Ask More Questions with Sourced
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
I was in Lake Atitlan on retreat last week, and a message came through that I wanted to share.
You can ask a lot from Source. While in Guatemala, I was able to guest teach a few classes, a question came up, and I found myself teaching the idea that you can ask more from Source than you may think.
I have shared the story of how I lost $50K in an event, and that was when I began to be fiercely committed to following the divine guidance I find in my soul, Sourced, to guide the way. More so than my head or my ego.
you can ask more from Source than you may think.
After losing a good amount of money, I reflected on the why. Why did it go this way? That wasn’t the plan. I found that intuitive guidance led me on a path, but then my brain took over and decided what all of it meant.
Rather than continuing to check in with my guidance, I got one intuitive hit and made up what all of it must mean.
Have you ever done that? Have you ever received one ping of divine guidance, then your brain takes over to figure out what it means?
People were nodding their heads, so I think I was not alone.
What I did not do in that scenario that I would do today is when I get that intuitive hit, I would ask more questions.
Does it mean this?
Does it mean that?
Is this really what it means?
Does it mean something else?
Have you ever received one ping of divine guidance, then your brain takes over to figure out what it means?
If you are not getting a clear answer, you can ask yourself, is this clarity available to me right now?
You would be surprised; sometimes, I do get a no. Maybe there is some information I need to sit with before Source guides me to know what to do. At that point, I can let it go.
After I lost the money at the event, I did get an intuitive hit, let my brain take over, and took a few steps without asking the important, probing, follow-up questions with myself like:
Is this about this, or is this about something else?
Is there more information available today?
Is there anything I am meant to do with this?
If you are not getting a clear answer, you can ask yourself, is this clarity available to me right now?
We can ask our soul so many questions that we often don’t.
It is painful when someone gets a “sign from the universe.”
Sometimes they seem very stuck. When I see this, it is painful because I know there is access to clarity through Source in all of us, but we have to develop a relationship with Source to access that clarity.
Without fostering our relationship with Source, we become victims to the signs. The more we develop our relationship with Source, the more freedom and peace we will have.
The more we develop our relationship with Source, the more freedom and peace we will have.
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