The Big Ask

The Big Ask

The Big Ask

By Tara Galeano, Sexual Empowerment Coach at Rediscovering My Body


How do you ask for what you want? 
In your business? With your lover?
Are you whining? Complaining? Coercing?

Recently, I learned that I was deficient in my asking skills. Even though I wanted to have more intimacy in my life and a more profitable business, I was sabotaging myself and my relationships. The truth was that I’d never learned how to ask. In my professional life, people viewed me as polite and cordial. However, I’d wreak havoc in my personal life by pretending I didn’t have any needs (or I can do it myself) or giving ultimatums when I did have a desire- not a very successful strategy for relational harmony. Can you relate?

When I began to explore what I’d been avoiding and denying in my own body, I recognized a hunger for something more: more adventure, more exploration, more love. I had limited myself by NOT making requests, particularly with my lover. Again, I ignored, endured, denied, or demanded. Does this sound familiar?


I recognized a hunger for something more: more adventure, more exploration, more love.

My body told me that I wanted a profound, intimate, orgasmic connection consistently, effortlessly and that I absolutely could have all that juiciness whenever I liked. There was nothing to be afraid of, just more bliss. When I tapped into this tremendous power, my life changed, my love life changed, my business changed because I changed. I have the most sensual, timeless sex of my life and I’m fifty. My business is full. I’m happy and content. And I know I can have more whenever I’m ready. Want to know my secret to success?

I have the most sensual, timeless sex of my life and I’m fifty. My business is full. I’m happy and content.

First, I trusted the wisdom of my body to know how to assess the situation. Our bodies are incredible instruments that allow us to be sensitive to what is true at all times, if we let it. I didn’t always trust my body. Childhood molestation created a disconnect in my life. I was afraid to be in my body, to have unwanted sexual attention, and to get hurt. Now I know that when I trust my body, I know who to ask, when to ask, and how to ask. I needed to learn to trust myself as an adult.

Second, I became more compassionate with myself and developed skillful means with others. This is a new skill for many of us, particularly as women. As we learn, we make mistakes; things could get messy. My advice is to be gentle with yourself.

Our bodies are incredible instruments that allow us to be sensitive to what is true at all times, if we let it.

Here are the keys to making a request: how, when, whom to ask, and repeat.

How: Ask kindly, clearly, and precisely. Set up positive expectations. 

When: Timing is critical. This is a measure that you must do consistently. 

Who to ask: Assess the others’ capacity to hold you in all of who you are. Are they in their integrity? Do they have the skills to respond the way you want them to respond?

Repeat: This is the most important part. If you do not do this again, you are assuming. That will create the same problem. Assumptions are boring. There is no excitement there. Asking is super sexy.

If you’d like to learn more about claiming your desire, check out my video The Big Ask here

Tara Geleano
Sexual Empowerment Coach at Rediscovering My Body

Tara knows that there is pleasure in the body beyond our wildest dreams, and every woman can access it. After leaving her twenty-five-year marriage, she recognized that she had given so much of herself away. Through rediscovering her body, Tara finally understood her desire and how to proceed from this erotic wisdom. Most importantly, she began to teach these lessons to women who are clamoring for the same truths so that they too could transform their lives and reclaim their sensuality.



There is inherent wisdom in our bodies. It will always guide us when we listen, know, and love them. Rediscovering My Body teaches you how to claim your desires, speak them more confidently, and increase your ability to receive pleasure. Who doesn’t want more of that?

Ready to speak your Truth more boldly, in alignment with who you came here to be? 

Join us in Sourced Magic Business — a 10-week container of support for you — to discern just how to design your business.  CLICK HERE TO join the waitlist.

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Who Has Time To Play?

Who Has Time To Play?

Who Has Time to Play?

By Olivia Florian


It’s so easy to be swept in the momentum of the thinking mind and our to-do lists. But studies have shown how our work time suffers when we neglect downtime, creativity and play.

Have you ever wondered why it feels so difficult sometimes to find joy and playfulness in your life?

I certainly have.

We live in a culture that overvalues our left brain, the rational mind and relegates the emotions to something to leave outside the workplace, something to be controlled and suppressed.

This is also the culture of hard work, pushing through, and survival mode.

As I’m writing I can feel the hard work, pushing through energy activated in me. I’m feeling that this is such a serious topic that I should think a bit more about how to formulate myself, my ideas. That excess of seriousness turns to constriction and my creativity wanes. 

And as I am in the experiment of letting my creative writing find it’s expression and flow, I also remind myself that this post is about play and wouldn’t be as potent if I didn’t invite myself to be in just that energy of play.

You may be objecting “who has the time to play, really?” I certainly know that voice in myself. And the same voice continues saying “that’s not what will make a business go round”. Though I want to challenge this and invite us to look at it more closely.

The energy of play feels light, alive, receptive without taking everything on. It’s an open door to creativity, no expectations, just exploring.

We don’t need to be in a tug of war between right and left brain. They have both their place. And it is ok to let go of control and let the fingers do their thing on the keyboard. Yes I must admit that this doesn’t feel structured anymore. But how can I invite more play in my writing if I try to figure out a plan while thoroughly weigh each word.

So what if play IS what will allow you to be SUSTAINABLE in your business? What if this is an essential energy to invite in our life?

But isn’t play useless and isn’t it selfish to take time for just yourself when there is so much to do and other’s needing you? 

I want to you ask: “What is play?”

I will not here look at the definition in the dictionary though I feel really tempted to and drawn to do that. I might do that a bit later.

But first I want to turn inward and tune into how play feels in my body, in my being.

When I tune into the energy of play, I feel a smile, an amusement. I decide the rules, follow my joy, I feel curious about how it will turn out, I am open to try things differently and I’m less attached to the outcome than to the good feeling along the way. 

Play says “what if I do so?” “Can I use this? I have never tried that before”…

So what if play IS what will allow you to be SUSTAINABLE in your business? What if this is an essential energy to invite in our life?

And to find more joy and fulfillment in life, refocusing more on enjoying the process itself rather than achieving a specific outcome is a key ingredient.

When I focus too much on the outcome even playing board games loses its qualities of lightness and joy and when winning is all that matters there is a stress, a pressure that comes in to win, to prove that I am smarter, stronger. Not so fun anymore.

I’ve been there a lot. And it really struck me when I observed how bad my son was feeling as he didn’t win a game when he was younger (5 to 10y old). I could feel how he took it very personally, making it mean something about his value and abilities rather than something to be taken lightly for the sake of enjoying our time together. 

I came to realize that actually the only reason I played games with my kids or my family was as a way to have a good time together. So nowadays when I’m playing with my son now 15y old and when the game consistently doesn’t really work out and one of us cannot place its pieces, we look at each other with a mischievous glint in the eyes and I say “of course we can push these pieces this way to put this one in here”.

In mutual consent we twist the rules to make the game more fun and we no longer care about who finished first to put its own pieces into place but make a sport to try to achieve together to place all the pieces available. So much more fun and a feeling of complicity, playing on our own terms.

Let’s come back now to the definition of play as stated in the dictionary:

Play: verb

engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.

“Rather than a serious or practical purpose”. That’s exactly where it usually becomes tricky for me to prioritize and allow myself to play more – and it’s still a work in progress! Can you relate?

Because in my upbringing, the culture I’ve grown into and still am in some ways today is SERIOUS and values PRACTICAL PURPOSE.

And one of my shadow expressions, according to Genekeys, is SERIOUSNESS and for me being seen as frivolous has felt threatening. Much less so today and still, I can feel that first reaction where I try to justify why I do what I do, showing how useful and serious it is so that no one can accuse me of being frivolous, not serious.

Being seen as less than serious, as frivolous or lazy has felt threatening because of the fear of not being accepted and loved by others who are living according to the hard work paradigm. This made it very tricky for me to feel good despite the lifestyle I had started to create for me as I had left my corporate job and built up my skills and my business, adapting the schedule of the days to my needs rather to conform to external standards about when to work, eat, replenish. 

Being seen as less than serious, as frivolous or lazy has felt threatening because of the fear of not being accepted and loved by others who are living according to the hard work paradigm.

It also played out on my journey of expansion of my artist side – from constriction to a discovery of a multifaceted expression – more about that in a coming post.

So all these rules for fitting in have been like boxes that no longer serve me and it has been a long journey of deconstruction and finding a new dance between structure and flow. A dance to be reinvented day after day

Can you see how accessing more of the energy of play – enjoying the process, daring to try out new ways, inviting more lightness will make a difference in your business or work? 

Let’s explore more of that together! Book your Vision Review Call here!

Olivia Florian
Creative Evolutionary Catalyst

Hi, I’m Olivia Florian: artist, coach, recovering engineer. I guide people to embrace and unleash their authentic creative expression, recognizing the perfection of who they are for their calling, with their inner Creative child as their ally. I’m inviting you on a journey developing your authentic voice, your unique self-expression, more embodied so you can thrive professionally and in your life, unapologetically yourself. I am French, based in Sweden, and work with clients worldwide.



Are you ready to step into a more authentic and powerful expression of yourself and become the person who can fully live your dreams? To let go of overthinking and doubting yourself and step into more joy, playfulness, and freedom to show up boldly in life? Book a call to explore if our S-OU-L program is your next support for expansion.

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My Journey as a Compassion Magician

My Journey as a Compassion Magician

My Journey as a Compassion Magician

By Anna Stephanie Munoz


It was March 2020 and something awful hit the planet earth. It started quietly in a small city in China, and it grew out to epic proportions affecting the whole world. From one day to the next, everyone was in lockdown due to a deadly pandemic.

This changed us forever.

What do you think happened with the people in lockdown? Many started languishing, others had crippling anxiety. Everyone’s mental health was affected. Being locked away also meant they had to face whatever was going on in their homes with themselves and with their families (if they were living with someone else).

I realized this magnified the good, the bad and the ugly. All the things you were doing right and from your heart started to move forward extremely fast. But it also happened the opposite, if you were doing things wrong and from the ego, things started fast to shatter—jobs, relationships and companies.

It was really a tough time to all the population on earth, it did not matter if you had money, a job, living in paradise or nothing at all, we all lived the same challenges in our own reality.

What do you think happened with the people in lockdown? Many started languishing, others had crippling anxiety. Everyone’s mental health was affected.

And yet, since the beginning of the outbreak I have always thought that COVID was a blessing. I don’t mean to minimize the horrific death toll or condone the handling of the crisis by any particular government. I do believe, however, that the pandemic did offer us an opportunity to do something rare: stop and ask ourselves, “is this the way I want to live?” 

For me, it felt like the quantum leap we needed to elevate our level of consciousness as humanity. That did not mean the process was going to be smooth and easy… especially if it was being accelerated… on the contrary… It felt like a walk in the park, but Jurassic Park!!!

One of the most beautiful gifts I received during this time was the confirmation that one of my “superpowers” as I called them, is my compassion. And to put it in marketing words, I am a Compassion Magician.

How did I discover this?
If you still do not know what your magic is TAKE THE QUIZ. 

When I was in my process of getting certified as a Sourced Retreat Leader, I discovered that compassion was something inherent in me and that not all the people had it. I thought we all did, but it is not like that at all. Discovering this first was a big shock for me. It was like entering an international conference room and started speaking in Spanish and after several minutes finding out that from 40 people in the room, maybe just 5 more speak my language. They know I am speaking in Spanish, they might understand a few words, but they do not relate to the language.

That is exactly what happened to me. Not everyone magic is Compassion, nor can they truly relate to it.

One of the most beautiful gifts I received during this time was the confirmation that one of my “superpowers” as I called them, is my compassion.

Then there was a second thing I discovered, to be fully sourced and be compassionate from my heart and not out of pity or my ego, I needed to be 100% self-compassionate. Why, you ask?

To fully embrace my magic, it needed to come from my heart, be fully compassionate with myself, and then projecting this compassion towards everyone else—not the other way around.

Do you see the pattern here? DENIAL of what is…

And finally, it hit me. I needed to surrender to what is and embrace my magic to start being self-compassionate and learn from it, so I could start teaching this to my clients.

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But easy? Not in a million years. This is especially true if I am coming from my default and not my sourced energy. Since I absolutely LOVE challenges and working on improving myself, I took this as my healing process during the pandemic.

And you know what? It has been life-changing! I am not going to go into detail of all the things I tried and did no work, I want it to be easier for you than it was for me. So, I am going to tell you the 3 steps you need to do to accelerate the process.

To fully embrace my magic, it needed to come from my heart, be fully compassionate with myself, and then projecting this compassion towards everyone else—not the other way around.

STEP 1 – Own Your Magic

For you to truly live it, first you need to accept it and feel it as an important part of you. Without denying it or trying to “fix” it. There is nothing to fix, this is a superpower you have here woman, embrace it, make it your own, and truly live it from your heart.

You might be asking; how do I do this? You need to understand what it means. Your superpower has a responsibility attached to it and you need to understand how you will show up in the world. As they say… With great power comes great responsibility…

There is nothing to fix, this is a superpower you have here woman, embrace it, make it your own, and truly live it from your heart.

STEP 2 – From Default to Sourced

I believe there are 3 different ways you can do this:

What would be the difference? It depends on the pace and outcomes you want to achieve. If you want to do it by yourself without help and want to take the longer road, then do the first. The book is truly amazing and it will definitely shift your energy, but it is all self-work.

If you already know you want to live your self-compassion from a sourced energy and you want help to shift your energy, I offer you a magic session of 90 minutes so you shift your energy to Sourced and start living from that new energy in your magic.

If you also want not only to work on yourself, but also teach your clients to do this, then get certified with Darla to learn how. Become a Certified Sourced Leader, here you will do your own process with Darla´s guidance, share experiences with the other members, and learn how to do this with your clients.

So, it all depends where you are at the moment and what your priority is right now. The 3 options are great!

Shift the Field is truly amazing and it will definitely shift your energy, but it is all self-work.

STEP 3 – Trial and Error

After shifting your field and being in a Sourced energy with your magic, you need to:

Define what self-compassion means to you.

Define 3 things you will do every day to have self-compassion.

Define 3 ways you can show compassion every day toward others.

Write down 1-3 learnings each day about compassion and self-compassion.

If you keep a diary or a tracker with this you will be living your compassion magic in no time for yourself, family, clients, and community.

I really wish that you live in your compassion magic. Today, with how the world is changing we need more of you living your true magic to help increase the level of consciousness and help humanity to make this quantum leap without so much suffering. We need you! Help us out!

Stephanie Munoz

Transformational Coach

Stephanie believes that many professionals are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety without recognizing it, leading them to “burnout” or chronic diseases.

With more than 15 years of global corporate experience and on the path of personal development, she helps her clients discover, unleash and exceed their potential.

In this way they begin to manage their stress and anxiety to find clarity, greater balance and wholeness. She helps them enjoy life more and live at their best, as we all deserve to live fully and with purpose.

Connect with Stephanie here. 


In this 90-minute magic session you will:

– Define where is your energy right now
– Determine a whole new energy where you can move and unblock your limits
– Align to your sourced energy

Ready to speak your Truth more boldly, in alignment with who you came here to be? 

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Are You Letting Other People’s Feelings Keep You Invisible?

Are You Letting Other People’s Feelings Keep You Invisible?

Are You Letting Other People’s Feelings Keep You Invisible?

By Gayle Nowak, Visibility Sage and Founder of The Story Stylist


Last month I put out a survey asking New Earth entrepreneurs to share your desires and discomforts when it comes to stepping into greater visibility.

The greatest discomfort by far, and the thing keeping many invisible in your business, is a fear that sharing your truth might hurt others.

Here’s the thing.

Inevitably, someone will not like what is true for you. So it can feel safer to silence and suppress your message, your “ask”, your work, and your own view of the world. We all do this to some level, and you may be tempted to respond to that fear with force.


it can feel safer to silence and suppress your message, your “ask”, your work, and your own view of the world.

That is ONE approach you can take and sometimes it works. However, in my experience and with my clients, it’s hit or miss because when you constantly ignore and go against your feelings it can lead to greater anxiety and fear, especially if you’ve suffered adverse and traumatic childhood experiences.

One of the most common fears we experience as humans is being seen, and yet most entrepreneurs simultaneously long to be seen because we know in our core that we are here for a purpose. We deeply want to make a difference.

It actually makes sense when you realize that visibility fears often start in childhood, as a result of the times we were made to feel wrong, rejected or different. All of us have experienced this at some level; it’s simply part of being human.

most entrepreneurs long to be seen because we know in our core that we are here for a purpose.

We deeply want to make a difference.

So another approach is to heal these past experiences, releasing fear’s hold on you so that you can feel confident, courageous and excited about being visible.

What I’ve discovered over the last couple of years is that inner child work accelerates that healing, which has a direct impact on your business.

What you learned as a child – either from your family, schooling or media – you took on as truth. And even if it’s no longer or never was true, your inner child continues to carry it around and impact how you think, feel and behave. 

For example, not being seen and heard in childhood shows up as a fear or resistance to fully putting your work out into the world. In other words, being visible.

Worrying about your message, content, programs and prices ties back to worrying about what other people are going to think and feel about what is true for you. In other words, feeling vulnerable.

What you learned as a child – either from your family, schooling or media – you took on as truth.

I invite you to explore how the emotion and energy around being visible shifts for you after reconnecting with your inner child over the next 21 days. There are numerous inner child healing meditations available online to help you.

It may look a little messy at first. You may even cry. That’s actually a good thing because you are releasing emotions and energy you no longer need. Feelings of discomfort, sadness, anger, fear, grief are normal. Feeling nothing is normal. You may even feel joy, happiness and excitement in these sessions. 

It may look a little messy at first. You may even cry. That’s actually a good thing because you are releasing emotions and energy you no longer need.

Keep a special journal for these inner child experiences.
You may want to write down:

  •   What you see, hear, and feel during the session
  •   What your inner child wants and needs at this time
  •   How you would have wanted things to go differently
  •   What, if any, incompletions do you feel you want to take action on now
  •   What you acknowledge, accept, and even appreciate about the actual experience that comes through
  •   How you and your inner child collaborated to re-create a more loving and positive experience

After the 21 days, journal about the impact of turning those negative experiences into positive experiences has had on your heart, your energy, your relationships, and your business.

Your inner child holds incredible wisdom for you and your big mission.

Gayle Nowak

Visibility Sage and Founder of The Story Stylist

Hi, I’m Gayle Nowak, creator of Sage Sensation & The Story Stylist. I help New Earth entrepreneurs with big missions show up & be seen. I create custom retreats, private VIP days, interviews & talks that help you heal your invisibility. I believe the entrepreneurial journey is an inner union journey that opens the door to freedom, abundance & love WHEN you dare to listen to your heart. Let’s get real about the “feels” together so you can show up & shine in your magic.


What would it feel like to speak, lead & live from your whole heart? In our customized Bold Heart Visibility VIP Experience, we will break through your dominant visibility block & create your soul-inspired plan to courageously show up, share your true heart & promote your soul’s work. The world is waiting for you!

Ready to speak your Truth more boldly, in alignment with who you came here to be? 

Join us in Sourced Magic Business — a 10-week container of support for you — to discern just how to design your business.  CLICK HERE TO join the waitlist.

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Go from FOG to CLARITY

Go from FOG to CLARITY

Go from FOG to CLARITY

By Lorrie Thomas Ross


We all experience FOG (Fatigue, Overwhelm, Guilt) at times. It’s part of being human! But we don’t have to stay there. Becoming aware of our emotions is a prerequisite; from there we can decide what to do with them.

 And yes, we get to choose.

 These are the steps I use to guide my clients to help them get past the FOG and move towards CLARITY. It’s important to approach this with a leadership mindset.

The first step is to realize we are ALL leaders – whether we’re working solo, working for someone else, or in the middle of a career change.

Leadership Mindset

The first step is to realize we are ALL leaders – whether we’re working solo, working for someone else, or in the middle of a career change. Being in a leadership mindset changes the way we do things in our homes, with our partners, and in our businesses.


Lead with Love

Seeing yourself as a leader is a simple step that shifts perspective and changes the way you do things. Every leader has their own leadership style. If the term “leader” feels a bit bold (it used to sound like being a ruler to me), think of leadership as “leading with love”…love for others, your work, your family, your community, the world…and most importantly, love for yourself.

Living and working on-brand and on-purpose unapologetically is the bridge to get from FOG to CLARITY.

Living and working on-brand and on-purpose unapologetically is the bridge to get from FOG to CLARITY.


Communicating with Confidence. We communicate visually, verbally, and energetically. Step into your unique beauty by communicating confidently. Align your brand, photography, website copy, social media posts, email marketing, texts, and email replies with your personality, authority and style.

Leading with Love and Laughter. Clients, coworkers, life partners, life itself may be unpleasant at times. Let’s face it, life gets messy. I have my share of default FOG “on the verge” moments…then I remember how important it is to be an unapologetic leader. Be honest with yourself (lead with love!), be kind to yourself and remember to laugh more!

Accepting Abundance. There is no better time than now to start believing in receiving! We cannot rise until we are ready to receive (thank you Darla, for that wisdom!). This means valuing your work! We stop giving out discounts when we truly value our work – why settle for crumbs when you can have the whole loaf? Be open to being open!

Think of leadership as “leading with love”…love for others, your work, your family, your community, the world…and most importantly, love for yourself.

Receiving Rest and Restoration. It is SO important to rest – you have to disconnect to reconnect. This was one of my biggest mistakes when I started my business 16 years ago. Success does not have to include stress or burnout. Take regular breaks to get refreshed, increase focus and be creative. The first time I went on retreat, I fell in love with my business again and came back so refreshed and ready to grow. You have to unplug to recharge. Now I take trips every 90 days. Non-negotiable!

Igniting Inspiration. One of the most valuable things you can do as a leader to stay clear is to stay inspired. Do things and create moments for yourself that keep you mentally stimulated, inspired and creative. I like being in nature, looking at art, walking – creating something in the kitchen without a recipe releases my creativity! Inspiration also comes from offering emotional support or encouragement to others, whether in your online community, writing helpful social media posts, or living by example. Understand what inspires you so you can continue to ignite that. Be inspired and live inspired!

One of the most valuable things you can do as a leader to stay clear is to stay inspired. Do things and create moments for yourself that keep you mentally stimulated, inspired and creative.

Taking Time. It’s important to have open blocks of time and not over-schedule ourselves. There’s no way I would have had time to write this if I didn’t! Stop to evaluate if what you are doing is serving you. If not, it’s okay to let it go. Don’t feel obligated (that’s the O in FOG) to do everything or to keep doing things in a way that doesn’t nourish you. I reschedule a lot of things or let them go altogether. Also, schedule things that are important, things like fitness, alone time, hobbies  – whatever it is that feeds and nourishes you.


Being Unapologetically YOU. Lead your life in a way is is 100% magically, wonderfully you. Know what you want, own what you want and step into your unique beauty. When I began to own my magic, my life and work transformed instantly. Living on-brand and on-purpose makes us less likely to get into the FOG in the first place.

Seeing yourself as a leader is a simple step that shifts perspective and changes the way you do things.

Do What You Do Best, Hire Others to Do the Rest

Leading unapologetically also means delegating to others so that you can spend more time in your magic. You need a team…a dream team to help you grow. When I coach and support my clients, I find the biggest disconnect in business is often in the delegation, so go ahead and find things you can ask for support with and allow yourself to receive the help.

Bring that leadership mindset into everything you do and see what happens!

Lorrie Thomas Ross

Transformational Marketing Guide and Retreat Leader

Hello! I’m Lorrie Thomas Ross. I’m a transformational guide who helps intentional leaders step into their unique beauty unapologetically – personally and professionally. I live to help women disconnect to reconnect with what they want. My magic helps lovely leaders get clarity to work and live on-brand and on-purpose lives. I am based in Georgia and host my group and VIP 1-1 retreats in stunning Serenbe.


Rooted women rise. My Unapologetic Leader Program helps intentional leaders go from FOG to CLARITY, supporting with guidance, retreats and full marketing optimization support so you can root, sow and grow in gorgeous ways! If you are an intentional entrepreneur ready to cultivate a beautiful life and you are ready to step into your unique beauty, I’d love to connect!

Ready to speak your Truth more boldly, in alignment with who you came here to be? 

Join us in Sourced Magic Business — a 10-week container of support for you — to discern just how to design your business.  CLICK HERE TO register.

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Top 3 Tips to Strengthen your Intuition

Top 3 Tips to Strengthen your Intuition

Top 3 Tips to Strengthen your Intuition
By Manda Stack, Intuive Coach & Energy Clearing Specialist

In this age of immense upheaval, fracturing foundations, and social distancing, people are more motivated to look inside themselves to gain a sense of stability. Intuition is rising into the collective consciousness because people realize that there’s more to life than meets the eye (or ear, or any of the five senses).

Intuition is a deceptively simple process, but most people have lost their ability to tune in and trust their inner guidance. Intuition is your True North, your guiding compass. When you have a weak connection with your inner GPS (Global Positioning System), it’s easy to get off track.

No longer is intuition considered a back-room, “woo-woo” topic. It’s a legitimate and powerful tool that many are eager to reclaim to help navigate life, live authentically, and make a difference in the world. Having confidence in your intuition is the ultimate form of self-love. Why? Because you’ve integrated what most people have cut off from themselves.

Having confidence in your intuition is the ultimate form of self-love.

Your inner wisdom serves a purpose. It serves you. It nudges you toward possibilities. It urges you to do something that may not be typical but feels oh so right. It leads you on paths of synchronicity, which are playful breadcrumbs of ideas, affirmations, and a-has.

Your relationship with your intuition is as real as any relationship. Intuition is a two-way street which invites curiosity, interest, and a desire to connect. Don’t be afraid to ask your neglected, intuitive self for guidance. You have access to an unlimited source of wisdom beyond yourself, whether you call it God, a benevolent universe, Source, or your Higher Self.

Intuition can feel different for each person so it’s important to learn what your own unique intuitive cues are. 

Your relationship with your intuition is as real as any relationship.

Here are my top 3 guideposts for strengthening your intuition:


  1. Set an intention. Grease your intuitive wheels by asking for clear signs and paying more attention to the signals you receive. Examples may include repeated information such as a song you hear two or three times within the same week, or a word, phrase, or image that gets your attention. Spend some time reflecting on what these mean to you in the context of your life. Keep an intuition journal to help track your inner guidance.


  1. Get quiet. It may sound cliché, but your inner wisdom can’t be clearly heard if you don’t create some silent, inner space for it to get through to you. You have to calm the “mental noise” in order to get a clear reception. Meditation, prayer, or simply pausing to take some deep, calming breaths throughout the day invites your intuition to come out and play. The more you make space to hear your intuition, the easier it will get to hear your unique truth.


  1. Listen to your body. Pay attention to your physical responses, especially subtle ones. Why? Intuition lives in your body, not your mind. There is growing scientific evidence that the gut is physically involved in the intuitive process. “Trusting your gut” has merit because your belly has channels of neural communication which connect the gut and your brain. The next time you face a decision, notice how you feel in your body about possible choices. Does your body constrict or expand inside? Your body has valuable insights.


your inner wisdom can’t be clearly heard if you don’t create some silent, inner space for it to get through to you.

Now that you’ve created a welcome space for your intuition, you’ll likely bump up against a common hurdle: your mind. You wonder if that little nudge is really intuition, or just your imagination playing tricks on you.

What should you do when you’re confused about whether it’s your intuition or just your imagination? Thank your logical mind for getting you this far in life. It’s done a pretty good job, don’t you think? Now ask it to relax. It doesn’t have to do all the work all the time anymore. Yes, this can be threatening to your mind, which is so vigilant. So keep calm and carry on with your gentle reassurance of your thinking mind. This will be an ongoing dialogue and simply part of the process to allow your intuition to have more say.

People doubt their intuition because they’re not used to using their intuitive “muscles.” It takes a bit of practice and commitment – and it’s so worth it! When you trust that life has powerful and unique answers for you, it activates a resonance inside yourself that makes you more open to receiving and following guidance. That’s the lovely thing about intuition: the more you trust your inner knowing, the more you’re able to perceive opportunities, signs, and possibilities. 

Every single person has the potential to be powerfully intuitive. (I’m looking at you!) Turning inward is a potent exercise in knowing yourself and owning your life. Taking time to listen to your intuition allows wisdom to come to you. If you listen closely, your soul knows exactly what to do, where to go, and how to get there. 


The answers you seek are within you.

Manda Stack


Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Specialist


Hi! I’m the behind-the-scenes oracle for successful businesswomen. My passion is empowering you to hear, trust, and act on your inner wisdom so that you can finally live the life that you were meant to live. My work is about clearing the connection between you and your Divine Source to ignite the freedom,flow, and joy that you deserve. Based in Wisconsin, I work with a small number of women around the world as their support for energy and intuitive guidance.



Imagine you had a behind-the-scenes oracle helping you to clean up the energy in your business and hear the direction that’s right for you! Just like we tidy up our homes or wash ourselves, having clean business energy is critical for ease, momentum, and enjoyment. It’s likely to ignite your results! Ready to raise your energy and soar?

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