Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast

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To connect with Darla or set up an interview, email her at:

support (at) sourcedexperience (dot) com.

Shift The Field Back Cover Bio

Darla LeDoux is a transformational business coach, a “recovering engineer”, the Founder of Sourced™ and the best-selling author of Retreat and Grow Rich. Since 2009, she has guided thousands of clients to confidently market, sell, and deliver deep transformation, unlock their own magical Sourced Expressions, and build lucrative businesses based on deep energetic alignment. Learn more at SourcedExperience.com

About The Author

Darla LeDoux is a transformational business coach, “recovering engineer”, the best-selling author of Retreat and Grow Rich, and the founder of Sourced™. Since 2009, she has guided thousands of clients to confidently market, sell, and deliver deep transformation, unlock their own magical Sourced Expressions, and build lucrative businesses based on deep energetic alignment.


Darla is committed to doing business in alignment with what feels right to her soul, because she’s learned that “What our soul wants is always the most practical thing we can do.”


She envisions a world in which all people access and live by their inner knowing, making it valid, valued, and visible in their most magical work.


After years of following others’ formulas for success, Darla reclaimed her Sourced™ connection—critical for leading in the way that works for her. With a unique blend of business expertise and intuitive healing magic, she supports her clients to not only understand nuanced business strategy, but to more importantly hear their own soul’s guidance.


As the creator of the Sourced™ Leader certification program, Darla equips her clients with the structures and tools to lead their own clients through the process of transformation with the deepest integrity. Graduates demonstrate mastery at shifting the field in their own and clients’ lives, creating a whole new playing field for how we “do” life as a collective.

Darla’s companies have generated millions in revenue, selling transformation first, strategy second. She’s been featured on stages of many coaching industry leaders, as well as a plethora of podcasts and online events. She hosts Sourced™ with Darla LeDoux on YouTube, and The Retreat and Grow Rich Podcast on iTunes.


Prior to starting her business, Darla graduated with a BS in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota and held senior roles in marketing and product development with Procter & Gamble. She resisted the call to the world of coaching and transformation for ten years until a death and divorce helped her find the courage to follow her soul’s desire. Her third of three coaching certifications was obtained through iPEC coaching, whose mission she still aligns with today – raising the consciousness of the planet one human at a time.


Darla lives with her wife, Kimmi, and fur baby, Oswald, in Austin, Texas. You can learn more about her work at SourcedExperience.com.

Downloadable Photos for Media:

Please add photo credit: Kimmi Ward

Downloadable photo here. Please add photo credit: Kimmi Ward

Downloadable photo here. Please add photo credit: Kimmi Ward

Downloadable photo here. Please add photo credit: Kimmi Ward

Downloadable photo here. Please add photo credit: Kimmi Ward

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