of botanicals on acupoints I can help you change your beliefs about your sensitivity being a burden and show you the blessing in it!
I’ll show you the expansive possibilities of being sensitive and help you connect to your mission & feel grounded and good enough to go for it!