The Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader

The Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader

The Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

I am delighted to share a snippet of our Shift the Field Live event, where I shared the Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader. These are what we anchor ourselves back to as transformational leaders. Ashlie says they are a way to “true ourselves up”. 

You will also find in this episode of Shift the Field TV a solid example of a transformational model of leadership as well as a teaching on healthy compassion that I’ve never taught before!  

Watch “The Five Paradigms of a Sourced Leader” on my YouTube Channel, Shift the Field TV, and let me know which of the five paradigms resonates with you most. 

Transformational Storytelling

Transformational Storytelling

Transformational Storytelling
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich

Transformational storytelling is critical when marketing your business if you are a coach, consultant, creative, healer, or entrepreneur. In our line of work, it is sometimes challenging to explain what we do. That is why it is so important to be able to tell a story that demonstrates the transformation you are offering. 

When working with clients to develop their stories, I use the Anatomy of a Transformation as a framework that shows a definitive shift of field and creates a space for clients to see themselves in the story and imagine their potential transformation

Find out how to develop a story that has an impact and converts in this week’s episode of Shift the Field TV, “Transformational Storytelling.”