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I Don’t Agree With This

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We’ve Been Programmed

August 12, 2020

We’ve been programmed. 

If you look around the world you can see so many ways in which we’ve been programmed – to listen to and respond to media, to agree so as to avoid being shamed by our community, to ‘do the right thing,’ even when that is changing regularly.

I am sure we could have a good time exploring some of the ideas that have been surfacing for each of us as a result of the current circumstances in our world.  

But I want to speak to a specific type of programming that is widespread, and that it is affecting  us deeply. And it’s not one that people are talking about. 

I don’t agree with it, and I invite you to choose not to agree too.

In our world at large, and EVEN in the world of coaching, personal development, and information marketing, we’ve been programmed with traditional thinking about what has value.

“Lead with something tangible,” they said.
“Make sure people understand why they would want to buy that,” they said.
“People won’t buy ___clarity, passion, love, understanding___,” they said.
“That doesn’t make sense,” they said.

And we agreed. (The collective we.)

Quick, Hide the magic!

We agreed that for something to have value, or something to be right, it had to make sense. It had to be able to be explained, to be justified, to be understood. 

We decided, yes indeed, if it’s not logical, or explainable, then it can’t be valid. We’ll just keep it to ourselves, and use the masculine linear language “they say” we “should” use. 

Quick, hide the magic!

Well, as much as I, too, have at times agreed to with this thinking, I know…. like a deep down visceral knowing…. that I cannot agree with this a moment longer.

SO MUCH IS HAPPENING under the surface in any moment – beyond what the rational mind can perceive. We know this (you and I). 

And when we work with this knowing…  

….that energy matters often more than words
…that our bodies can heal traumas that are generations old and thus release the possibility of disease

… that when we trust the abundance of the Universe it always responds
… that we will know exactly what spirit wants us to say in any given moment if we can just stay present… 

and the list of the possible things we JUST KNOW in our feminine knowing goes on… 

When we work with this knowing, magic happens. 

We lift the fog and clarity appears.

We watch our client’s lives transform from the root. 
We have the exact right clients show up at the exact right time. 
We happen to move to a new city in right timing to meet our right partner. 
We lift the fog and clarity appears.

There are so many potent results available when we stop agreeing with the traditional ideas of how things get done, and most importantly, what has value. 

Are you with me?

Can we work lighter and with greater intention, trusting our people to totally get the value, because we are OWNING IT (not hustling around about it)?

Shall we disagree with the traditional definitions of value, together?

Shall we trust the way energy moves and life transforms without us having to explain a damn thing? Without the language being perfect, or the level of activity draining us? 

Can we work lighter and with greater intention, trusting our people to totally get the value, because we are OWNING IT (not hustling around about it)?

What else is possible?

What new agreements shall we create together?

If you’d like to know more about this, please do me a favor and CLICK HERE to let us know!


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