What is Your Structure Level?
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced™ and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich
What level of structure do you need to feel secure in your business? I love nothing more than supporting transformational leaders and service-based entrepreneurs to bring structure to the way they work in their business.
Having a structure that supports how you hold your work and your clients in that work allows you to relax and sink into the work while showing up more powerfully and potently.
Each of us has a different degree of structure that we need to feel comfortable, confident, and secure in putting our work out there and moving forward. The issue is that we’re often not aware of how much structure we need or don’t need.
Have a structure that supports how you hold your work and your clients in a way that allows you to relax and sink into the work while showing up more powerfully and potently.
I think about my client, Helen, who came to one of my retreats on learning to host retreats because she wanted to have all of her content planned out before even marketing the event. She was feeling nervous about whether it would deliver the transformation she wanted. Would she know what to do and what to say to make this happen?
Helen came to retreat to get the clarity she needed and what she discovered was that the level of structure that she kept trying to create made her feel suffocated, and it didn’t bring out her best self.
Some part of her from the past (hearing other people teach, watching what other people were doing) said, in order for what I’m offering to be real, she needed PowerPoints, workbooks, exercises, and agendas. What she discovered is that’s not how she is built to operate.
Even though we did give her some structure, setting her intentions for each day of her retreat and what the transformation would be for the client from Day One to Day Two, Day Two to Day Three, we didn’t plan everything out in the way that she had thought that she would. In fact, we ceremoniously declared that that was NOT what she was going to do because that does not make her, her best self.
we began talking about structure and how it supports you being in flow within your business, and one of the women started to panic.
How much structure do you need? Most people are confused about the amount of structure that will make them feel secure. They actually set themselves up to stop themselves from moving forward because of whatever their belief is about structure.
On the other side, in a recent small retreat that I hosted, we began talking about structure and how it supports you being in flow within your business, and one of the women started to panic. To her, the idea of structure meant no freedom. It meant she was going to be limited by these structures.
By the end of the retreat, what she discovered was that limiting herself would bring her more freedom. Limiting her market would allow her to charge more, which would bring more abundance into her business, which would allow her more freedom of expression to travel and do all the things she wanted to do. It made it easier for her to be creative within the boundaries.
A study shows that when kids are in a yard with a fence, they will explore the entire yard. When they’re in a yard with no fence, they stay right by the door. The structure creates more freedom to play and explore.
Structure made it easier for her to be creative within the boundaries.
What do we do when we don’t know how much structure we need?
If you are thinking in your head, I need to plan everything. ONCE I get this developed, and that developed, jump over this hurdle, launch my group program, and figure this thing out, and everything keeps moving, chances are you don’t need all that. The choice to move forward with less structure will make you come alive.
On the other hand, if you’re someone who is not wanting any structure, and you keep pushing yourself forward do the thing; no structure, fly by the seat of your pants; I’m in total freedom; I’m going to do a different program every week; I’m going to have a different audience every week and do something different; that’s going to be limiting to you, and you’re probably looking for some solid structure and support.
If either of these are you or you don’t know I have a few recommendations.
- Start to question your assumptions about the amount of structure you need.
- Understand that knowing how much structure you need will not come from your brain. It’s going to come from Source, or your inner-knowing.
- Take our Sourced Magic Quiz.
The Sourced Magic Quiz shares the way your inner-knowing works or what I like to call your magic.
It can help you help to guide you to know what is right for you in terms of the amount of structure or lack of structure that you need to come alive.
A study shows that when kids are in a yard with a fence, they will explore the entire yard. When they’re in a yard with no fence, they stay right by the door. The structure creates more freedom to play and explore.
We are taking this decision out of our head analysis because the head will crucify us either way. It’s going to judge and say, oh, gosh, why do you need all this? You should move forward. Or it’s going to judge and say, you know, stop trying to rush it. Take your time. Your head is always going to be accusatory in some way.
But when you bring it into your magic – what does your vibration say? Where does your vibration feel best? What level of structure makes you feel best vibrationally? What levels of structure make you feel best in your body? What level of structure lights your heart up because you get to be free to love and support your clients without letting in too much junk?
What level of structure allows your channeling to reach the right audience? What level of structure will enable you to ideate and brainstorm for people who will take it and run with it?
By the way, I’m referring to the Sourced magics. Please take the quiz because that will help you understand what I’m talking about. There’s a level of structure that supports you in your magic without causing unnecessary procrastination or without having you leap without a net in a way that paralyzes you.
Please let me know what’s coming up from you as you engage with this conversation. What level of structure feels supportive to you? What level of structure feels confining to you? Then bring that to your soul. Bring that to Source and say how true is this? Is something else available here for me? Let me know what you discover.
There’s a level of structure that supports you in your magic without causing unnecessary procrastination or without having you leap without a net in a way that paralyzes you.
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