Money for Your Magic
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
Think about the biggest problem in your life right now. If you had a magic wand and could solve that problem immediately, what would that be worth for you?
Now let’s think about your client. What is their biggest problem right now? What would it be worth to them to solve it?
Let’s talk about money for your magic.
The Pricing Spreadsheet
I started my business as a coach twelve years ago. I remember trying to set my pricing. As an engineer by trade, of course, I had a spreadsheet, and I would come up with all of the different prices. Depending on how many clients I would get each month and at what price, I would map out how much money I would make.
Inevitably, at the end of my spreadsheet was a number that felt way too small for me to have the life that I wanted. I was in this place of inching up my pricing, but it would never quite add up to a number that was exciting for me.
Inevitably, at the end of my spreadsheet was a number that felt way too small for me to have the life that I wanted. I was in this place of inching up my pricing, but it would never quite add up to a number that was exciting for me.
Ten Years in the Self Help Aisle
Then I remember having this aha moment when I was thinking about my journey. I had been first trained as a coach ten years before I started my business. I knew I loved it and knew that was the work that I wanted to do.
However, I had an energy pattern, which I call default energy, that kept me from acting on this path I knew I would love. My default pattern was this idea that I had to be smart to get love, and quitting my engineering job to become a coach did not seem like a smart idea.
No matter what I did, no matter how many self-help books I read or how many interviews I did with people in different careers to figure out what I was meant to do with my life, I couldn’t figure it out.
I spent what I call “10 years in the self-help aisle”, reading and analyzing every book about who I was meant to be and what I should do with my life.
It made no difference because I was reading every one of these books through the same default energy filter – I have to be smart to get love.
All signs pointed me right to this career that I have today and love, but I couldn’t see it; I couldn’t receive it because I had a block, and I needed to transform.
I spent what I call “10 years in the self-help aisle”, reading and analyzing every book about who I was meant to be and what I should do with my life.
Committing to Transformation
I finally got myself into a container; I went on a retreat to see and transform this pattern. This is where I finally understood that this belief, that I have to be smart to get love, was getting in the way. It was blocking. I finally understood that I could let it go and create a new belief and foundation for my life.
Then, all of a sudden, I finally thought I should be a coach. From there, it became easy. After transformation, my coaching business became as natural as breathing.
Now, what does this have to do with you?
I had a big problem which was I didn’t know what to do with my life. I was in a career I knew was not the right path for me, and I couldn’t seem to figure out what was.
I spent ten years on my own, trying to figure it out through the same filter until I got in a room and committed to my transformation. Once that belief shifted, doing the work I love became easy.
I spent ten years on my own, trying to figure it out through the same filter until I got in a room and committed to my transformation. Once that belief shifted, doing the work I love became easy.
The Aha Moment
So finally, here I am doing the work I love but undercharging for it. I was sitting in my office with my spreadsheet calculating my rate for making a living wage, and suddenly, I remembered my journey, and I reflected on my own experience – the ten years in the self-help aisle.
What would I have paid ten years ago to someone who could have saved me ten years of reading self-help books and not doing what I love?
What is the biggest issue that your client has? And what would it be worth for them to solve it?
What if them choosing to work with you could save them ten years in the self-help aisle? What would that be worth? Suddenly, the investment to work with me made so much more sense at a higher price, and I was willing to receive money for my magic.
Are you willing to receive money for your magic?
I was charging about $375 per month for my coaching, and the very next offer I made was for $6,000. So can you save your clients ten years in the self-help aisle? Or what’s the equivalent for you?
Can you save your client’s attorney fees from getting a divorce if you’re a relationship coach? If you are a parenting coach, can you save them sleepless nights for the next 18 years?
How can you frame up what your magic will help people do to communicate the value? Will you be willing to receive the money for your magic? It can be easy to diminish your magic because it comes naturally to you. You may feel like simply showing up for one hour per week isn’t enough, but if you can help someone transform, it is so much more than merely showing up.
If you can help someone transform that default energy pattern they’ve been viewing the world through, and can remove that filter, that will change everything for them for the rest of their lives.
What if I could have started my business ten years sooner? What level would my business be? How many more people could I have served? How much further would my mission be if I had started ten years sooner? What is that worth?
If you can help someone transform that default energy pattern they’ve been viewing the world through, and can remove that filter, that will change everything for them for the rest of their lives.
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