Creating to Avoid vs. Creating to Create
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
Let’s play in the new paradigm, shall we?
Today, I’m going to cover three energetic principles that allow you to create in your business in such a way that you and your clients are invited to play in a whole paradigm and playground. How does that sound?
I recently hosted my signature event, Shift the Field Live, and I want to paint a picture for you. One of the conversations we had was about the idea of where you create from.
Where do you create from?
Creating to Avoid vs. Creating To Create
We always create from one of two places. When you create to avoid, you use a methodology or a survival pattern that you have used in the past that worked because you survived. You use that same pattern to control (or try to control) an outcome in the future. This comes from what I like to call default energy.
When we create to create, it comes from a place of love and exists in the present moment, based on what we feel drawn to create at that moment. I want you to pause for a second and think about the following questions:
How much of your life is created to avoid, and how much of your life is created to create?
This year, I had to take a hard look at that concept with my coach Danielle Hyman, who distinguished this for me. She helped me see how much I was creating to avoid the outcome I didn’t want, instead of creating to create, from the moment based on trusting the energy and trusting what arises.
I dove deep into my personal experience in the last year of learning to trust the moment’s energy and surrendering to my ability to do that. It’s changed everything for me.
I dove deep into my personal experience in the last year of learning to trust the moment’s energy and surrendering to my ability to do that.
It’s changed everything for me.
Create in the Present Moment
First, creating to create happens in the present moment. There’s no thinking about, there’s no figuring out, there’s no strategizing, there’s none of that. It happens in the present moment and in connection with Source.
Source is when we allow ourselves to hear our inner-knowing, our truth, our heart, or where we are called to now and in the present moment.
We cannot figure out eighteen steps ahead and be creating to create. Creating to create has to happen in the present moment. As soon as we allow our brain to manipulate (or try to manipulate) the universe to give us what we want, we shut down the creative energy.
Source is when we allow ourselves to hear our inner-knowing, our truth, our heart, or where we are called to now and in the present moment.
Innovation Happens With & Through People
Second, innovation, or creating something unique, distinct, and of your energy signature, happens with and through other people.
When we decide to create something brilliant and new in our business, maybe designing a new retreat or a new piece of content, we tend to go off on our own with our flip chart and our markers and try to figure it out alone. So many people end up getting stuck trying to get everything right. The right program, the right content, the right message, and everything before they launch.
That is coming from a place of creating to avoid. We are creating to avoid putting something out there that doesn’t work, creating to avoid being embarrassed, creating to avoid getting it wrong and creating to avoid doing something that’s not amazing.
As soon as we are coming from that place, we are shutting down the energy. When we are with people, we are in the present moment.
We show up as our best when we are in service of other people, so if you have other people involved in your creation process, the product will come from a place of creating to create. In fact, I developed this teaching last week when I was in service and around other people at Shift the Field Live.
It’s not about getting it all perfect. It’s an organic process that we are creating and building a business that serves other humans, and we create it organically by actually serving other humans.
Then we can reflect on how did that work? What did I learn? What did I not learn?
When you are in creating to avoid, that feels very threatening, and that’s why so many people get stuck or get in a place where they are presenting other people’s ideas or presenting the safe version of what Source really would want them to talk about if they were creating to create.
It’s not about getting it all perfect. It’s an organic process that we are creating and building a business that serves other humans, and we create it organically by actually serving other humans.
Step Into a New Energy/Playground
When we create to create, we are stepping into new energy or a new playground. When we are creating to avoid, it is a well-worn path. We think one end of the path looks different from the other end of the path, but the truth is, it’s all the same energy.
When we are creating to avoid, we are literally doing the same thing over and over again. We are in Groundhog Day!
To innovate or create something new, we have to step off of this path and into a whole new energetic playground. Our logical mind will never get us there. This process of stepping off the old tired path of:
I’m enough – I’m not enough.
There’s an abundance of time – There’s a scarcity of time.
Stepping off that path and onto a whole new energetic paradigm is what we teach at Sourced when we train coaches, consultants, creators, and healers within our Certified Sourced Leader Program.
We train people in one-on-one relationships and group settings. We teach people how to help their clients get off this line of old or default energy into a whole new paradigm and Sourced playground where they get to create for the sake and love of it and watch magnetic results come in.
This week only, we are enrolling in our Certified Sourced Leader Program if you are leaning into this. If you want to be in the daily practice of creating to create, you are invited. Especially if you’re going to integrate these three energetic principles into your everyday life and, ultimately, your clients, you are invited.
Applications close Saturday night. Interviews will be held next week, and there is no commitment to apply.
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