Emailing Your Offer Be Like . . .
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
“I want you to consider that your offer to work with you at this high-level is sacred. It’s a sacred offer. It’s a sacred invitation. … Source is with you as the coach, consultant, healer, creative. Source is guiding you and Source is guiding your client as well.”
Hey there. I’m curious if you’ve ever been in this spot where you know you want to bring in some extra cash flow and you want to do it through selling your highest-level services or a high-level offer. And you’ve done all the work to design it and you know what goes in it and how it’ll help people. And now it’s time to actually sell it. And maybe that gets a little bit scary.
I’m Darla LeDoux, and I have been working with entrepreneurs to sell transformational programs and services for more than 10 years now.
And I love this moment, I love when it’s time to actually make this high-level offer because there’s something really special about this experience. However, a lot of times people get it wrong, okay. So I want to share a story that you might relate to that might help you.
I was working with this client and she had done exactly what I shared. She had developed this beautiful high-level program in a whole new niche. So she wasn’t a new business owner, she’d actually had a successful business in one area and she really felt called to transition her business and move in another direction. And so she had developed this beautiful offer and now it was time to offer it.
So we had, first, an important conversation that you always want to look at, which is…
do those people already exist in your sphere, or do we need to generate some leads to find these people?
In other words, can you think of people who are past clients, who are already activated, like they’ve come to a webinar or a training, or they’re in your Facebook group or something? If you have an active group, something like that, where you know the people are, or if you don’t have that, you need to generate some leads.
So we had this conversation and she said, “No, I know there are people, past clients, people from these various groups I’m in.” She had been putting herself out on Facebook and so she had a lot of activity. She said, “Yeah, I feel confident. I have the people, let’s launch it.” So I said, “Great, awesome.”
And then the next time we talked, she said, “I launched it.” And I said, “Well, what does that mean?” She had taken her list of all the people that she thought were potential clients and she put them into her email, opened an email, created, put all the names in and she sent them an email. And she said, “Hey, this is what I’m doing right now. I thought you might be interested.” And she’d created a pretty PDF that outlined the program, it was really great. And she attached it to the email and she clicked send.
Guess what happened? Not a lot happened. She got some no’s back via email, and that was it. A lot of people she didn’t hear from, there was no dialogue, there was no conversation.
Now, I want to suggest to you that emailing your offer like that is like breaking up with someone that you’ve had an intimate relationship with via text message. It’s the equivalent, right? I want you to consider that this offer is just the invitation to work with you at this high-level, is sacred. It’s a sacred offer. It’s a sacred invitation. And as I said, I’ve been teaching sales for more than 10 years. And as I’ve developed my new branding and my new work, which is really around working with Source as a business owner. Source is with you as the coach, consultant, healer, creative.
Source is guiding you and Source is guiding your client as well.
And so to hold this conversation, this invitation, it doesn’t always have to be on the phone, it can happen in a lot of ways, but to really hold this invitation as sacred and Sourced™. You just know that they’re a fit for this thing.
So making a whole list and sending a group email, I mean, they didn’t know it was a group, but out and just saying, “Hey, here’s my most beautiful sacred work, what do you think,” isn’t a Sourced™ invitation. It isn’t a Sourced™ invitation. And in fact, I suggest not even providing that information, all of the details, the features of your program and the pricing, et cetera, really until you know you feel that it’s time for that sacred invitation, and that’s personal. And again, this is for the high-level work.
There are ways you can automate this. There are lots of things you can do to make that less labor-intensive, but…
Until you master this sacred invitation and creating this Sourced™ container for your client to step into it, don’t even think about automating it.
You’ve got to move through this stage where you know exactly how to do this and what they’re stepping into. So, I’m curious, what’s bubbling up for you? If you think about in one way, “Oh, I have this offer, everybody should know about it.” Or in another way, “I have this offer. I have limited space, first of all, and I only want to work with the right people who are divinely Sourced™ and connected to this exact experience.”
Can you see the energy distinction here? So start there and ask yourself, “What would it look like? In what places in my business am I just throwing it out there and where am I actually creating this sacred Sourced™ container?”
I’d love to hear what’s opening up for you just in this example, in this conversation. Make a comment below. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe. And also, there’s a link below to our quiz to really understand your style of this. So check that out. I’m Darla LeDoux, have an amazingly Sourced™ day. Bye, everyone.
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