April Gregory



It’s right there – the words, the actions, the SHIFT into who YOU’RE meant to be. Are you ready to embrace the project or job or hobby or relationship… are you ready to explore your options… to have what you DESIRE, to live the life you DESERVE? Let’s tune into Your Wisdom and step into Your Desire!

Peige Rosales

Dream Defender, Truth Teller

In 2019, DESIRE was my Word of the Year; abandoned after 3 months as “too selfish.” The real reason I bailed? Too scary! Facing what I really wanted… well, I could feel shame, pain, fear, and self-doubt seeping in. No thanks! But DESIRE is a magic word, and it worked its magic. That year, I acted in my first play, began my polyamory journey, changed jobs, and started solo travel. And today? Well, I live my life helping my precious clients embrace their OWN desires – whatever they may be!