Just Raise Your Prices

Just Raise Your Prices

Just Raise Your Prices
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


A lot of people watching this video likely do need to raise their prices. At some level, you probably know that that’s why you click to watch this. It’s like, yes, yes, I’m undercharging, or I’m overworking, or somehow the equation isn’t adding up for me to be able to make the money that I want while doing the work I love. And so I need to raise my prices. And you know this yet, a lot of times people give this offhanded or blanket advice in a way that so in the wrong place, right? And so triggering then for someone that they shut down to it completely, or they feel paralyzed around it.

Welcome to the space for transformational leaders to unleash their magic, see better client results, work lighter, and live source. Hi, this is Darla, founder of sourced author of shifts the field, just raise your prices.


This is common advice in the business coaching industry. I’ve seen it time and time, again, where someone is maybe getting coaching at a live event. And you know, the coaches learning a little bit of information about the client and they say, “Just raise your prices.” Now, is this good advice? Or is it not? This depends. This depends.


So I was talking with a client recently who I said, you know, you got to raise your prices? I know, I know. I said, I know, it’s not that simple. Because there’s a lot of decisions that go along with this choice to elevate your pricing. But we know we got to get there, right? And she said yes. And she said, thank you so much for saying that. Because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that advice raised, you know, I’ve gotten the advice, just raise your prices, and I cringe, because it’s like the person isn’t understanding the whole picture.


So here’s the thing: a lot of people watching this video likely do need to raise their prices. At some level, you probably know that that’s why you click to watch this. It’s like, yes, yes, I’m undercharging, or I’m overworking, or somehow the equation isn’t adding up for me to be able to make the money that I want while doing the work I love. And so I need to raise my prices. And you know this yet, a lot of times people give this offhanded or blanket advice in a way that so in the wrong place, right? And so triggering then for someone that they shut down to it completely, or they feel paralyzed around it.

So when is it good advice to just raise your prices? And when is it not?

If someone has a business model that’s working for them, they like the clients that they’re attracting, they like the structure of their offerings. And the only thing that needs to shift is the money. It’s great. Yes, just raise your prices, you have clients, you like them. They’re coming in, you know, there’s, there’s a whole conversation that so many service-based entrepreneurs have about this, will they be able to afford it at the next level, like that’s not your concern, many of them will. And those that don’t, you know, that’s really okay. But if the only tweak is if I just raise my prices, everything else is working great, then that’s good, solid advice. And you need to do that.


A lot of times, there’s many other decisions that have gone along with someone’s choice to price in a certain way. And if that’s the case, I like to address the whole big picture. So if you’re working with clients, and you know, they need to raise their prices, but maybe there’s something else going on too like, give yourself the space to transform that before feeling like you have to go right in to raise your prices.


And I find that a lot of people you know, a lot of people in these coaching scenarios, it’s like the coach says, raise your prices and gets everybody excited about raising their prices and having more money and all of that.

But it is kind of a shortcut, to actually getting the person aligned for it.

So they leave and they say, Okay, I’m going to raise my prices, but they never do. And then they never do and then they never do. So on the other side, you want to look at what does that person need to transform first to be the person who can receive that money? And then what does that mean for their business model?


A lot of times someone’s business model is not actually set up in a way that they love it and just raising their prices wouldn’t solve things, right? It’s like okay, giving me more money to work in a way I don’t love isn’t going to fix it.

And in fact, a lot of times they actually need to change who their audience is in order to raise their prices, right?

Because they are, and these things go hand in hand, whatever needs to be transformed, likely will free them internally.


To be able to see that they can serve a higher-level audience that’s willing to invest at a higher level. In other words, a lot of times, it’s like our dysfunction, that causes us to pick our ideal client or our target audience. Because we want to save everybody, we think we need to take everybody with us, we want to help people who we perceive as broken, because we don’t trust ourselves to be able to help people who are already whole and successful. And so a lot of times this stuff needs to shift in order for someone to be in energetic alignment with serving the audience, that’s going to pay them the higher price.


So this advice that says just raise your prices, it can be really amazing. I remember I was in a mastermind, and our very first assignment was make 10,000, more than you made last month, while the month before I had made 1000. So the idea of making 10,000 more seemed impossible. But without that idea, it didn’t, I didn’t do it, I didn’t make 10,000 more, but I made like 5000 more, right, which would have been unheard of from my consciousness at the old level.


So raise your prices is amazing advice.

And we want to look at how can this person be free and in energetic alignment with receiving that money.

So sometimes this advice causes someone to go in this journey with the client that I was talking with, who knew she needed to raise her prices, but she also knew the structure of her business was not quite right, she had a membership, that was a low ticket that needed to be transitioned into a higher ticket, her middle offer was like, kind of funky, and it wasn’t actually fun for her. So she needed to actually get rid of that offer. And that was what was going to make this newer offer more appealing. And so there were a few pieces of her business model that needed to shift for her to show up fully in her magic, and therefore feel good internally about receiving that money. And that work is so amazing.


And it’s so exciting, because there is a divinely aligned Sourced business model that gives you the money that works for you that makes sense for you, and allows you to show up where you love every client, you love all the work you’re doing. And you’re not. You’re not in lack. Right? It is possible it is available.


What has been your experience with this? Have you ever got been given the advice just raise your prices? And it rubbed you the wrong way?

Have you ever been given the advice, just raise your prices and it actually really inspired you to do the inner work to raise your prices? 

Or have you raised your prices and it was easy?


And I’m curious if anyone has actually just raised their prices, and they got more clients or their conversion increased because the price was actually aligned with what you were already giving?


I’d love to hear, please post in the comments and let me know. Also look below this video, I have a program called the Sourced Magic Business model where we really look at your business model and what you’re charging. And make sure it’s all aligned with how Source, how Spirit wants to work through you at this time, so I’ll put a link for that below. Thanks so much, like, and subscribe and we’ll see you soon.

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Make it Your Masterpiece

Make it Your Masterpiece

Make it Your Masterpiece
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


You have to let yourself be seen. When you scatter your resources, and you don’t choose to make it your masterpiece, then people can’t see you as clearly, that doesn’t mean that your business won’t work or you can’t be seen at all. Right? They can’t see you clearly.

Make it your masterpiece. I’m Darla LeDoux, founder of Sourced, author of Shift the Field. And I remember when I got this advice from a brilliant mentor of mine, I was just creating this little program called Retreat and Grow Rich. And I have the name for it. And I do the promise, I had been working in my business for several years at this point, and I was delivering a lot of the value of my programs through live retreats. And in fact, I was doing a lot of individual retreats, and people would come to those retreats, and they would end up doing more work for me. And this became a consistent stream of income in my business model.


And the thing that I noticed is I was I was working with my clients, you know, to get clear what their business was about, and how they wanted to show up in their business and shift their energy field and all of that stuff. And I was doing it a lot in retreats, and clients would start coming up to me and say, you know, “I just want a business like yours. I just want to do what you do.” And so I developed a course about that, called Retreat and Grow Rich. And I got the URL and I decided to write the book. And I was feeling really excited about this. And if you don’t know, I have a book called Retreat and Grow Rich, I have a course and program. And that’s been my work for the last six years. But it wasn’t really likely to happen that way if it weren’t for this mentor who told me…

Darla, you’ve got to make this your masterpiece.”

Now the reason this was so important is up until then, as I said, I was you know, doing great work, I was earning a great living, a lot of things were working, but I was constantly reinventing the wheel. And so I had a course that I would run once or twice, and then I had another course that I would run once or twice, and then I would do this retreat or that retreat. And there was nothing wrong with that I was following my inspiration. And again, a lot of it worked.


But those words, they just like seared into my soul: Make this your masterpiece. And I could suddenly see how even though I was a really I was delivering excellent content. And you know, the structures of my programs, and the way I was delivering them was really, really good.

And in my heart of hearts, I was undervaluing it.

And at some level, I knew this because I saw other people kind of offering a fraction of what I was offering and you know, having hundreds and hundreds of people go through their programs, and I wasn’t. And so “make this your masterpiece’ really sunk in and I ran Retreat and Grow Rich, it’s still a program that you can purchase on our website. We have a community of retreat leaders and all of that for six or seven years. And really consistently, you know, I filled all my retreats from Facebook ad funnels.


And it just all happens so beautifully because I made a decision to invest not money, right, although that was a piece of it, but to invest my whole self into the work.


Now, why am I sharing this? Why am I sharing this? It’s interesting because where I am today, I just in April launched my second book, which is called Shift the Field in May, we did an event called Shift the Field Live. And honestly, I feel like that’s my masterpiece at this point. But I learned how to make what I offer a masterpiece.


Back at that time when my mentor said that I got committed to learning how to do that. And so this whole experience of launching this new work has been amazing because I’ve held it differently. And I’m sharing this because I see this. So so so so often with the clients that come to us, they are reinventing the wheel; they’re having a different idea about what they should do regularly, or they have something that they’re doing, but they aren’t fully trusting that it’s enough. It’s enough, right? And that’s what was happening for me, I was doing something but I could always see all the ways to improve it or what I could do next or what else people need or whatever. Instead of saying “This is my masterpiece. This is my masterpiece.” And it is, you know, right? And it’s enough. And it’s enough and right now it’s enough.

So, what’s happening for you?

Where in your world? Are you not making it your masterpiece? Where are you saying, “Well, let me try this … but probably it’s not going to last or it won’t be that successful?”


There’s, this has been coming up so much in my world, both I have a client who’s transitioning from a therapy model into a coaching model. And she was kind of doing that, right, like being hesitant about, is this enough? Is this good? Is this a good program? Can I put my whole self into it? Do I need to hold back and do four different things because what if this doesn’t work?


I have another client who has been in business for a long time, kind of where I was, where she’s had a great business, been doing multiple, six figures and working with clients, and always has a stream of clients and all of that. And yet, the solidity of knowing this is my thing that is my masterpiece, has kind of been missing. So each cycle feels new feels like, I don’t know what I’m doing where the clients, right, as opposed to putting a stake in the ground and saying, This is what I do.

This is what I do.

 areAnd actually, in my retreat work and Retreat and Grow Rich, one of the core things that I would talk about over and over and over again, is you have to let yourself be seen. You have to let yourself be seen. When you scatter your resources, and you don’t choose to make it your masterpiece, then people can’t see you as clearly, that doesn’t mean that your business won’t work or you can’t be seen at all. Right? They can’t see you clearly.


And so where is there a place, where is there a part of yourself that you are afraid to see, or been unwilling to be with? That’s actually creating all of this extra work as opposed to letting you just make it your masterpiece. I’d love to hear. If you are seeking support around making your current work or the work that’s calling to you, your masterpiece. I have a resource for you below. This is Darla LeDoux, founder of Sourced, author of Shift the Field. And we’ll see you very soon.

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Supporting Your Family’s Human Design

Supporting Your Family’s Human Design

Supporting Your Family’s Human Design
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


So why bother to understand Human Design, when many of these things were behaviors we had already noticed about these kids?

Last week I had a lovely week off with my sister and her three sons. They came to Austin, and we headed to the beach (Padre Island) for a few nights as well. My nephews are all boys, ages seven, nine and twelve. (The 12-year-old was celebrating his birthday while here).

Trouble With Ordering

One day we were out to dinner, and it was time for the middle one to place his order. He froze up. He couldn’t decide what he wanted to eat.

The waiter stood, somewhat patiently, as we all stared at him, willing him to decide. He didn’t. The waiter stepped away to deliver an order and while he was gone my nephew made his choice.

Two days later we were again out to eat. Again, when it came time for the middle child to place his order, he was wordless. We could feel his frustration as he stared at the five options on the kids menu. We offered him the adult menu, talked up the different menu options (“Ooh, the shrimp sounds good, that’s what your brother got.”), and tried to help him to choose.

(Both times he ordered the kids menu cheeseburger with pickles and mustard BTW).

After witnessing this experience twice, I decided to look up his Human Design. Human Design to the Rescue!

Are you aware of Human Design? Human Design is a system that helps us to understand how we are designed to operate at our best, and it draws from astrology and the iChing to laser in on the energies you have the most consistent access to in this life. There are 9 centers and a whole host of “channels” that make up our chart.

I have all of my high level clients pull their Human Design chart and share it with me as a part of our work together so I can be the best coach to them by knowing how they are designed to operate. (I refer people to Chetan Parkyn’s site as he is the first person who I purchased a reading from which rocked my world: https://humandesignforusall.com/)

I knew there would be something in his chart to help the adults in his life to understand his ordering process.

So as we waited for our dinner, I started with the 9-year old’s chart.

The 2-Step Decision Process

Sure thing, he is a Manifesting Generator in Human Design with an emotional authority. Manifesting Generator’s have a sort of two-step decision process. They have an initial decision, and then they need to try out their choice to know for sure. This can look like saying, “Yes I will do that with you,” and then taking a step toward the door and realizing they really don’t want to.


(I have a MG friend who I always thought was sort of flakey until I understood this). 


Add to this his “authority.” Authority is the way human design speaks about decision-making style. His authority is emotional, meaning he needs to feel into his decisions. For the most part this takes time. Making a quick decision from a menu will be challenging. This may always be the case, but there are a few things a parent could do to support a child like this. 

Devise a Strategy to Support the Design

When first arriving at the restaurant, provide special attention to that child and direct him to the menu immediately. While everybody else may be able to chitchat for a while and decide quickly, he needs all the time. Asking him to imagine first eating the cheeseburger, then eating the chicken, etc. and asking how it feels today can help to accelerate the process. And of course, patience. 


Support them to learn how they work best! 


After reviewing his chart, the other kids of course wanted to know about theirs. In pulling each child’s chart, I was able to quickly see specific things about them that made perfect sense.

Are You Designed to “Do the Work?”

During the trip I had observed that the oldest was continually delegating his work to his younger brothers. Now on the one hand this may be a perk of being the oldest. On the other hand, I am also an oldest child and I know that role actually led me to taking on extra responsibility. And as a generator, I found myself having to check my judgment toward him, as I was seeing this behavior as lazy. “Could you carry this into the condo?” I’d ask. He’d take the item from me and hand it to one of his brothers to complete the task. 


In pulling his chart I learned that he is actually a Manifestor! Manifestors have a lot of “open centers” in Human Design, specifically an open sacral, which means they do not have the same level of consistent access to life force energy as I do as a Generator. On top of that Manifestors are actually meant to be the visionaries, the idea people, and to delegate the actual work to others. Here he was behaving in perfect alignment with his design intuitively! And as his aunt, now that I know this, I can support him in using this gift rather than judge it.

Centers and Channels Are Energies

The youngest of the three is a Generator, just like his mom and me. With him I noticed several things about his closed centers and channels that were so spot on with his quirky personality! He has a lot of emotion about things and can be extreme in his expression of his frustration. The emotion rolls through him and he moves on however. I won’t go into the details on this, but it ‘popped’ in his chart for sure! Each of the “colored in” parts of the chart represents an energy that is consistent within the person, which we can somewhat think of as their personality. (Imagine if all personality is actually just energy that we are either accepting or judging!? Yes!)

Do You Think It Through or Receive Inspired Ideas?

The other thing I looked at in our mini readings were the mind and crown areas of each of them.


I looked for this specifically because in the first chart I pulled, the indecisive one, I noticed that his mind and crown centers were both filled in, or closed, and the central channel between them was also filled in. This is exactly how the top of MY chart looks. What is interesting about that is that earlier in the week my sister had mentioned that she thought he would probably become an engineer because he is always trying to figure out how things work. When I saw that in his chart it made total sense. I am also trained as an engineer!


(In my initial HD reading Chetan said “You have a brilliant mind Darla, but it is not your friend! It is great at solving other people’s problems, but don’t use it to solve yours!” Embracing this has been such a big part of my journey!) 


The oldest who is the manifestor, also had his mind and crown filled in, with a channel in between. But his channel is the channel of “abstract thinking.” This also immediately made sense as he was the one who would question the ideas behind the various things we would talk about, constantly asking for clarification or more information, or correcting anything we said that might not be totally accurate! 


The youngest child, age 7, who asked for hair color for his birthday, has an open mind and crown. He is more a man of in-the-moment inspiration!

Why Human Design Helps

So why bother to understand Human Design, when many of these things were behaviors we had already noticed about these kids?


Because, it’s naturally so much easier to accept and receive the behaviors of people who are designed similar to us! However it can be very easy to judge the differences we have. Most people have an easier time deciding what to eat than the nine-year-old would. An inpatient parent could really judge this and shut down his design by choosing for him or shaming him. Similarly, when asking the kids to help out and observing the oldest avoiding the work, that can be easy to judge as well. Instead we could put him in charge of delegating the work, or even coming up with the plan to begin with, to make better use of his design!

Human Design Resources

If you are leaning in, I’d recommend getting your chart and getting a reading from one of these amazing humans! If you want to explore how to highlight your business model in alignment with how you are designed and your inner Sourced Magic, we do that in my Sourced Magic Business Program (enrolling for July). 


Human Design Experts I know personally:

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