Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
Three Signs Being “On” Could be the Death of Your Magic

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Saying No Without Making It Wrong
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


November 10, 2021

Have you ever felt like you needed to wait until you were ready until you were total “on” to show up for your business or your marketing?

I want to tease out a new concept that might spark something for you.

I want to talk about the three signs that this might be happening.

The Three Signs

First, you are experiencing a kind of love/hate or a push/pull relationship with bringing in new clients. On the one hand, you want to welcome in more clients because you love what you do.


There’s also this sense that as I add more clients, that’s more of my time that I have to be on when I’m working with them. It might feel heavy, or you have some resistance; even though you’d like more cash flow coming into your business, who doesn’t?


Second, you have had this thought in your mind, I need a sabbatical, and I need to go away and heal. Once I get it all sorted out, and it’s perfectly in alignment, then I can do my business.

Third, you are continually delaying your launch.
Maybe you are doing a program launch with affiliates, and you’re thinking I’m not quite ready to start inviting people yet, or I need to record that automated webinar, and I want to wait until it’s a perfect time and I’m feeling great.

So it keeps getting pushed out.

If we were in a room together, I’d ask you to raise your hand if any of these things speak to you.

If you raised your hand, this idea of “on” might be the death of your Magic.

you are experiencing a kind of love/hate or a push/pull relationship with bringing in new clients. 

What is your Magic?

Let’s establish what your Magic is. Your Magic is this inner knowing guided by Sourced that helps you know your unique path in this life. It shows up when you work with clients and help them transform.

Do you know what your Magic is? Take our Magic Quiz to find out!

Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not. Please let that sink in. Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not.

We are taught throughout our lives that when we show up for others, we have to be “on”; we have to perform. We have to get a good grade; we have to give the most fantastic speech. We live in this world of comparison, so we feel like we’re at risk of failure if we’re not “on.”

So we wait until we’re ready to compete, and be better than, and be “on.” Here’s what happens – we give all of our best stuff to everybody else, and we’re never on or showing up for ourselves.

Would you please think of the consequence of this? Per this way of thinking, whenever I’m “on,” I have to perform, and if I’m off, I can give myself a break. If you recognize this pattern in yourself, you may create a lot of opportunities to be sick so that you can have a break.

Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not. Please let that sink in. Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not.

Three Actions You Can Take to Bring the Magic Back

First, show up. Consider that your Magic comes alive when in connection to others. Showing up doesn’t mean you’re perfect when in connection with others it means you are real when in connection with others.


If you’re a healer, coach, or any leader, you are in a relationship with your client, and when you show up (even if you’re off), your stuff moves out of the way, and your inner knowing comes through.


So if you feel like you have to wait until you’re “on” to connect with people and to show up, or do that thing, the Facebook Live, the YouTube video, or unwritten blog, is going to keep getting delayed and keep getting delayed.


I have found that showing up and connecting with people exactly as I am, and engaging my energy with theirs, brings me to the clarity I need for whatever action I want to take in my business every single time.

Second, your Magic is always going to lead you to the right place. Your inner knowing is not going to have you show up somewhere that you’re not ready for.


Know when your Magic, or inner knowing says, “Go live on Facebook!” it’s not possible that you’re not ready. You simply have some preconceived idea of how you’ve always shown up that you think is the “right way.” That’s what you’re waiting for, and that’s why you continue to delay.


The people who watch you need you exactly how you are now, not the perfect version of you that may exist somewhere down the line.


There’s a phrase that I have been teaching in my retreat and Grow Rich work called “earn while you learn.” That comes from the idea that your Magic will always lead you to the right place. To earn while you learn means to take the step precisely as you are without waiting until you know everything or until you feel like you’re “on.”


Finally, consider this. What if your “off” is enough? I had an experience a few years ago where I got some upsetting personal news right before I had a retreat, and I had 16 people coming in from all over the world to retreat with me.


This news put me on the floor, and I had to show up and lead. Here’s how I handled it. I said to myself, “Okay, who you are in the world, who you’ve become, all of the work you’ve done, and your energy is going to be enough to carry this container.”


I had to trust my body, trust my vibration, trust the vibration that is integrated into my being, even though my mind was distracted. And it was.


What if your “off” were enough?

So if you feel like you have to wait until you’re “on” to connect with people and to show up, or do that thing, the Facebook Live, the YouTube video, or unwritten blog, is going to keep getting delayed and keep getting delayed.

What to Do Instead

What if, instead, when you’re feeling on, that’s the time you give to yourself? What if you give your creative process your best time? What if you give your self-care your best time? What if you wake up and think, ‘I am feeling my best, I’m going to go for a hike in nature, commune with nature, and feed my soul even more.

Imagine what your world would be like if that were true? What if you didn’t have to wait until you were sick to nurture yourself? What if you could give yourself the best?

I’d love to hear how this is resonating with you. How have you experienced the need to be “on” versus showing up even when you’re off?

What if, instead, when you’re feeling on, that’s the time you give to yourself?

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