Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
Source Wants More for You Than You Even Want for Yourself

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Source Wants More for You Than You Even Want for Yourself
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


August 3, 2022

This week I was on location once again. This time in Colorado! The cooler weather was a nice escape from the Texas heat!


Here is what I am here to say. Source wants more for you than you even want for yourself. I went to see Abraham Hicks in a live workshop over the weekend and was in the energy of focusing on desire.


What do you desire? Desire is from Source, and when we have a desire that is in alignment, it will manifest faster than you can imagine. We try to plan, control, and micromanage our decisions, yet the truth is that if it is an aligned desire, it will come in ways we didn’t expect. It can be easy to forget this and begin making decisions based on logic and reasoning rather than desire.

Source wants more for you than you even want for yourself.


I have spoken many times about the time I cashed out my retirement, knowing it was “illogical,” and yet by “magic,” that money was returned to me and then some in weeks.


Over the last twelve years, every time I have taken action, as if everything is going to line up for my desire, it has every single time.


Another thing on desire – my desires are different now than when I started my business twelve years ago. I used to have big desires. I wanted to live in the house on the water (I have). I had enormous desires for my revenue, the number of people I would reach with my work, and the role I wanted to play. All these desires have happened, by the way.

Over the last twelve years, every time I have taken action, as if everything is going to line up for my desire, it has every single time.

The more I trust my desires, the less grand they need to be for me to trust them. My desires used to be big.


I will move to this location.
I will buy this thing.
I will hire this person.


Today, my desires are more like


I want to go left rather than right.
I want to move my body.
I want to call this person today.


The desires feel smaller, but I trust them. Now Source doesn’t need some grand vision to overcome my resistance to taking a small action.

The desires feel smaller, but I trust them.

Today, I don’t have to get hyped up about some big vision (although I do have them). All I need is the knowing of – this is the right next step.

Teach this class.
Call this person.
Go on this trip.
Book this flight.

I am having my best and lightest year yet in business. When you can honor your desires, you don’t have to work as hard. It doesn’t feel scary or stressful because you know if you trust Source it will all work itself out. It feels tiny, but all the tiny steps seem to work well.

You don’t have to control it; you don’t have to know why; you don’t have to intellectualize, understand or rationalize. You just know.


Source wants more for you than you want for yourself.


What do you think of this trend toward smaller desires?


I was trained with a masculine approach that taught me to have big desires. Have a business plan that says this is going to happen in this many years by taking this many actions.

The less reliant I am on that approach, the more things seem to work out more easily. What are your thoughts about desires becoming smaller but more precise?

So take action, even if it makes no sense. When it is aligned with your desire, Source will meet you.

So take action, even if it makes no sense. When it is aligned with your desire, Source will meet you.

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