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What is a Sourced Retreat Leader?

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What is a Sourced Leader? 

By Dr. Laura Monk

September 19, 2020

This month I wanted to tell my newsletter readers about the retreat leader certification that I recently received from Darla, and how proud I felt to be featured as Sourced Leader this month. I knew this would be a new concept for many of my readers, who are not necessarily switched on to Source, so I started with what it meant to be a Sourced Leader and I’d like to share that here.

When I lead retreats, I am leading with my heart, my gut, my intuition, my inner knowing

For me, it means that my leadership is influenced by something much bigger than my ego or mind.

When I lead retreats, I am leading with my heart, my gut, my intuition, my inner knowing and, at the same time, all of this body and soul wisdom is sourced from my connection to the Universe, to Nature, to Life – to everything that connects us all.

To be a Sourced Leader is to hold space for transformation, which is so much more than passing on knowledge or teaching skills, theories and models. It’s about being able to create a collaborative container of support that is co-active and where co-creation can happen. It’s about helping to shift energy, attitudes and perspectives, to nurture change, and support integration of new ways of being. It’s about understanding the processes involved in transformation and providing support with those – often incredibly messy and challenging processes – that are necessarily involved when changing, growing, becoming and being different in the world – especially being elevated through evolution and transformation.

I know the mess of transformation and that it’s often not pretty.

For me, becoming a Sourced Leader has come via a very challenging and emotional transformation – I know the mess and pain of it, intimately.

This experience helps me hold space for others on their own transformational paths – no matter where they want to go.

Whether it’s breaking out from a secure job to fulfil their heart’s desire in another field – or whether it’s engaging with their sexuality, when it terrifies them.

For those of you who’ve noticed me in my own creative process since leaving Nottingham University, you may also have seen a lot of mess – as I have gone this way and that.

Announcing stuff to the world and retreating – making bad videos (before I had my wonderful assistant, Suey!).

I knew that people would be thinking, OMG! What the hell is she doing now!! (Or not… haha  my ego…).

Even though I was aware of these thoughts, I went ahead anyway – the mess didn’t matter to me and I knew that I couldn’t stop to think about this stuff too deeply. If I had been too cautious, I might have stopped and backed out. I know the mess of transformation and that it’s often not pretty. I was in chaos for a long time, but after the darkness came light. 


Julie kept on telling me that Divine timing means that everything happens at the right time

I am so happy that I went through that very difficult place of unknowing, because I have to say it that it turned out to be just right decision for me – a 100%. I knew that I was on a higher path and I just had to stay on it. I have a vision – and thanks to Darla, her Lead Coach, Julie Flippin and the Collective – I am seeing that vision becoming true. I always felt like I wasn’t ready to be on Darla’s high-level programme as everyone else seemed to be much more evolved than me. But Julie kept on telling me that Divine timing means that everything happens at the right time – to just trust that it was right for me. I don’t really know what it was that made me sign up – apart from Julie’s amazing energy that filled me up with positivity every time we met! Sourced Energy, perhaps?! I hadn’t even met Darla at that point… I do know that if we let go and let Sourced Energy guide us, miracles can happen! Being endorsed by Darla means a lot to me – because of what I went through to achieve my retreat leader certification, and for who I am becoming in the world. And, I have so much gratitude for my year with Darla and The Collective of amazing women who I am privileged to have journeyed with so far. 


I wish you so much love on your journey: trust in your intuition, always.


Blessings, Laura


About Laura Monk


Laura Monk, PhD, is a psychotherapist and transformation coach combining modern trauma-informed and ancient/spiritual Tantric approaches to sex, love and relationship coaching. Laura describes herself as a recovering academic, who opted out of the UK University system at the point of burn out, but not before discovering Tantra and great sex in her fifties, which set her off on a mission to spread the love to others wanting an all-round more joyful and fun life. As a certified retreat leader, Laura runs transformational self-care retreats, both for practitioners and awakened women.




Or perhaps you never did? Laura developed her Love-Sexy-Self-Care virtual retreats for women just like you. In Laura’s retreats, you’ll learn why creating sacred space for loving intimacy is important to your vitality. She guides you through life-changing Tantric practices involving meditation, breathwork and self-touch. You’ll gain clarity about your authentic sexual self and form an intention to reclaim this part of you!

CHECK OUT LAURA ON OUR SOURCED LEADERS PAGE HERE ⇒ https://sourcedexperience.com/sourced-leaders/

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