Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
Your Business Model and Your Magic are Not Separate

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Your Business Model & Your Magic are Not Separate
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


January 5, 2022

As a service-based entrepreneur who does your work in a transformational way, your clients come to you, and when they leave, they probably look different, their energy is different,  and the quality of their results is totally transformed. 


You want to have the most effective business possible to work in the lightest way possible while your clients get the deepest results. Does that sound about right?


Your business model is the series of decisions you make about how you offer your services, how you show up when you show up, and where you show up. This model also includes any marketing strategy you choose to bring people into your offer and how you convert or move those who resonate with you into the next step. Then finally, the way you offer and deliver that transformational work.


Some questions to answer are how long a container will this be, how many sessions, what type of sessions, what gets done, what doesn’t get done? All of those choices you make will create a business model in which you get to work and bring the magic.

As a service-based entrepreneur who does your work in a transformational way, your clients come to you, and when they leave, they probably look different, their energy is different,  and the quality of their results is totally transformed. 

The Magic Side

What do I mean by magic? Do you know what your magic is? 

There are six types of Sourced magics, and I have a quiz that can help you determine what kind you have. Your Sourced magic is how your inner knowing works to deliver transformation within your clients. 


Sourced is the spirit, or God, or the universe, or however you think about a higher power working through you in a particular way. This unique gift (different for everyone) helps create an outcome with your clients that only you can deliver, and it’s coming through intuitively.


There are things about your clients that you know, you sense or pick up on, you hear when they say a word that sounds off from who you know them to be, or you get an intuitive message that you know is for them, even if you don’t know what it means. Maybe you feel what they’re feeling in their body that they don’t even know to articulate, as a few examples. 


The Magic Quiz will show you which magic or a combination of magics feels true for you. I invite you to take the quiz here


There may also be one or multiple modalities you have been trained in. When all that comes together through you, the way you show up to work is different than anybody else. Many people can teach you to hone your intuition. 

The Business Side

Many people can teach you about business and your business model. How you can package X number of sessions for Y amount of dollars and make this much money, or how to use this particular marketing strategy as the foundation of your business model, for example.

Your Sourced magic is how your inner knowing works to deliver transformation within your clients. 

Need for Integration

Yet, these two components are generally kept separate. I suggest that these aren’t separate because the way your magic works needs integration into the choices you make for your business model. 


The way your magic works will draw in the people who want to work with you because of the unique way your gifts come together. Then within your business model, you want your magic to support how you show up fully in your work with clients. 


These should not be created separately or in a vacuum. At Sourced, our commitment is that we bring those together. By integrating your magic and business model, you get to use your gifts on full blast within your business model in its full potency because you’re not trying to be like anybody else.


We help service-based entrepreneurs market, sell, and deliver transformation because they’re not separate. When we try to develop them separately, we fuel our business rather than our business fueling us. 

The way your magic works will draw in the people who want to work with you because of the unique way your gifts come together. Then within your business model, you want your magic to support how you show up fully in your work with clients. 

Example One – The Expression Magician

Let me give you an example. Say you are taking a free webinar on how to give a speech. Speaking is part of what you do because you love being in front of the room, and the words come easily. It’s your gift. It’s your magic. 


On the webinar, they’re teaching you that you have to plan out every word of your talk to be a good speaker. They teach you to give a perfectly honed speech to the tee. They get so detailed – right down to when I say this phrase, I walk to the left, after that  I say this, I take a drink of water, then I put it back down. 


Let’s say this person is super successful, doing it that way. Now all of a sudden, you say yes, I want to learn from you, I’m going to take your training, I’m going to take your course, I’m going to join your mastermind!


You find yourself going down this path of being a perfect speaker who does the same talk every time. There’s nothing wrong with that works for you. But now, let’s say you’re what I call an Expression Magician. The Expression Magician gets in front of the group and feels or intuits the energy source that works through them; this is not logical, and they know the exact message that that room needs to hear comes through.


Imagine being an Expression Magician who is not designed to do it the same every time. Now you’re trying to fit yourself into this business model over and over and over again. It doesn’t work, and neither your magic nor business model should be developed in a vacuum.

neither your magic nor business model should be developed in a vacuum.

Example Two – The Compassion Magician

Let’s say you find yourself again, scrolling the internet, and someone has great marketing about having a membership site. They have 1000s of clients, and their membership program is $47 per month, and you too can do the same. Let me teach you. Take this class. 


Let’s say you’re a Compassion Magician. A Compassion Magician is someone who heals with their heart, presence, non-judgment, and firm boundaries to create a safe space for someone to go through a transformational process. They make a space for them to break down like the caterpillar and become a butterfly. This is an intimate process that is best done in intimate groups or individually. 


If you end up down a track of a giant membership site as the vision, but your magic is being excellent with small groups of people, then you’re doing yourself a disservice by doing a membership model.

If you end up down a track of a giant membership site as the vision, but your magic is being excellent with small groups of people, then you’re doing yourself a disservice by doing a membership model.

Are you feeling me? Understanding who you are, how you work best, who you serve, and how you show up in your magic and then design your business model to match that.


Conversations like this are a big piece of what happens at our event, Shift the Field Live. We structure a conversation to help people understand how transformation works and how their magic plays out within that process, especially for coaches and healers, creatives, or consultants. 


Then we layer how to design your business so that you’re in your magic, and transformation happens for your clients every time. Depending on the type of magic, you might be designing for hundreds and hundreds of people to take your program, or six. We need to know that. That’s some of the work we’ll be doing at Shift the Field Live. 

Understand who you are, how you work best, who you serve, and how you show up in your magic and then design your business model to match that.

Have you ever been down this route of creating these things separately, only to discover that what you created was based on someone else’s business model, and you didn’t show up at your best because that model doesn’t work for what you do? 


I will love to hear your stories about this or vice versa if you’ve created them together. What’s working about that? Let me know. 

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