Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
Just Because It Doesn’t Work Out, Doesn’t Mean it Wasn’t Sourced

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Just Because It Doesn’t Work Out, Doesn’t Mean it Wasn’t Sourced

By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

October 11, 2023

I have had people tell me, “I was following my intuition and all the signs, and it didn’t work out. Now, I can’t trust my inner knowing; I can’t trust Sourced.” To that, I say, just because it doesn’t work out, doesn’t mean it wasn’t Sourced! Quickly followed by – let’s break it down! 

At Sourced, we teach about the six Sourced Magics, a way to access your inner knowing and develop it to lead a peaceful, purposeful, and light way to living and running your business. You can take the Sourced Magic Quiz here. https://sourcedexperience.com/quiz-youtube/

If we do not receive our preferred outcome, however, does that mean it wasn’t Sourced? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Welcome to being a human. We are all spiritual beings in the human body, and all kinds of energy patterns exist within ourselves. Some of them guide us, and some of them block us. 

Some energy patterns are based on something that happened in the past, and we sometimes (consciously or unconsciously) base our decisions on these patterns to try to control the future to receive the outcome we desire. When we base decisions on a default energy pattern, patterns based on an un-truth like this can create outcomes we don’t prefer. Sounds like bad news, right? Wrong – that result is there to guide you and show you what is next. 

Real-life example: I hosted a live event that cost me over $50K. At first sight, it was an outcome I did not desire. When I delved deeper, I uncovered that I decided to have that event based on something someone told me- to be successful in my business, I had to have a live event. That was a default energy pattern I had. But once I could see it, I could work with it and transmute it. 

That experience made me curious about my intuition and how to identify a true “sign.” I discovered my default energy pattern of doing what others say I should do rather than hearing my own soul and doing that instead. It became a whole season of deep, immersive study of being able to hear myself and led to the birth of my own company, the Six Sourced Magics (my framework), and launched a whole world for my clients and me.

This likely wouldn’t have happened had I been successful in that event. 

Just because the result isn’t what we prefer doesn’t mean it isn’t Sourced.

It’s an opportunity to shift the field. Every time we go through a cycle of transformation, we open up a greater receptivity to our Sourced Magic, which increases the likelihood that our decisions will lead to a state of ease and flow. Remember, no matter the outcome, it is always Sourced and full of information. 

Do you want to learn about your Sourced Magic to how to live more fully in it? Our new four-month container, Living Magic, starts October 17! We will focus on our self-magic, inner knowing, intimacy, and inspiration. Learn more here: https://sourcedexperience.com/living-magic/

Spread the magic!


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