The Magical Miracle of Truth – Book Launch Link
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
“There is a way transformation works consistently and predictably. There’s a place in the process where when truth comes forth. Your client will see it. They’ll feel it. They’ll receive it. They might not like it, because a lot of times the thing that’s hidden from our view is hidden for a reason. We don’t want to see it. We don’t love it. But they will be ready. They will be receptive. And in that receiving, you can validate what’s so. You can love them even with this thing. And they can friggin’ let it go. And when they let it go, that energy shift is palpable. That open space is present. There’s that vacuum in which they can now create anything they want.”
Hi, welcome. This is Darla LeDoux, and let’s talk today about the magical miracle of truth. So, first of all, I just want to bring forward that there is no “One Truth” that I’m here to preach to you. Truth is unique and distinct for each person. So each client you work with has their own unique truth, because we each came here to be and to express as a unique slice of Source energy. And we’re not meant to operate in the same kind of set of guidelines as anybody else, really. So your client has their own unique truth, and I’m guessing you know you’re a bringer of truth or you wouldn’t be here watching this video.
Now the issue is that a lot of our clients and ourselves have a belief in something that is what I call the “small t” truth. Or it’s true, but it’s not actually Truth with a capital T. So it’s true based on some lie, some misinterpretation of some circumstance growing up where we said, “Oh, based on what I’m observing, this must be true. I’m going to live my life this way so I can stay safe.” And then we live like the “small t” is actually our “Big T” Truth, and then we don’t know why we’re not getting the results that are this divinely aligned flow.
And this is true for your clients, as well. They are operating… and we never finish this process. They’re operating with some “small t” that is guiding them, that they feel like is true, but it’s not actually their truth. And if they could just let it go, their whole world would change. They would shift their energy field and they would totally shift the playing field for their life.
Now this is where you come in.
As a transformational leader and guide, you are helping them to see, feel, hear, sense, and be with their truth. You’re helping them to see the “small t” and embrace the “Big T.” And that really is the heart of the process of transformation.
Now the issue is people don’t know when, where, and how to use their magic to reveal truth. So let me tell you what I mean by that. In a container, if you’re a coach or a mentor or something like that, a teacher, and people are working with you over time in a container of support, there is an appropriate place to be a truth revealer. And if you know that’s your gift, it’s part of what you do, there can be a tendency to want to go truth all the time.
But there’s actually a divinely beautiful place to help your clients see and be with truth. And if you bring that out too soon, you’re going to meet resistance. Or you’re going to… I know everybody has had this experience where you give really good advice to someone. Maybe it’s a client, maybe it’s a friend. But they aren’t ready to receive it. And it’s like, “Oh, if they could just see what I see, they wouldn’t keep having this same problem.”
But they’re not ready to see it. And so when you want to be all truth revealer, when someone’s not in the place to receive it, you’re actually not giving your substance where it can do most good. You’re giving your magic away and it’s not being received. And what happens then is we start to doubt our magic, but it’s not that your magic isn’t accurate. It’s that you’re not understanding the structure for transformation that allows you to actually let your magic flow.
So there is a place, there’s a way transformation works consistently and predictably. And there’s a place in the process where when this truth comes forth, your client will see it, they’ll feel it, they’ll receive it. They might not like it, because a lot of times the thing that’s hidden from our view is hidden for a reason. We don’t want to see it. We don’t love it. But they will be ready. They will be receptive. And in that receiving, you can validate what’s so. You can love them even with this thing. And they can friggin let it go. And when they let it go, that energy shift is palpable. That open space is present.
There’s that vacuum in which they can now create anything they want.
And when they create that anything they want after they’ve really been present with truth, that is where it’s coming from their soul. And that is where it’s Sourced™. And they can create a Sourced™ energy. They can show up and express as that unique slice of Source that they came here to be. It’s amazing, it’s magical.
I know you’ve experienced it if you’re here. You’ve experienced it at least for yourself. But my question is, how consistently are you facilitating it? Do you hold a firm container? Are you patient and loving and nurturing of that container? And do you allow your client to move through the process and do you know the right moment to bring truth? Or are you offering insights willy nilly? And everybody’s excited. You’re excited. Your client’s excited. Like yay, there’s the insight, but nothing is changing because you’re not facilitating transformation. You’re not bringing that truth to a receptive audience.
That’s what I want for you. If you want to learn more about this, my upcoming book, Shift the Field, How to Deliver The Transformation Your Client Craves While Unlocking The Magic You Were Born To Share teaches you the structure that allows you to know when and where to bring your magic forward to elicit that truth.
There’s not one way to reveal magic.
In a system I teach, there are six Sourced™ Magics. I talk about them in the book.
And so there’s different ways that you might receive your knowing or guide your client to their knowing. And it’s amazing. And I want that. I want you to be your uniquely magical self. And I want you to have an understanding of where to bring that in this process so that you’re not depleting yourself by giving it out all over the place.
If you’re curious about the new book and you want to get on the invite list, the waitlist to be told the soonest possible date that you can purchase the book, just put your name and email, and there’s a link below that is the book waitlist, and you can put your name and email in and we will let you know.
I’m super, super excited and proud of this second book. And I know it’s going to serve a lot of transformational beings. And I hope this video itself has actually served you. Let me know in the comments. Be sure to like, subscribe. It really does make a difference. And we’ll see you soon.
UPDATE: Shift the Field is available for purchase!
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