Why When You Live Sourced, Time Can Never Be Wasted
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
I’ve been experiencing several landmark dates lately.
For instance, my wedding anniversary (the marriage no longer exists) was on Monday, so I have been present to the idea of wasting time or feeling like we are behind somehow.
Have you ever felt that way?
It has been a year since my marriage ended, and much healing has happened. I’m at a place of deep acceptance, profound release of my right to be upset and angry, and am at a place where I have embraced everything that has changed in my life.
I was with my ex for nine years. I grew a lot, and the person I am now is not the person I was at the beginning of those nine years. Last year, however, when my marriage was “blown up,” one of my primary thoughts and reactions was about having “wasted my time.”
I’m at a place of deep acceptance, profound release of my right to be upset and angry, and am at a place where I have embraced everything that has changed in my life.
Like I said before, I did much of my growth on my own, but much of that growth happened within the container of the relationship. The growth occurred in response to what was happening in the relationship.
If I held on to the idea that I had wasted nine years of my life (prime years, by the way), the idea that I shouldn’t be the age that I am single and starting over, and the idea that I am behind the prescribed timeline, then I would have been stuck in that reality.
I have been thinking about some Facebook posts I have seen recently pointing out how some famous people found their success later in life. There are lots of people who have reinvented and created something beautiful later in life.
This idea is that time can be wasted, and because we have wasted that time, we are somehow behind where we should be. This idea is very toxic and so easy to latch on to.
The idea that if I had done something different, I would be in another place right now is not helpful. Because guess what? You didn’t. You’re not. You are here. What if exactly where you are is the perfect place to be?
This idea is that time can be wasted, and because we have wasted that time, we are somehow behind where we should be. This idea is very toxic and so easy to latch on to.
If you are interacting with this conversation, who you are now is amazing! You are clear; you are Sourced, you know who you are, you are here to make an impact, and you are connected to your diving knowing.
What is that worth?
I can say I am at a point where I can look at the nine years I spent with my ex, which in theory ended up as nothing; I can look at who I became during that time and credit that relationship for the growth (at least some) I experienced.
I love who I am, and I love who I have become. It can be hard to give that level of credit to someone who hurt you, but my becoming happened within the container of that relationship. I can’t possibly know how it would have gone any other way except for how it went.
I love who I am, and I love who I have become. It can be hard to give that level of credit to someone who hurt you, but my becoming happened within the container of that relationship. I can’t possibly know how it would have gone any other way except for how it went.
So did I waste time?
Or did I allow new energies to come through me during that time, getting practice as a more expansive version of myself even if it came through contrast and challenging situations?
I became a newer version of me, and as soon as we make that wrong, we lose access to the energy and potency of who we are and that experience.
It is impossible to waste time. When you have an energetic awareness of life, everything that happens and unfolds contributes to your becoming energetically. You have access to all of that forever.
Even if your circumstances change, your business changes, your location changes, and even if your home changes, you still have who you became.
That nurturance never goes away.
It is impossible to waste time. When you have an energetic awareness of life, everything that happens and unfolds contributes to your becoming energetically. You have access to all of that forever.
When COVID started, I was leading retreats about how to lead profitable retreats. That was not popular at that moment.
Did I feel at that moment, “oh no, the world took away my livelihood, and all the time I spent developing this program was wasted because I have to start over?
No. I didn’t feel that because who I became when developing that work was accessible to me to create the next stage. It didn’t go away. It is always there.
You can’t waste your time. You are not behind, and you can’t mess it up. Source is with you 100% of the time.
Tell me what your thoughts are on this.
- Does this speak to you?
- Do you know someone beating themselves up over past decisions that need to hear this?