Hidden Money Scarcity Conversation

Hidden Money Scarcity Conversation

The Hidden Money Scarcity Conversation – When it Comes to Outsourcing 
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Let’s explore the hidden money scarcity thinking you may encounter when hiring implementation help in your business. If you are an entrepreneur and you are marketing your business, you are marketing in some way online. 


If you are watching my videos or reading my blog, I am guessing that online marketing may not be your best gift, or at least the implementation side. You are the big picture person, and the detailed implementation piece is probably not for you. 


The Hidden Money Scarcity

When it comes to your awareness that you need to hire help, plenty of people will tell you that you need to do the math to determine what it is worth to you to outsource some of these tasks. In other words, if you are getting paid $500 per hour as a coach or transformational healer, the person you are outsourcing tasks to is significantly less than that, it makes sense. 


But many people do not trust that they will be able to earn at that $500 per hour rate consistently, so they wait to outsource. That is one example of how scarcity shows up. 

many people do not trust that they will be able to earn at that $500 per hour rate consistently, so they wait to outsource. That is one example of how scarcity shows up. 


There is another way people approach this hidden money scarcity that causes them to get hung up. People will receive some transformational work and shift their energy field as we do at Sourced, and they will become clear about their business. They will be on fire and excited. They will develop their packages and offerings, and they will know what they need to do as their next steps. 


They may market online or join a speaking circuit, whatever they choose to find leads with their marketing to bring people into their space to engage and activate into paying clients. 


What I see happen is that the CEO/the business’s product (YOU) decide to forego a coach or personal support for yourself and invest in implementation support instead. This is great in theory, but you often get zapped by the hidden money scarcity mindset. 


Instead, you cut off the coaching and personal support, which has made you feel alive, and aligned, helped them get clear on your strategy, and not get hooked by other energies and stay focused. 


You decide to hire someone to help implement everything you have learned. You bring a whole new person into your world in a very intimate way. Now you have to evaluate the new person’s level of knowledge and awareness of marketing, your technology, your audience, and your strategy so they can recreate and replicate the strategy that you came up with through your transformational coaching. 

YOU decide to forego a coach or personal support for yourself and invest in implementation support instead. This is great in theory, but you often get zapped by the hidden money scarcity mindset. 

The issue is that the new strategy is not yet integrated fully into your being. You might still have self-doubt about whether or not what you are offering is valuable or if you can deliver it. You might not yet be completely clear if the message and energy compel your client to go from step one to step two. 


You are now relying on a new person to set up a system that will convert a person from your gift to a paid session. Perhaps you’re writing copy or participating somehow, but you haven’t integrated what will convert someone from point A to point B. You don’t know yet! So how will you be able to delegate it to someone else?


Remember, you have cut yourself off from the container that allows you to integrate and become crystal-clear and delegate to another person long enough for your offering to become real in the world. 


This mindset is scarcity thinking. You think you can only have this or this, not that you can have both. The universe does not work like this. Where the desire is present, the way to fulfill it is also present.


If you desire personal support to help you become a strategist in your business and a magician at delivering your work, and you want implementation support, they are all available. It is possible. The income to support this is one hundred percent in your field because it can’t not be because it’s the universal law. 

You think you can only have this or this, not that you can have both. The universe does not work like this. Where the desire is present, the way to fulfill it is also present.

The moment you hear yourself saying, I can’t have this so I can have that, I want a little red flag to go up, and I want you to ask yourself – at what cost? 


How much did you invest in coaching only to cut off the flow as you are about to get to the finish line?! Why wouldn’t the universe support you in having exactly what you desire and need to have this divine vision come into reality and manifestation? It is impossible for it not to work out when that inner-knowing is Sourced. 


Who relates to this? Who has ever done this? 


I get that it can feel scary to think as you are building and implementing and in a state of trust that you can have all the things you truly desire. I have used this muscle repeatedly, and I have never been let down. The universe has never let me down in terms of rising to meet what I desire and that business needs to grow in alignment. 


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Sexual Transformation and Why It Beats Therapy

Sexual Transformation and Why It Beats Therapy

Sexual Transformation and Why It Beats Therapy
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


I sat down with Tara Galeano, Sexual Empowerment Coach, author of Rediscovering My Body, and Certified Sourced Leader.


She has worked with women for over two decades, helping them bring their sexy back. She knows there is pleasure in the body beyond our wildest dreams and that every woman can access it.


After being trained as a clinician and a Licensed Professional Counselor, she found that people would naturally and organically come to her and start talking about sex, sexual preferences, sexuality, and relationships.


Since sexuality wasn’t covered in her graduate studies, she returned and became a Certified Sex therapist and now does her work as a Sexual Empowerment Coach.


In my Certified Sourced Leaders program, we talk a lot about the energy we put into a space, and Tara’s soul magnetizes the work she does today.

In my Certified Sourced Leaders program, we talk a lot about the energy we put into a space, and Tara’s soul magnetizes the work she does today.

In our conversation, we talked about:

  • Her passion for working groups and the multidimensional transformation that accompanies that dynamic
  • Her work with women who have had a cancer diagnosis and their conflicting relationship with their bodies
  • Her concept of community
  • Her time living on a bus, traveling around the United States, visiting and living in various intentional communities, and the connection to the land and Mother Earth
  • Sacred Geometry, Sacred Sites, and the beauty of ceremony
  • The energetic difference between being a sex therapist versus being a Sexual Empowerment Coach led by Sourced
  • How she uses her magic and embodiment in her work with clients
  • Templating and its usefulness in the field of sex and sexuality


Ask yourself, what would it feel like to be yourself, be completely present, and know what you want in the bedroom?


It’s a juicy conversation, friends. Check it out.