Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
Don’t Let Them Scare You with Logic

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Don’t Let Them Scare You with Logic
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


January 19, 2022

Before I scare you away with this title, I want to establish that I am a “recovering engineer.” My first degree and career was as a chemical engineer. I worked in a Fortune 20 company and had an amazing time at the start of my career. 


And here I am now with a video called “Don’t Let Them Scare You with Logic.” 


First of all, I’m so grateful for my upbringing as an engineer, my schooling, my initial career, and the training I received. I learned to think logically and problem solve. Creating strategy was the most important skill that I learned and supports me in my business today. 


On the flip side, many of my intuitive abilities supported me as an engineer, believe it or not. There were ways where I would intuitively know how the pieces fit together, and then I could set up a test to prove it. 


The reason I’m sharing this with you is that I often see that people that don’t have the background I do, and who are transformational leaders, coaches, consultants, healers, or creatives of some sort, get intimidated or insecure when someone brings numbers and logic into a conversation. 

On the flip side, many of my intuitive abilities supported me as an engineer, believe it or not. There were ways where I would intuitively know how the pieces fit together.

But here’s the deal. It is possible to create a logical argument for something supported by data that isn’t true, right, or accurate. 


I saw this all the time inside my work as an engineer, where someone would run an experiment, but before running the experiment, the question was, what do we want this data to prove? Then they would design the experiment to prove what they wanted to prove because they were already attached to a certain outcome, and they wanted the data to support it. 


This happens all the time, all over the place.


From a transformational standpoint, we know that when we look for something, we’re likely to find it. When we expect our business to thrive, it’s likely to thrive. Similarly, when someone would like to prove something is a certain way, they’re going to find the logic, or the data, to prove that case.

we know that when we look for something, we’re likely to find it. When we expect our business to thrive, it’s likely to thrive. Similarly, when someone would like to prove something is a certain way, they’re going to find the logic, or the data, to prove that case.

Let’s get practical.


Have you ever been in an argument with a loved one, where all of a sudden you find yourself vehemently arguing for something that you don’t care about at all? 


This type of argument is what happens when logic is running the show. We might think “if this, then that,” on and on, and pretty soon, we’re effectively arguing for something that’s not true for us or that we don’t care about.

you go out in the world and start interacting with people and sharing your vision. And all of a sudden, people start giving you logical reasons why that won’t work. 

Let’s take an example of where this might show up in your business. 


Let’s say you have spent time and energy honing your Sourced connection. You understand how your inner-knowing works. You’ve spent time sitting with your soul, asking your soul the questions that you want to know the answer for your unique path, what you’re here to do, as a unique, highly divine intuitive being. 


You’ve concluded what you’d like to express in the world based on what’s coming to you, what lights you up, and what would be possible. 


Then you go out in the world and start interacting with people and sharing your vision. And all of a sudden, people start giving you logical reasons why that won’t work. 

Being receptive is a huge part of being Sourced.

You don’t want to be unreceptive. Being receptive is a huge part of being Sourced. You want to be willing to receive the feedback without shutting it out. There may be a nugget in what they’re sharing that is exactly what you needed to hear. Source may be trying to get you a piece of information. 


What you don’t want to do is assume that they’re right and defer to their knowing over your Sourced knowing. Right. Don’t let them scare you with their logic.


Logically, what they are sharing with you might make perfect sense to you. Yes, it’s logical, but it’s not Sourced. 


Maybe that information and that logic help and support your case. Maybe it gives you something that’s going to turn you three degrees and will make all the difference. So allow it.


But you don’t have to take it on like it’s true. Being receptive does not mean we keep it. We can be receptive and let it flow right on by, saying thank you for sharing. 

Your knowing, believing yourself, and believing your truth increases your ability to receive from Source in all manner of ways. If someone else’s logic or rationality is going to sway you off of your Sourced path, you won’t be able to access your right next step.

you don’t want to assume that they’re right and defer to their knowing over your Sourced knowing. 

Don’t let them scare you with their logic.

Allow this to sink in. When someone’s logic comes in and pops you out of your Sourced knowing and up into your head, and gets you a little bit confused and off track, soon you’ll be agreeing with them, even though what they’re saying isn’t aligned with your truth. 


This can happen so easily.


In summary, people can prove whatever case they want. Simply because it’s logically sound, doesn’t make it true. Trust your Sourced knowing over the input of others. Be willing to receive it, keep what feels right, and let the rest flow on through! 

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