Darla LeDoux Activating Magic Podcast
Do You Need a Degree to Do Your Sacred Work?

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Do You Need a Degree to Do Your Sacred Work?

By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

October 4, 2023

Do you need a degree to do your sacred work in the world? 

Societal standards and the rules we all learn to play by often require permission to do whatever work we do, such as degrees, credentials, licenses, etc. As a chemical engineer, I know this reality firsthand and was a part of the conversation for a long time. 

But then my magic came online, and the standards and rules no longer matched what was coming through me. So what do you do? Find out in my video here! 

While I have many degrees and certifications, I started to get the nudge that I wanted to get physical in my work. 

I remember my experience on an international retreat when something started to happen with my hands. Instinctually, I started researching and figuring out what to do when a clear message came through. “You already know what to do; you came in with it.”. If you know me, you know I believe in past lives, past soul’s journeys, and the idea that you come into your physical being with wisdom and knowing. You just know things. However, it’s one thing to believe in your innate wisdom and another to trust it fully.

What would it be like to trust that you know that you know that you know?

While it is certainly valid to want external validation or permission to do your work, can you own the wisdom and knowing you came in with? 

Our Certified Sourced Leaders Program is designed to give you permission and space to use the wisdom and knowing you came in with in partnership with the framework we teach to learn to deliver transformation to your clients confidently in a group setting. 

Spread the magic!


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