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Go from FOG to CLARITY

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Go from FOG to CLARITY

By Lorrie Thomas Ross


July 7, 2021
We all experience FOG (Fatigue, Overwhelm, Guilt) at times. It’s part of being human! But we don’t have to stay there. Becoming aware of our emotions is a prerequisite; from there we can decide what to do with them.

 And yes, we get to choose.

 These are the steps I use to guide my clients to help them get past the FOG and move towards CLARITY. It’s important to approach this with a leadership mindset.

The first step is to realize we are ALL leaders – whether we’re working solo, working for someone else, or in the middle of a career change.

Leadership Mindset

The first step is to realize we are ALL leaders – whether we’re working solo, working for someone else, or in the middle of a career change. Being in a leadership mindset changes the way we do things in our homes, with our partners, and in our businesses.


Lead with Love

Seeing yourself as a leader is a simple step that shifts perspective and changes the way you do things. Every leader has their own leadership style. If the term “leader” feels a bit bold (it used to sound like being a ruler to me), think of leadership as “leading with love”…love for others, your work, your family, your community, the world…and most importantly, love for yourself.

Living and working on-brand and on-purpose unapologetically is the bridge to get from FOG to CLARITY.

Living and working on-brand and on-purpose unapologetically is the bridge to get from FOG to CLARITY.


Communicating with Confidence. We communicate visually, verbally, and energetically. Step into your unique beauty by communicating confidently. Align your brand, photography, website copy, social media posts, email marketing, texts, and email replies with your personality, authority and style.

Leading with Love and Laughter. Clients, coworkers, life partners, life itself may be unpleasant at times. Let’s face it, life gets messy. I have my share of default FOG “on the verge” moments…then I remember how important it is to be an unapologetic leader. Be honest with yourself (lead with love!), be kind to yourself and remember to laugh more!

Accepting Abundance. There is no better time than now to start believing in receiving! We cannot rise until we are ready to receive (thank you Darla, for that wisdom!). This means valuing your work! We stop giving out discounts when we truly value our work – why settle for crumbs when you can have the whole loaf? Be open to being open!

Think of leadership as “leading with love”…love for others, your work, your family, your community, the world…and most importantly, love for yourself.

Receiving Rest and Restoration. It is SO important to rest – you have to disconnect to reconnect. This was one of my biggest mistakes when I started my business 16 years ago. Success does not have to include stress or burnout. Take regular breaks to get refreshed, increase focus and be creative. The first time I went on retreat, I fell in love with my business again and came back so refreshed and ready to grow. You have to unplug to recharge. Now I take trips every 90 days. Non-negotiable!

Igniting Inspiration. One of the most valuable things you can do as a leader to stay clear is to stay inspired. Do things and create moments for yourself that keep you mentally stimulated, inspired and creative. I like being in nature, looking at art, walking – creating something in the kitchen without a recipe releases my creativity! Inspiration also comes from offering emotional support or encouragement to others, whether in your online community, writing helpful social media posts, or living by example. Understand what inspires you so you can continue to ignite that. Be inspired and live inspired!

One of the most valuable things you can do as a leader to stay clear is to stay inspired. Do things and create moments for yourself that keep you mentally stimulated, inspired and creative.

Taking Time. It’s important to have open blocks of time and not over-schedule ourselves. There’s no way I would have had time to write this if I didn’t! Stop to evaluate if what you are doing is serving you. If not, it’s okay to let it go. Don’t feel obligated (that’s the O in FOG) to do everything or to keep doing things in a way that doesn’t nourish you. I reschedule a lot of things or let them go altogether. Also, schedule things that are important, things like fitness, alone time, hobbies  – whatever it is that feeds and nourishes you.


Being Unapologetically YOU. Lead your life in a way is is 100% magically, wonderfully you. Know what you want, own what you want and step into your unique beauty. When I began to own my magic, my life and work transformed instantly. Living on-brand and on-purpose makes us less likely to get into the FOG in the first place.

Seeing yourself as a leader is a simple step that shifts perspective and changes the way you do things.

Do What You Do Best, Hire Others to Do the Rest

Leading unapologetically also means delegating to others so that you can spend more time in your magic. You need a team…a dream team to help you grow. When I coach and support my clients, I find the biggest disconnect in business is often in the delegation, so go ahead and find things you can ask for support with and allow yourself to receive the help.

Bring that leadership mindset into everything you do and see what happens!

Lorrie Thomas Ross

Transformational Marketing Guide and Retreat Leader

Hello! I’m Lorrie Thomas Ross. I’m a transformational guide who helps intentional leaders step into their unique beauty unapologetically – personally and professionally. I live to help women disconnect to reconnect with what they want. My magic helps lovely leaders get clarity to work and live on-brand and on-purpose lives. I am based in Georgia and host my group and VIP 1-1 retreats in stunning Serenbe.


Rooted women rise. My Unapologetic Leader Program helps intentional leaders go from FOG to CLARITY, supporting with guidance, retreats and full marketing optimization support so you can root, sow and grow in gorgeous ways! If you are an intentional entrepreneur ready to cultivate a beautiful life and you are ready to step into your unique beauty, I’d love to connect!

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