Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
My Journey as a Compassion Magician

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My Journey as a Compassion Magician

By Anna Stephanie Munoz


July 20, 2021

It was March 2020 and something awful hit the planet earth. It started quietly in a small city in China, and it grew out to epic proportions affecting the whole world. From one day to the next, everyone was in lockdown due to a deadly pandemic.

This changed us forever.

What do you think happened with the people in lockdown? Many started languishing, others had crippling anxiety. Everyone’s mental health was affected. Being locked away also meant they had to face whatever was going on in their homes with themselves and with their families (if they were living with someone else).

I realized this magnified the good, the bad and the ugly. All the things you were doing right and from your heart started to move forward extremely fast. But it also happened the opposite, if you were doing things wrong and from the ego, things started fast to shatter—jobs, relationships and companies.

It was really a tough time to all the population on earth, it did not matter if you had money, a job, living in paradise or nothing at all, we all lived the same challenges in our own reality.

What do you think happened with the people in lockdown? Many started languishing, others had crippling anxiety. Everyone’s mental health was affected.

And yet, since the beginning of the outbreak I have always thought that COVID was a blessing. I don’t mean to minimize the horrific death toll or condone the handling of the crisis by any particular government. I do believe, however, that the pandemic did offer us an opportunity to do something rare: stop and ask ourselves, “is this the way I want to live?” 

For me, it felt like the quantum leap we needed to elevate our level of consciousness as humanity. That did not mean the process was going to be smooth and easy… especially if it was being accelerated… on the contrary… It felt like a walk in the park, but Jurassic Park!!!

One of the most beautiful gifts I received during this time was the confirmation that one of my “superpowers” as I called them, is my compassion. And to put it in marketing words, I am a Compassion Magician.

How did I discover this?
If you still do not know what your magic is TAKE THE QUIZ. 

When I was in my process of getting certified as a Sourced Retreat Leader, I discovered that compassion was something inherent in me and that not all the people had it. I thought we all did, but it is not like that at all. Discovering this first was a big shock for me. It was like entering an international conference room and started speaking in Spanish and after several minutes finding out that from 40 people in the room, maybe just 5 more speak my language. They know I am speaking in Spanish, they might understand a few words, but they do not relate to the language.

That is exactly what happened to me. Not everyone magic is Compassion, nor can they truly relate to it.

One of the most beautiful gifts I received during this time was the confirmation that one of my “superpowers” as I called them, is my compassion.

Then there was a second thing I discovered, to be fully sourced and be compassionate from my heart and not out of pity or my ego, I needed to be 100% self-compassionate. Why, you ask?

To fully embrace my magic, it needed to come from my heart, be fully compassionate with myself, and then projecting this compassion towards everyone else—not the other way around.

Do you see the pattern here? DENIAL of what is…

And finally, it hit me. I needed to surrender to what is and embrace my magic to start being self-compassionate and learn from it, so I could start teaching this to my clients.

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But easy? Not in a million years. This is especially true if I am coming from my default and not my sourced energy. Since I absolutely LOVE challenges and working on improving myself, I took this as my healing process during the pandemic.

And you know what? It has been life-changing! I am not going to go into detail of all the things I tried and did no work, I want it to be easier for you than it was for me. So, I am going to tell you the 3 steps you need to do to accelerate the process.

To fully embrace my magic, it needed to come from my heart, be fully compassionate with myself, and then projecting this compassion towards everyone else—not the other way around.

STEP 1 – Own Your Magic

For you to truly live it, first you need to accept it and feel it as an important part of you. Without denying it or trying to “fix” it. There is nothing to fix, this is a superpower you have here woman, embrace it, make it your own, and truly live it from your heart.

You might be asking; how do I do this? You need to understand what it means. Your superpower has a responsibility attached to it and you need to understand how you will show up in the world. As they say… With great power comes great responsibility…

There is nothing to fix, this is a superpower you have here woman, embrace it, make it your own, and truly live it from your heart.

STEP 2 – From Default to Sourced

I believe there are 3 different ways you can do this:

What would be the difference? It depends on the pace and outcomes you want to achieve. If you want to do it by yourself without help and want to take the longer road, then do the first. The book is truly amazing and it will definitely shift your energy, but it is all self-work.

If you already know you want to live your self-compassion from a sourced energy and you want help to shift your energy, I offer you a magic session of 90 minutes so you shift your energy to Sourced and start living from that new energy in your magic.

If you also want not only to work on yourself, but also teach your clients to do this, then get certified with Darla to learn how. Become a Certified Sourced Leader, here you will do your own process with Darla´s guidance, share experiences with the other members, and learn how to do this with your clients.

So, it all depends where you are at the moment and what your priority is right now. The 3 options are great!

Shift the Field is truly amazing and it will definitely shift your energy, but it is all self-work.

STEP 3 – Trial and Error

After shifting your field and being in a Sourced energy with your magic, you need to:

Define what self-compassion means to you.

Define 3 things you will do every day to have self-compassion.

Define 3 ways you can show compassion every day toward others.

Write down 1-3 learnings each day about compassion and self-compassion.

If you keep a diary or a tracker with this you will be living your compassion magic in no time for yourself, family, clients, and community.

I really wish that you live in your compassion magic. Today, with how the world is changing we need more of you living your true magic to help increase the level of consciousness and help humanity to make this quantum leap without so much suffering. We need you! Help us out!

Stephanie Munoz

Transformational Coach

Stephanie believes that many professionals are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety without recognizing it, leading them to “burnout” or chronic diseases.

With more than 15 years of global corporate experience and on the path of personal development, she helps her clients discover, unleash and exceed their potential.

In this way they begin to manage their stress and anxiety to find clarity, greater balance and wholeness. She helps them enjoy life more and live at their best, as we all deserve to live fully and with purpose.

Connect with Stephanie here. 


In this 90-minute magic session you will:

– Define where is your energy right now
– Determine a whole new energy where you can move and unblock your limits
– Align to your sourced energy

Ready to speak your Truth more boldly, in alignment with who you came here to be? 

Join us in Sourced Magic Business — a 10-week container of support for you — to discern just how to design your business.  CLICK HERE TO join the waitlist.

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